Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Apartment Hentai Match
Winning Condition - Bringing your opponent to the point of climaxing
Special Conditions - Match takes place in Vera Sapphire's apartment

Vera was always interested in an idea for a wrestling match in her own apartment. She has had her hobby for almost a decade now, tussling with cute and hot ladies and gentlemen in catfights and lewder matches, but she never felt she had space big enough to properly get rough and rowdy with other women...until a few month ago, when her royalty checks from her idol days and her wrestler salary allowed her to move to a bigger space in Tokyo!

The moment she asked LAW about potentially doing a match in her apartment, they weren't too sure about the they requested something very simple - a single fall hentai match. Vera was fine with that.

She came back early in the day from her training as she set up the cameras in her bedroom for the tussle...mostly consisting of her spare smartphone on a tripod as she got ready for the match...which was as simple as taking her usual house clothes off!
Dressed in a set of blue bra and panties, she awaited her cute rival's arrival for the match...

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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Courage had been booked for an Apartment Hentai Match. It wasn't the strangest match she'd participated in. And in truth, it reminded her a little bit of her training session with Heather Sunderland... That thought brought back a flood of memories... Memories which sent a shiver down her spine and put a blush on her soft round cheeks. That training session is where Courage truly learned to accept the more intimate aspects of this strange sport.

Tepidly, Courage pressed a finger to her opponent's doorbell. She didn't know much about her and prayed that she was in the right place. She wore a dress that wasn't anything to write home about. In fact, it didn't even cling to her curves. It was subtle. And it needed to be, considering what she was wearing beneath it.

Whenever Vera answered the door she would hurry inside. Eager to not be caught in the cold streets of Tokyo. And eager to get on with the match. She was nervous. Visiting a stranger's home for a consensual but competitive sexual act. It sent goosebumps down her inner thighs. Right now she was an uncertain Yumi Takemi. But she couldn't wait to get this dress off of her and in front of the cameras where she could be the sexy, confident Courage that the fans cheered for!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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Vera read a book in her living room as she awaited her opponent's arrival. So once the doorbell rang, she practically hopped to her feet, smiling as she opened the door:

"Helloooooo! Courage, right?", she greeted her rival: "Please, come in!"

Vera motioned Courage inside. She had read a little bit about her, especially interested in her idol background...but ultimately, this didn't matter today. Courage was interested in lewd competition, and Vera was happy to provide!

Inside, Vera's appartment was massive. Her entrance lead directly to the massive living room, with an amazing view on Tokyo Skyline. Vera paused, wanting for Courage to be impressed...but after a good 10 seconds, she motioned her rival towards her bedroom:

"So just to confirm. Single fall hentai match, right?"

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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The door opened and her opponent greeted her with an eager, sing-song hello. Courage paused, wordless as she took in the beautiful woman. She was an athlete, that was clear by her build. She was hardly dressed as she appeared in the doorway. A blush crept over her cheeks even before she was able to find her breath again. She felt overdressed as her eyes slid over the contours of her fit figure. Her skin was pulled tight over the ridges of powerful muscle.

Her attire matched her hair. A pastel blue. Attire. Was that the word for it? No. It was underwear. This hadn't come from a costume designer. It was so much more intimate.

Courage suddenly felt overdressed. And overwhelmed. She finally sucked in air as her arms crossed over her own mid-section. Unlike Vera, Courage's body was soft. A life of strenuous idol work had made her strong, but part of that world was maintaining a non-threatening, effeminate body. Her flat belly lacked the definition of Vera's... Anything. Honestly, she had muscle groups Courage didn't think existed.

She finally managed to step inside. The woman's home was glamorous. Large and with prime real estate. An indication of her financial health. It seemed even her bank account had muscles.

"Y...Yeah. That's right." She answered. The question had caught her by surprise. She was still taking in the apartment. But no matter how hard she looked out the window, she couldn't see anything but the taut lines of the woman's inner thighs. Was this the difference between who she was, and what she wanted to be?

