Getting Messy at the Bar - Jaclyn & Leonie

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Getting Messy at the Bar - Jaclyn & Leonie

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Another day, another dollar.

Or, in this case, another night at the Open Bottle, prized establishment of one Maisilyn Madison. This spot had just opened up, and apparently some of the girls backstage had gotten part-time jobs here. More spending money never hurt, and the more she made, the more she had left to pay back her loved ones.
Leonie Bowen
All she had to do was serve drinks dressed as a bunnygirl. Granted, it could be worse. She'd been fired from enough bars to know. At least this "uniform" was a bit more classy, and people who harassed the staff weren't welcome at the Open Bottle for long. Leonie could deal with looking sexier than usual for a bit, especially under these circumstances.

Tonight's clientele, however, was a bit more rowdy than usual. Apparently, the bar had struck a deal recently with LAW to serve as a venue for matches and meetings, or at least a spot for official watch parties. What better way to celebrate than by throwing a fight night of their own -- and what better time for the time-honored tradition of raunchy barfights than St. Patrick's Day?

The stage along the far wall was usually used for live music. Tonight, though, it had a simple black mat with makeshift posts and ring ropes. Two women scrabbled around inside, tearing each others' clothes off and touching where only LAW would let you. Leonie sighed. These girls were clearly amateurs; they didn't know the first thing about fighting, much less sexfighting. It had been like this all night. The most exciting thing that happened was when a pair of fighters got a little too rough and spilled into the audience. They fought around the Open Bottle -- "don't touch the talent" still being the paramount rule -- until one woman had been inevitably fucked into submission over a giddy patron's table.

A hand raised in the corner of Leonie's eye, and she was suddenly reminded that this was work. She speedwalked over to the person who waved her down. "Sorry," she said with a sheepish laugh, "I'm usually better about seeing when folks don't have drinks in front of them. Guess the show has my mind wandering. What can I get ya?"

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Re: Getting Messy at the Bar - Jaclyn & Leonie

Unread post by DSX93 »

Smiling Jaclyn
The Open Bottle. A new name in Japan's nightlife scene, and one that was connected to LAW. Owned by a fellow entrepreneur in the roster, with some of the other girls being spotted on deck. It also doubled as a venue for matches, which was another draw. Good liquor, hotties, and fights? Yes, please! Maybe it might appeal to Lucinda and Mary too, but Jaclyn Nagano wanted to be sure before she brought them out.

Japan in general had a truly impressive nightlife that had given her a lot of ideas for the Sin Den -- working title -- and with its concept being similar to what she had in mind for her own club -- or bar...she hadn't decided yet -- she was excited to see what it had to offer.

The amateur hour Hentai wrestling would've been a let down to Lucinda. Mary too, but she wouldn't have said anything about it. Jaclyn herself was wondering if the girls in the makeshift ring were even Young Lionesses. There was potential there, though; just get some proper wrestlers in there.

With a smile that bared her fangs, Jaclyn gave the place a scan. Took in the atmosphere. And feasted her eyes on the bartender: A smoking hot redhead in a bunny outfit. She was preoccupied with what was going on in the makeshift ring, her face telling that she wasn't thinking much of the show either. But the patrons were happy, so from a business standpoint, the job had been done right.

It was time to knock back some beer. Jaclyn stepped over to the bar, noting the eyes that were on her, but ultimately not paying them much attention. She had her objective. The seats right in front of her were taken, but Jaclyn was able to find a seat that was close enough to grab her attention with a raised hand and a whistle.

"Sorry." She had a cute laugh. "I'm usually better about seeing when folks don't have drinks in front of them. Guess the show has my mind wandering. What can I get ya?"

"Hey, no judgment here. Can't blame ya." Jaclyn began with one of her winning smiles. "I'll have a Guinness. And if you're so inclined, I'll have your name too."
Last edited by DSX93 on Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:09 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Getting Messy at the Bar - Jaclyn & Leonie

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

"Uhuh." Leonie scoffed, more on reflex than anything else. She knew how this went; first it was a name, then it was a number, then it was the five hundredth proposition this week. Boundaries were healthy in this business, and luckily, management here agreed. She wouldn't have any problems just getting this woman her drink and walking away. But then she actually took a look at the girl... And then another, and then another. Flickering up and down her body -- which her choice of dress for the night did no small favors in showing off.

