A Contractually Obligated Hangout!

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: A Contractually Obligated Hangout!

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

The floor although carpeted was clearly designed to be more durable and functional instead of comfortable as Kimiko quickly found out as she took a seat on the floor, electing to just let the half naked Sheila take the bed to avoid making things awkward. Kimiko's ears perked hearing Sheila speak and explain what she thought the episode was about from previous experience, though in truth the thing she described was a troupe used throughout the show in almost every episode with Team Rocket getting blasted away like well... a rocket after their plan failed.

"Probably" Kimiko quickly replied before focusing back on the TV only for Sheila to speak again, but this time offering Kimiko somewhere comfortable to sit. Kimiko turned her head and stared at Sheila's figure before shaking her head to force herself not to keep staring. "Oh... um alright" Kimiko said getting up off the floor and taking a seat on the bed next to Sheila while trying to focus on TV to prevent herself from staring at Sheila's figure.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Feb 16, 2025 3:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: A Contractually Obligated Hangout!

Unread post by CaptainL »

It was totally lost on Sheila that she had just described almost every episode of Pokemon, but she didn't even care. When Kimiko answered her, all she did was grin, clapping her hands together eagerly. "Oh! Cool, I love that episode!" Likewise, Sheila was too innocent-minded of a person to realize the flustered thoughts going through Kimiko's mind right now. She was carrying on just as casually as she always would, whether or not she was sitting around in her underwear. It was because of that, then, that she didn't think twice about throwing her arm around Kimiko's side and pulling her closer in a tight - and involuntary - hug.

"Yeaaaah, isn't that so much better? Y'know, soft and comfy and all..." She meant the bed, of course - she didn't even think twice about how she was pressing her breasts against Kimiko's side.
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