Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Nico basically became puddy in Tokimes hands or rather her behind, as her face got shoved in deep into the soft folds of her opponent and for once in this match her nose did'nt feel as if it would freeze off as the warm place between Tokimes sexy cheeks was quite comfortable. Tough it did'nt help her getting some air and with herself unable to hold back, fingering herself into a huge orgasm that lingered within her since the beginning of the match!

So she sank in deeper, her cloudied, pinkish mind just about to shut down as Tokime finally left her place and instead grabbed for Nicos skimpy and already iconic Barca-Leotard. Even if the Blonde would have something against it, she just was unable to do anything and so she went with the flow, suddenly feeling all the cold air and snow on places that had been safely covered before. Her impressive breasts bounced up and down and the cold sensation made her yelp, but brought herself to her senses enough to hear Tokime complimenting her physique. Nicos body was something the catalonian was proud of as it was a showcase of her life dedicated to sports. The big breasts inherited by her Mami were just the icing on the cake!
"Gracias...Arigatou...",she said with a shy smile, her cheeks and nose red from both cold, loss of air and blushing.

Then she saw Tokime doing something odd which she could'nt understand yet but when she was grabbed and shoved onto the icecold leg, her swollen, wet pussy suddenly getting a sensation overkill, she yelped again in shock before feeling Tokimes arms around her.
"Haaah...dios mio...", she said before the japanese woman applied pressure.
"Hangh...agh...what...aah...Ghkhhaaaah~", Nico moaned as Tokime squeezed her midsection while rubbing her still sensitive womanhood on her hard and cold thigh.
"Hah...ah...too...too much...hngh..."
Suddenly she felt something else, a sweet sensation around her breast and when Tokime let her tongue join the party, Nico just could not hold herself back anymore as her screams of pleasure were loud enough to shatter the ice around them!
Nico did'nt knew what to concentrate on first...everything was so delcious and even the bearhug proved to be just an excuse to get close to Tokime. Nico was at an all you can eat buffet and could not decide on what to do first.Her whole body was on fire and she just...just wanted to let go.

And so she threw her arms around Tokimes back, her nails digging into the white skin of the sleuth as Nico shoved he breasts tigher to Tokimes face.
"Anghaah...siiii...more...more...Senorita...aaahh~", the girl moaned, throwing her head back as her tongue started to loul out of her mouth. Nico squeezed her thighs tighter together and leaned more into Tokime.
"Soo...goood...oooh..bueno....", she panted.

Tough something in herself still told herself that it was quite unfair that she was the only one being nude here and so, with a little bit of the discipline she had learned in her life of being a sportscannon and so her fingers went to hook themselves onto Tokimes top and pull them down her shoulders left and right. And to top things off, Nico, even if getting squeezed, managed to get one puff of air in to throw her breasts out enough to get Tokimes face away before she opened the straps behind and pull the top away with a pull of her right hand!
"Hah...hah...yeah...got...it...", she grinned a she lifted the top over her head to big cheers, throwing it outside and finally deflating in Tokimes multi-attack, holding tight as her body started to shake and came onto the PI's thighs with another screaming orgasm that finally did the trick and let Nico sink breathless and weakend into Tokimes arms, panting fast, and sweating profusely, which made her shiver in this cold, unfriendly environemnt.

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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Tokime smiled as Nico all but screamed for her. Attacking the blond's over stimulated privates, squeezing her athletic form close to herself, and attacking the futball star's perky peaks with her lips, teeth and tongue. A triple pronged offense, that was quickly bringing Nico closer to orgasm, possibly faster than her own fingers had if the nails digging into the PI's back were anything to go off.

Everything was going just as it should, until Nico once again showed she was far from out of the fight. In an incredible movement, the Goleador pumped her chest out and forced the PI off, while her hands made quick work of her top and removed it. Tokime would have been impressed, where it not for the slight embarrassment at having her chest exposed, and the cool air caressing her tits.

Nico kept proving how unyielding she was, more and more. But that didn't mean she cut her actions close, climaxing once more after stealing Tokime's top. No longer silenced by the detective's behind, the crowd was allowed to hear Nico at full volume as she more or less exploded all over her thigh. Her body fell limp in Tokime's bearhug, her sweaty body shivering from the cold and pleasure wracking her body, no doubt.

