Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

Unread post by winner3 »

Bloodsport Match
The match takes place inside a ring with no ropes, just ring posts.
Victory to be awarded via submission or knockout.

Last edited by winner3 on Wed Feb 07, 2024 1:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Tonight was the night. After getting screwed in their first match against one another Aella was getting her chance for redemption, and no referee was going to get in her way this time, no time limit to act as a albatross, no she'd have all the time in the world to do what she had too, whether this was making Phoebe tap, or knocking her out, she didn't care. Plus on top of it all, she now had a bit of extra context about her opponent, something that made her even more excited about the bout than she had been in their first clash. Rolling her neck in anticipation Aella would smile as her music began. "Show time." She said to herself with a grin before heading out.
With the crowd already cheering at the music it would get doubly as loud as white feathers rained down via drones doing overhead carrying bags overhead, as well as the appearance of Aella at the top of the ramp, striking a pose in a brand new, all white gear. Wolf whistles and calls of appreciation for the motherly wrestler mixed in with cheers now Aella would come down to the ring, walking with a confident strut and embodying elegance and majesty as she approached the ring before hopping up onto the apron, turning and posing for the fans once more before leaping up over the ropes and into the ring, doing a quick spin to show off for thee fans a bit more before heading to her corner, awaiting hre opponent with a smirk.

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Phoebe has been dreading this match ever since she put out a challenge.

That's despite the fact that she agreed that things between her and Aella were far... far from over. The lazy ref (who was fired a few weeks after their match) awarded Phoebe an undeserved win, which the Detective felt dirty accepting, the two women discussing the potential match...

...but Phoebe blowing up at Aella for digging into her family history didn't win her any friends. Though Aella herself didn't talk about the incident much in interviews, rumors online circulated about the two's conversation, with the internet collectively deciding based on the unknown conversation that Phoebe was a mean, hotheaded rookie, while Aella was a helpful veteran who got unfairly yelled at, who accepted a brutal challenge from her evil rival. Some other bad dirt sheet rumors (like Phoebe paid off the ref to count fast) didn't help matters.

Slowly but surely, Phoebe noticed in her recent matches that she recieved a mixed reaction her way. 1 jeer turned to 2, to 4...It wasn't that bad that it caused a collision between the crowd's reaction and her actions in the ring... but it was digging at the Detective, little by little...

And it made Phoebe all the more angry as time went on.

As such, she was entering the match tonight as the bad guy.

And as she checks her Twitter one last time before shutting the phone in her locker room, she grits her teeth. She hated to be misrepresented like this. Hated to appear as the villain. But no matter how much she tried to be a hero, quitting the force, her entry into wrestling...the world was determined to fit her into the villain position:

"Ms. Just--"

"FUCK THE WORLD! ...", Phoebe shouted, as she realized that a stagehand had entered the locker room:

"I-ignore that...", she said to the worker, startled, but she quickly shook her head and composed herself: "You are up in 2 minutes"

Nodding, the stage hand left... and the feeling of anger in Phoebe continued to boil.
Phoebe drove down the entrance ramp on her motorcycle as usual, and the crowd's reaction let itself be known. There were cheers...but the boos drowned them out. Hate was often louder than love... and this crowd was evidence of that to Phoebe. Under her mask, she grit her teeth, and drove around the ropeless ring, parking it at the commentator's table as she hopped off her motorcycle.

Phoebe raised her arm... and the jeers grew louder as a result.

She peeked over at her foe. Aella legitimately looked like an angel had come down from the heavens to smite down the evil that was the black (and cyan) clad Phoebe Justice.

"Fuck it..."

The still-raised fist turned into a middle finger... aimed squarely at the older woman.
Taking off her jacket and mask, Phoebe threw it down on her motorcycle. If she was the villain tonight, she was going to make sure that evil prevailed. She was going to make sure Aella knew... and anyone else who wanted to try - that if they wanted to dig into her past, if they didn't lay off when she told them, then there was a price to pay...

Phoebe hopped onto the ring, taking her place at her corner, still pointing the middle finger her way, until she turned at the ref:

"Start the match."

"Hm? But..."