Alright. Maybe she was coming around. She gave the patron a knowing smile. "Guinness. Right... And I'll think about the other thing." Satisfaction creeping up all over her face, she slid to the back of the bar to fill the order. Right when she washed her hands, however, another waitress came over to Leonie in a bit of a panic. A massive pile of mugs -- a dozen or more -- lay on a nearby tray, and she asked for Leonie's help in getting it to one of the farther tables.

Leonie spared a glance at the woman who'd ordered the Guinness, then shrugged. Why not let this girl feel a bit of a hunt, or at least a wait? Besides, she had a devilish little idea. She hoisted the wide tray over her head and into the air -- with one hand. Not that 12 glass mugs of beer were all that heavy, but it was an awkward kind of weight that Leonie could nonetheless handle. It was a feat of endurance more than anything, holding them straight up for so long. Nothing Leonie couldn't handle, though, given her background. With her other arm, she shielded herself, bumping easily through the raucous crowd. She laid the drinks onto the requested table, where the other waitress took over.

Finally, Leonie headed back and quickly moved behind the tap handles. Pulling a pint was hardly any effort, but Leonie's bicep was already a little bulged, pumped from its brief workout with the tray. She made sure to show all that off, taking an odd angle so that girl could get as good a look at her arms as possible.

(Hopefully it would distract from the fact that she wasn't the best at pulling pints. It took a few tries, but eventually Leonie made sure her patron was getting her money's worth on the drink.)

Finally she made it back to her beau. Leonie slid a coaster onto the bartop, then plopped the frosty glass onto it. "Sorry for the wait. First big event around here, so there's lots to take care of... Hopefully the, ah, in-house entertainment kept you occupied?" The smug grin on Leonie's face couldn't be helped; somehow, Leonie knew the other woman would be able to tell what she meant. "It's Leonie, by the way."

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Re: Getting Messy at the Bar - Jaclyn & Leonie

Unread post by DSX93 »

Ooh, this one was gonna be a tough cookie. She's had more than her fair share of sleazeballs sitting down to fuck it up for everyone else, Jaclyn was sure. Well, she had all night. At the very least, she'd have a few notes for her future club. Not that she was out of the running; for one thing, the redhead was looking her way too many times to be saying that she was. And then there was that smile. Yeah, as long as she stays cool, she's got a shot.

And that's what Jaclyn did. She didn't flex. Didn't put any more of herself out there. Just sat there and let the redhead look to her heart's content. Gave her a smile back, though. Couldn't exactly do nothing there.

A little game of sorts followed. One of the waitresses had come to her for help getting a tray full of mugs to a table over at the other side of the bar, so technically, that was just her helping out on the job, but she wasn't dumb. They both knew what this was. Play a little Hard To Get, make her wait...

Okay. She'll bite. Heh.

Jaclyn's first impulse upon seeing her lifting up the tray and holding it up over her head, keeping it straight on the way through the crowd and over to the packed table was to whistle. It's something she does whenever she sees something impressive. Like that feat, which she knew from experience wasn't an easy one; she'd done some brief work in a bar back in Romania after she turned eighteen.

But given that she'd turned her back to do it...She had to resist that impulse, lest the bartender think she was ogling her even more impressive ass. And she was, but subtlety and all. She had to do it again when she returned to get to work on her drink. The woman was built for function as well as form. It was visible even through her jacket. That was whistle worthy. She's seen through Mary how much power a person's packing to be pulling that off.

When her requested Guinness finally came, she took a swig of that smooth, creamy, chocolate-coffee goodness.

"Sorry for the wait. First big event around here, so there's lots to take care of... Hopefully the, ah, in-house entertainment kept you occupied?" The question was followed with the grin of a woman who knows exactly how fine she is. But it was cool. The arms alone said that she'd more than earned it. That takes some real commitment. "It's Leonie, by the way."

"Yeah, it did. You could tell a lot of work went into it. Ought to be proud of what you've got going on here." Jaclyn extended a hand for her to shake. "Jaclyn. Nice to meet you, Leonie."
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