The Goleador surely had to be out now, right? Tokime at least believed so, loosening her bearhug but still holding the blond close to her. "Your face is so cute~" Tokime whispered before giving Nico a soft kiss, slpwly laying Nico down into the snow. "And that look as you came was even cuter~" The detective laid down atop the Spaniard, burying her face into the snow and Nico's nape.

Her teeth nibbled at the friged flesh, treating it similarly to Nico's nipple. One last bit of pleasure for the girl she was adoring more and more. This would have been much nicer, but it was still her debut match. With that in mind, as well as it occurring during a PPV, Tokime was dead set on winning. The girl would understand that she'd need to take a bit of pain, right?

Gently Tokime sat the two of them back up, with the PI wrapping her legs around Nico for a frontal body scissor, continuing her vice to Nico's midsection. "Feel free to submit whenever you want~" Leaning back a little, bracing herself with one hand and giving some space between them, the Joker's free arm pulled back and chopped at Nico's chest.

Not merely one, nor two. She sent five chips to the blond's chest, giving her chest another lovely shake with each blow. Before she leant back, nibbling at the same spot she had moments ago, only to return to her previous pose and sent another five chops. A loop from pain to pleasure, all the while continuing to keep the blond squeezed between her soft but powerful thighs. The ref approached during Tokime's attack, asking if the Catalonian gave up or not. And the PI was nearly certain of what answer she'd hear her señorita voice.
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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Nico was both in a bad and a good spot with the debuting sleuth switching betwenn pain and pleasure while attacking her on three fronts! The Blonde Catalonian tough was, as Tokime had predicted, not easily made to go down and so even when Nico felt Tokimes bare, heaving chest finally squeezed against hers without anything between ity giving her more goosebumps then she already had, she would not give up!

Getting squeezed tough was another topic and Nico, just coming from a bout of nearly suffocating and a hard climax, was thrown into the same mix again. Her lungs burned and even if she gritted her teeth, the pants and moana of getting her wet and sensitive pussy worked on still did'nt subside, making her more dizzy. And finally she came with another airsplitting scream that managed to press the last efforts out of the poor european who felt limp against her sexy opponent.

But this was not the end yet and Tokime had more in her bag then just some bearhugs and smothers and so Nico got setup for a frontal squeeze which, at lastym, gave her another chance to admire Tokimes beautiful face and her perfectly shaped, large breasts. When the Japanese started to send kisses all over Nicos upper body, Nico slowly came back to life.
"Nghah...right back at you...Senorit-augh!", she yelped as Tokime added five stinging chops to her chest that made Nicos impressive set of breasts jiggle in motion.
"Not fair...", she said as Tokime squeezed her in another three part attack.

Nico threw her head back, inadvertently giving Tokime more space to kiss and chop and soon another whipping cracks could be heard. Nicos screams had subsided now and the Catalonian tetered before dropping against Tokime, resting her head on the japanese womans shoulder.
Only a few shakes and soft panting was an indicator that Nico was still with them and the sweater and glove wearin referee knelt down next to them, asking Nico if she wanted to end things now.
"Nh...", she said and the referee sighed, asking another time.

When Nico showed even less reaction the referee grabbed for her wrist and lifted it.
It dropped right back down.
Another lift of her hand.
Drop down...
The fans held their breath. Was this the end of the match already? Did Tokime manage to beat the beloved Catalonian with her assault?
The crowd started to cheer and call Nicos name but when the referee lifted her wrist a third time, it semed that all was lost now...

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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Tokime felt bad during her relentless onsault, hearing the screams and seeing the pain on Nico's face. But this was just business. A hard boiled PI like her couldn't let personal feelings cloud her actions, no matter how it may sting her.

Tokime watched the swell of Nico's bountiful chest bounce along with her blows. Felt her shake in pain, pleasure, and chill when her lips laid into the Catalonian's pale neck. An erotic sight and feeling, no doubt, whilst the Young Lioness had the life squeezed from her.