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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Vera really liked her opponent's reactions to both herself and her apartment...though one look into Courage's eyes let her know that, despite being impressed by her apartment, she was more impressed by Vera. Ogling wasn't quite the right word for the look in her opponent's eyes...Courage seemed to admire Vera's physique, almost jealous of it!

"Ummm...Hey, let's go check where we are going to brawl!", Vera tried to continue, though Courage's look in her eyes made her a bit curious. She knew she had problems with trying to become an idol, practically coming to wrestling to boost her popularity here to see if it would have an effect on her idol career.

Vera opened the door to her bedroom, showcasing the large doors that lead to the wardrobes of her apartment, as well as a large, Alaskan King-sized bed...very comfortable to sleep in...and even more comfortable to fight on!

"How do you like it?", she asked Courage, always eager to impress!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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"Y-yeah!" Courage followed Vera. Not just because she was told to, but because there was something magnetic about her. She wanted to be near her... which was lucky, they were about to get as close as they could possibly be.

Vera's badroom was lavish. And her bed was huge. It was big enough to accomadate what felt like ten people. Her mind wandered as her cheeks blushed. They were going to roll around in those fluffy looking sheets. By the time they were done, it would be a mess. Damp with sweat and sweeter tasting things.

She gasped mid-thought and covered her mouth, as if afraid her lascivious thoughts might escape. "It's lovely!" She managed to push the words through her fingers.

In this moment she recognized... She'd changed. Her PoW with Aliza. Her training with Heather. She wasn't ashamed of her body. Of her desires. The oppressive negatives of her training as an idol were slipping away with every new woman she kissed. She could do this! She could make it in this new life she'd chosen!

"S-so what are the rules?" She stammered still. But now because she was excited rather than nervous!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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Vera smiled warmly, seeing how enthusiastic her soon-to-be rival was about the match! Courage was seemingly still a bit nervous about the match, but the blunette could tell from her voice that she wanted this…

”The rules? Single climax from your opponent to win! Simple! Well…for me anyway…”, Vera winked, before giggling at her teasing her rival.

”If you want to get changed in the bathroom, feel free! But, you are also free to change here!”, Vera would tell Courage, sitting down on her bed, patting the top of it as she waited for her rival to get ready!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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"That's it? Anything goes?" She asked as she looked around Vera's home. Her eyes were currently looking anywhere but at Vera. There was something intimidating and imposing about her. Perhaps it was that she was already dressed for their... Fight. Her eyes settled finally upon the bathroom door. And she gave a slow nod.

She felt a little foolish. They were going to be having competitive lesbian sex. Sure, it was under the guise of bedroom wrestling. But she still felt shy about changing in front of her. Courage daintily moved towards the door, opening it and slipping into the bathroom. She shouted through the closed door.

"I'll be out in a moment!"

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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”Oh? Do you want to add something else?”, Vera would raise a brow, curious about any additional stipulation from the side of a fellow idol, before she decided to go for her advice and change for the battle in the bathroom. She hoped that giving her a moment of thought would allow Courage to find…well, her namesake, before the match began.

For now, Vera waited on the bed, lying on her stomach and chest, waiting for her rival to get changed…

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Courage Takemi - Invitational Lewd Tussle!

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Courage set her bag on the sink and began to undress. It felt strange doing this in a strangers home. But then, in a few moments they were going to become VERY well acquainted.

She stood in front of the mirror for a moment, nude. She placed her hands under her breasts and lifted them, pressing them together. They were so heavy. Her mind wandered as she considered if they would be enough to pin down Vera... She looked so fit. Athletic. By comparison Courage's body looked soft. And it was. Pleasantly so.

"Add something? No, that's okay! I just thought there might be some specific restrictions! I was worried about accidentally breaking a rule!"
She called back through the door as she finished folding her clothes. She placed them gently upon the tank of Vera's toilet.

Vera could hear her gym bag as she unzipped it. Courage withdrew her match attire. She took a deep breath and began to settle into it. The next time Vera saw her, she would look absolutely delicious!

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