"It's a no disqualification stipulation. Start the fucking match., Phoebe would angrily tell the ref, as they turned to Aella for confirmation...

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Aella would look up at hearing the entrance music of her opponent, smiling softly as she watched the rider for justice come out from the back on her motorbike helmet on and everything. Tossing her hair back as she waited she would just wait as Phoebe disembarked and got up, the crowd making their distaste for the woman rather known, firmly putting Aella into the face position of this match, which was just fine by her, and her opponent for that matter since she started flipping the fans off for the reaction. Essentially accepting her position as the heel.

Even going as far as to flip Aella off as well once she entered the ring, making the older woman raise an eyebrow before chuckling softly not bothered by the move... Not that she was gonna let the woman get off free for it at least. Standing up in preparation as Phoebe demanded the ref start things Aella would give nod to them that it was ok before turning to her opponent. "Well, someone is eager to get started." Aella said, putting her fists up, preparing herself for whatever her opponent's opening move would be.

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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As much as she disliked being jeered, fully embracing the role of a villainess felt… freeing. Letting her anger flow through her, rather than trying to mentally suppress it, made her stop feeling like shit about the match. What it did make her want to do was to beat up an old woman till she tapped out…

Once Aella nodded towards the ref, the zebra stripe shirted official gave the signal over to the timekeeper’s table:




Taking a deep breath, the Detective absorbed the negative chants her way, before trying to close the distance to Aella, to meet her in the middle of the ring. Once the white clad veteran came into range, Phoebe tried to start the match with a quick jab to her face!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Out of the gate the crowd was making it clear who they were behind in this match, Aella had them in the palm of her hand without having to do anything, likewise Phoebe was getting the brunt of heat from them, which would surely affect her. Although if it did than it likely wouldn't be right out of the gate because thus far she was looking all too into being the villain.

Sure enough the detective darted towards Aella as the greenette came towards her in turn, fists up in preparation and ducking down as she saw the woman throw a punch towards her! Ducking down to avoid the blow and if successful she would turn sharply and throw her leg up, trying to land a kick against Phoebe's side to try and force her back!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Phoebe still felt agitated about the role she was forced to carry in this match… but she tried to focus, to channel her anger towards the woman who (even if unintentionally) put her into this position. She tried to be quick with her jab, but Aella would see right through it, dodging it, and lifting her leg to nail Phoebe in the side!


The Detective partially got her hand at her side at the last moment, blocking part of the strike, though Aella’s leg still dug into her ribs. This did open an opportunity for Phoebe, as she managed to catch greenette’s leg! With Aella grounded in place, Phoebe would swiftly jump, aiming her leg for Aella’s head, as she tried to pull off an early Enzuigiri!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Starting off with a strike exchange Aella had dodged Phoebe's initial blow and responded with a kick! Only as she did so Aella realized her mistake as Phoebe managed to grasp her leg, holding it before delivering a revenge kick of her own that sent Aella down to the mat below! "Ugh!" Aella groaned out in pain, rolling on the mat a bit until she was near the corner, rubbing her jaw in pain.

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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With Phoebe’s Enzuigiri finding it’s mark, Aella reeled back, resting at a corner, even if there were no ropes to lay against. At Phoebe getting an early upper hand in the match, the crowd jeered, unhappy for seeing the veteran in pain.

Growling, Phoebe immediately seized opportunity to attack, stepping towards Aella to not let her get any time to rest this early on, trying to drive her leg into the greenette’s chest to sandwich her against the corner with a Roundhouse Kick!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Aella Midori - Bloodsport

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Aella had been knocked backwards by Phoebe's enziguri kick, the blow forcing her to lean against the corner. Initially lifting her arms up to put them on the ropes Aella was reminded that there were no ropes and had to adjust herself a bit in the process.

'Damn. That's gonna take some getting used too.' Aella thought to herself before looking up to see Phoebe coming in with a roundhouse kick toward her!

Normally the ropes would leave you boxed in and unable to easily dodge short of a roll which in of itself would be risky... But without ropes well.. 'Oh this may be handy.' Aella thought as she turned and just... jumped down from the floor, landing with grace to hopefully cause Phoebe's leg to strike the corner instead!

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