As if hypnotized by the motion and sight, Tokime hadn't realized how long it had gone on until Nico fell against her. The sleuth pulled away from her neck, while the ref asked Nico if she gave up for the second time. Nico's gleaming, emerald eyes stared half lidded, fog forming with each pant that passed her shivering lips. Tokime couldn't help but softly caressing Nico's beautiful breast as her other hand wrapped around Nico's waist and held her against the sleuth.

With no verbal reply from the blond, the ref resorted to grabbing her arm and lifting it up. The limb dropped to the powdery mats, lifeless. Tokime let out a sigh, as the arm lifted and fell a second time. It was start to seem like the end was in sight, and she believed she had delivered a great finale for the tense crowd.

The PI rested her chin against Nico's shoulder, whispering silently to the YoungLioness. "Thank you for this amazing debut, Señorita Cardonia~" Nico's arm rose a third time, the moment lasting forever to the sleuth, as opposed to how fast the first two had seemed. "I'll make sure to make this all up to you, before we leave Austria~" Tokime was confident in her win, as the hand grew closer and closer to the snow. She just waited to hear the slushy sound that meant it was official.
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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Thinga did not look well for the sexy spaniard as Nico slowly but surely succumed to pain, loss of air and pleasure, a cocktail mixed in a poison cup that had the word "Losing" written all over it. Nico dropped forward, the naked breasts of both women squeezed against each other, sending shivers down the nerdy football players body. Something inside of her actually demanded to let go, demanded to stay in this nicr position and see what Tokime would after this all ended.

Her arm dropped...she barely noticed it but felt the cold sensation of snow at her fingers before it was lifted again and dropped another time. The crowd around them gasped. After all, Nico had became a real fan favourite and Tokime just had her debut. And even if people were impressed with the japanese sleuth, more people of course stood in Nicos corner with her Austrian Heritage well known among the fans from the alpine country. So when Nico leaned, beaten it seemed, against Tokime, the people screamed and chanted "Goleador! Goleador!", a nickname Nico had taken right from one of Barcelonas legendary players, an austrian himself, Hans Krankl.

Nico softly shivered as her arm was lifted a third time and then she heard Tokkmes voice.
"Gracias...", she whispered as the arm was dropped for a third time but then as it went halfway, suddenly both of Nicos hands grabbed for Tokimes face and gave her a deep kiss.
When she parted them, she looked into the eyes of the sleuth, her emeralds sparkling with a wild fire.
"But don't think that we are done yet, Senorita!", she said and gave Tokime a shove before she lifted her arms and, clasped them and sent them down, axhandling Tokimes solar plexus in the process!

The crowd cheered as Nico slipped off Tokimes legs and rolled off of her.
The Catalonian jumped to her feet and grinned.
"Gracies LAW!", she shouted and immediatly was at Tokime again. Quickly she started to jump over her opponent and right into the ropes, rebounded, jumped over Tokime again, rebounded and then performed a sommersault, splashing down onto the downed sleuth with her full weight.

The crowd exploded seeing Nicos thunderous comeback. And even if Nico was assured that Tokime was softened up, for her next trick she needed her tame and dizzied so she turned and grabbed the sleuths wrists, pinning them above her head while wrapping her strong legs around Tokimes, spreading them in a grapevine.
"So Senorita, I admire you tryin to beat the hero, but as you know, good always prevails!", she said and came down with her breasts onto Tokimes face.
"Cardona Method , Attack 52! Boobsmother! Engage!", she shouted as if she was in a japanese anime or sentai series and her big chest down onto her opponent, burying her head in it!

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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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The match seemed to be over. The duo of vice holds after the suffocating smother had really put Nico through the ringer, not to mention the two, near consecutive orgasms and chest chops. Even if some cheered for the Young Lioness to get up, it looked like the winner had been decided. Tokime just had to wait for the third, slushy slap and bell to ring.

However, it never came. As if Tokime's words brought her back to life, the Goleador's hands snapped to the sleuths face and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Not through there, she immediately followed with a push and a hard ax handle to Tokime's solar plexus. "Kgg-" Tokime groaned, her body scissor weakening enough for the blond to slip free.

