Bar Troubles

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Re: Bar Troubles

Unread post by Caborn »

Syd and Linda would grin at Gunloc as he tried taunting him. However, seeing that the man had accepted their challenge, the ladies had gotten exactly what they wanted. Both of the women would walk up closer to the men with their hands on their hips. However since Aleksey was the in front of Gunloc they just decided to press their chests against his pecs and stare him down.

“Bring it on boys. But Don’t go crying when we’re throwing you all over the ring~” Syd would laugh confidently.

“Yeah. And I’m gonna teach you not to ignore me, got that gigantor?~” Linda would add before poking the man’s chest. With the match agreed upon, the women would leave shortly after retrieving their coats. Linda blew the big guy a kiss, while Syd would rub her thumb across her throat as she threatened them both as they left. Both of them were looking forward to teaching those boys a lesson when they got them in the ring.

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Re: Bar Troubles

Unread post by Weonna »

Gunloc, eager to get one last jab in, leaned out from behind Aleksey.

“You better be ready, ladies. We’re gonna send you flying faster than you can blink!”

he shouted after them, but the women were already heading out the door, clearly more focused on the fight ahead than on Gunloc’s last-minute taunt.

Aleksey sighed, shaking his head slightly as he watched them leave. His face remained calm, but there was a hint of resignation in his eyes.

"You really can't resist stirring the pot, can you?"

he muttered, his deep voice carrying a hint of exasperation.

Gunloc grinned widely, slapping Aleksey on the shoulder.

“Come on, big guy! This is gonna be fun. You know you love it.”

Aleksey didn’t respond immediately, only shaking his head once more before turning back to his drink, already anticipating the chaos that would unfold in the ring.

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