Mina Morgan vs. Daisuke Takeuchi - AHW Championship Match

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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Daisuke Takeuchi - AHW Championship Match

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The whole time Daisuke was talking back to Cynara, the veteran didn't even bat an eye for a moment. All she did was look on with a smirk - she knew that Daisuke was falling right into her trap. He was turning his back on a member of the Morgan Dynasty, and that was a grave mistake - as he was about to find out a moment later, when Mina tackled him headlong, sending him toppling back to the mats! Really, Daisuke's admonition for Cynara to stay out of the match was a lost cause from the start. Everything she did, in her capacity as manager to Mina and as the officiator of this match, was playing to her daughter's hand. Her talons were sunk deeply into this match, and she would do everything in her power to make sure it came up in her favor. Now she had served as a distraction - and Mina had seized on that opportunity to strike!

With a grin on her face, Cynara leaned back against the couch, watching everything with pride. Everything had played out beautifully - Mina had seen her chance and taken it, and now she was holding onto her dominance like a true champion! As long as she had Daisuke held down, she was going to try and press her advantage, throwing a volley of punches down against his face and ribs to try and soften him up. Even still, when Daisuke threw his weight over to the side, Mina stood no chance of holding onto that dominant position - he outweighed her, and with the right push in the right direction he was able to reverse their positions with ease, rolling Mina onto her back with him on top. She hissed under her breath as his weight pushed down on her from above. But Mina would only look up at him with a piercing glare, just before she threw her arm around his throat to try and apply a sleeperhold from beneath him! She wasn't giving in that easily!
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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Daisuke Takeuchi - AHW Championship Match

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Once again Daisuke found himself distracted by Cynara as he continued to protest, wanting the point taken away due to the fact that she got in involved. However, his protests fell to deaf ears and Cynara ordered for the second fall to start. Before he could even react, Mina would quickly tackle him to the floor. He grunted in pain and would cover up as she began to throw a volley of strikes towards his face and ribs. "Urghh owww" he moaned, squirming under her and bringing his forearms up to try and block some of the strikes. In the end, he had to buck up and roll to the side to try and flip them over. With the weight and muscle advantage, his plan worked and he would now look to gain the advantage.

Or so he thought, the champion would quickly wrap her arm around his neck and pulled him down onto of her for a reverse sleeper. "Nrghh Ughhh!" he groaned, now struggling on top of her. Not wanting the fall to be over so quickly, with one hand he would grab her hair to pull her head upwards before smacking it back against the mat and with the other he would send strikes into her ribs to try and force her to let go of the submission.

"Arghh ahhh let go" he roared.

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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Daisuke Takeuchi - AHW Championship Match

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Once she had attained a good grip over her opponent, Mina wasn't going to let go for anything. Every move she made - every breath she took, even - had to be turned toward the pursuit of one thing and one thing only, and that was winning the match and dominating the competition! Even if Daisuke managed to flip Mina off of him and throw off the barrage of strikes she was unleashing, Mina was undeterred. She would just launch herself right back into the action with an undying fury, as she threw her arm tightly around his throat! If she'd gotten her hands on Daisuke once, she wasn't going to let him get away again!

But again Daisuke would fight back, throwing his elbow backward and striking her in the ribs again and again. Mina's teeth tightened in a grimace as each blow caused her to shudder and groan. A red welt was starting to form across her side where he had hit - but she wasn't going to let go of the advantage so easily! That would only come when he grabbed her by the hair, slamming her head down against the mat! This time she bent over forward, letting out a yelp as she fell to the mat with a thud. Against a torrent of strikes coming from two directions, Mina's senses were being flooded with pain - and, in the end, she couldn't keep her focus. She let go of Daisuke, releasing his neck and rolling off to the side.

There, she went a safe distance away from him before she picked herself up on her knees. She was still aching in her head and her ribs, and she gasped for air; a shiver ran through her spine. Daisuke was proving himself to be ruthless - perhaps even as ruthless as she was. If he had the same killer instinct as she did, he might well be able to stand a chance. But Mina wouldn't let that get to her - she wasn't about to slow down, considering she wasn't one to hold back either!

As soon as she saw Daisuke begin to rise, Mina would hop back to her feet. Then, she would rush toward him with a shoulder charge! Hopefully, if she threw her full weight against him, she could take him by surprise before he had a moment to prepare himself!
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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Daisuke Takeuchi - AHW Championship Match

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The truth was that Daisuke was a bit taken aback from Mina's aggressive approach. No matter how many times he would shove her off, she would just jump right back on top of him with aggressive tackles, takedowns and submission. His stamina was waning and she could still, he was panting heavily and sweating and was no longer managing to simply bully her off him whenever she decided to go for a submission. Deciding for another approach, Daisuke was able to finally get her off by sending a few strikes into her ribs which did the trick. Now, with Mina finally off him, he had a chance to catch his breath.

"Tch, crazy animal...." he said, slowly getting back up to his knees and then back up to his feet. He would clutch his neck and ribs to nurse the pain from the sleeper and scissor, with his back turned towards Mina. However, as soon as he would turn around, thinking he had time, he would find Mina right back up on her feet and on the move to charge at him.

"Imposs-URRGHHHH!" he cried out as she shoulder tackled him right back onto the floor! Once again, the prince laid out sprawled under the Champ as he had no answer to her aggressive strategy.

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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Daisuke Takeuchi - AHW Championship Match

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Mina wasn't even going to give Daisuke a chance to catch his breath. Every time he tried to break away, she would just throw herself back down on top of him - she had to push her momentum with every chance she got. As dismissive as he might've thought he was being, Daisuke was on to something when he called Mina a crazy animal. She wasn't anyone who could be reasoned with or understood. Whenever she took to the carpets, she turned into a whirlwind of relentless offense that wouldn't let anything or anyone stand in its way. And if Daisuke had managed to get her off of him before...well, Mina was just going to go for him again; she didn't care!

Once again, Mina came crashing into Daisuke at full speed, taking him off his feet and knocking him against the mats. Once again, she had won the top position. But maintaining such a constant level of aggression was taking its toll on Mina. As she settled on top of Daisuke, she stopped and gasped for breath. Her chest was heaving with every breath, and her muscles burned; she winced and shuddered as she felt the soreness left in her tired limbs. Mina had been staying in near-nonstop motion, but that was burning through her energy reserves and tiring her out. Normally, her adrenaline had been enough to carry her forward regardless, but now the exhaustion was starting to catch up with her.

Nevertheless, Mina couldn't let that stop her! She clenched her teeth, hissing under her breath as her body stiffened. She leaned down, going to grab for Daisuke's head to pull it against her ribs and throw her arm around it, squeezing it between her bicep and her side to apply a headlock! With that, she would try to tip her weight over to the side, pulling Daisuke with her so that the two of them would end up facing each other on their sides against the mat.
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