Tokime had severely underestimated Nico, a dire mistake in her primary line of work. She didn't think the girl was weak, but the pain in her chest from Nico's pain clouded her judgement. She wanted the match over both for her victory, and to stop hurting the Catalonian.

Before she could sit herself back up, said girl came down with a powerful splash. "Kgnnn..." Tokime groaned, the Goleador trapping her in a grapevine and her hands. She couldn't help the pout that came once more with the 'hero' comment, though. "Not gonna drop that, huh? Keep hurting my feelings?" She said with a minor pout, failing to free herself from under Nico.

Then, her world grew dark as the girl lowered down into a boob smother. "Hmm-hnnggmmm-!" Tokime moaned against the pillowy soft mounds, enveloping her face. Her head tried moving side to side, trying to get whatever air she could. Almost half a minute later, the PI's motions slowed before stopping. Whether this was another possum play or she was genuinely exhausted was anyone's guess, however.
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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Nico had fought her way back to life. Anyone who knew the catalonian girl a little better was aware of Nicos almost endless reservoir of energy slumbering deep within her sexy body. After all, she trained hard every day, it was part of what she was. The days were for training, the nights were for her tv shows and movies. And since she was with Teuila...for something else too!

But Tokime really put her through the wringer, this much was true and for Nicos taste, even she had a comeback now, this had been TOO close. So when axehandling Tokime, something she regretted a little as she really liked the sleuth, she knew her onslaught had to be strong and devastating! And a splash later she shoved the japanese womans face deep into her breasts. When she heard Tokimes complaint she chuckled.
"Ai,ai...I can go for Anti-Hero if you like that better, Toki-chan...", she said and held her there, enjoying the cheers of the crowd! And soon, all of the sleuths offense ended with a last shiver as she fell limp.

The ref wanted to check on her but Nico knew that this was hardly the end for Tokime. No,no, she had to exhazst the sleuth some more before she even could think about winning her first PPV match. She looked at the ref and shooo her head, getting up from Tokime, not before motorboating her face around a little with some chuckles and then lifted herself, turned around and instead of her breasts, Nicos bare behind came down onto the face of her opponent, burying her face between her cheeks!

"Mhmmm...such a nice, comfy seat...and so warm.", Nico teased as she grabbed for Tokimes undies. She took both of the japanese girls legs and tugged them under her armpits, folding her as she pulled on the last piece of fabric in this match, getting them off of Tokime and then letting go of her legs, letting them drop into the snow.
Nico grinned, flinging the undies at her indexfinger for a roaring crowd and then slingshoted it out right next to her leotard and Tokimes bra!

Then she licked her lips, wiggling her behind a little more at Tokimes face and went down into a 69 position, pushing her hair back as she loomed over Tokimes wet womanhood.
"Mhhhh...caliente~", Nico grinned as she latched her lips onto the japanese girls pussy, starting to eat her out in the middle of the ring and get another orgasm out of her before she could proceed!

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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Tokime writhed weakly under Nico, trying to get whatever air she could. Back first in the snow, shivering and suffocating, the sleuth was in a bad spot. She'd let Nico get the drop on her a second time, and this was the price she'd pay. Much as she disliked it, the investigator resigned herself to having to wait for an opportunity to arise, yet again.

Out of air and out of fight, her body stopped, the ref even coming over to check. Rather than let her do her job, however, Nico instead got up. The light graced Tokime's eyes, blinking them quickly, before barely catching sight of Nico's rear once more coming towards her face. "H-hmmggnn!" Tokime groaned, enveloped by the soft butt once again. Her hands uselessly grabbed the blond's behind, pushing up in some vain attempt to remove her.

The next thing Tokime knew, she felt the cold air on her now bared nethers. "Gmm-mmmggnnn-" The PI briefly moaned with a shiver, her face becoming redder from both the lack of air and having her snatch exposed. Not that it was left alone for too long, as Nico hungrily dove in once again to her wet lips.

"Mm-mph~ Hhhhnnmmmm~" Her moans increased, unable to muster the strength for little more. Her arms soon fell back to the freezing powder, the pleasure coursing through her. Her mind hadn't given up, but her body seemed to. She refused to climax, closing her eyes in her fight with the ecstacy. But there was little more she could do, as she continued moaning into Nico's cute, little rear.
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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Nico gladly dug in, licking, sucking and kissing at Tokimes swollen womanhood that dripped with lust. Tough from her sounds and movemebns when she stripped her of her undies, it seemed that the hard sleuth still had some girlish modesty about her and Nico, working her clit with her fingers for a moment turned her head.
"Take it from me Senorita, LAW is not the place to have any shame left. Today you just faced me but there are others who will try to humiliate you mucho, muchoooo more.", she said before latching her lips onto her opponents pussy again.

Tough even if Tokime started to get limp, her body getting hotter, the sleuth still had enough mental strength to deny Nico the success of another orgasm yet. Tought the catalonian was sure if she pressed on long enough then...say, pressed?
Nico smiled and with a final lick she sat herself in an upright position onto the sleuths face, shaking her behind from left to right to the cheers of the fans. She grabbed het own impressive sets of breasts and gave them a good squeeze, moaning in the process.
"Sooo, it seems Senorita Tokime refuses to bow to the Hero. Let's show her the true strength of the Goleador then, shall we?!", she shouted and her fans answered with whistles and cheers.

Nico got off of Tokimes face and smiled as she saw her new friend down in the snow, panting, redfaced.
Nico bowed down and put her lips onto Tokimes, giving her a soft and sensual kiss.
"Mwah...ah...come on...time to wake up, mi bella princesa", she whispered and grabbed for some snow, putting it onto her opponents twitching, wet womanhood.
"Careful, cold!", she chuckled and let her hand work a little until all the snow had melted.

Nico then jumped to her feet,grabbing for Tokimes shoulders and get her up into a standing position, her arms around her opponent.
"Alright, evil Anti-Hero Prepare for Cardona Method Attack #3, the Villain Crusher! Engage! Yuuush!" she shouted and grabbed Tokime lifting her up high before wrapping her arms around her in a crushing bearhug, her biceps and backmuscles bulging as she put all of her strength into it!
"Nnnnghhh! Ready to give up and refuse your evil uuuuh antiheroish ways?!/color]", she asked and gave her friend another long and hard squeeze!

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Re: Okime "Joker" Hidari vs Nico "Goleador" Cardona - Frigid Hentai Submission Match

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Tokime moaned and gasped, at least best she could beneath Nico's behind, as the eager Goleador had at her slippery snatch. Her tongue worked inside her, heat building in the investigator as it had from the much earlier pile driver. A pleasing contrast to the frost against her spine and chilly air brushing her nude form.

Yet even knowing just letting go wouldn't mean immediate loss and only momentary joy, the detective resisted. Her body writhed, her hips bucked against Nico's movements, seeking the release. Tokime refused to succumb to the feeling and orgasm. She couldn't let Nico, no matter how cute and beautiful the futball star was, sap her strength with her sexual skills.

Figuring out the sleuth's intentions, the Catalonian released her hips and let them fall to the powdery matts. After shaking her hips and some words Tokime could barely make out, the blond finally removed herself, looking down on the red faced, panting sleuth. "Haah... hnnnaahmmmm...." Tokime moaned, cut off by a loving kiss from Nico. Her tired body couldn't find strength to form words, not even when the Goleador drew inspiration from moments ago, piling snow around her swollen womanhood and teasing her wet sex.

Soon she was brought to her shaky legs, before Nico continued her protagonist attack calling and squeezed the detective into another bearhug. "Gggaaahhh!" the detective screamed, unable to try fighting back or prying herself free in her exhausted state. As Nico asked if she was ready to give, the heavily dressed ref came over to ask the same. The detective seemed unresponsive, only able to moan in pain.

As the referee asked again, preparing to check if the detective was still conscious, she was able to find her voice. "Haaann... ggaaahh... N-noo! ...N-no!" Tokime boldly answered, shaking her head as well. Even if things were looking dire for her, even if giving would likely be the smarter play, she refused. This was her big debut in LAW as much as it was Nico's first PPV. If she gave up now, what message would that send to management? She had to find a way to turn things around, but in her current predicament that seemed impossible. For now.
Golem's Guardians

Discord: TheFanfictioner#8859

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