Stipulations: The match takes place in a roller derby rink.
Last Woman Standing Match: Render your opponent unable to get to her feet before the conclusion of a 10 count
Last edited by Malkavia on Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
—Madilyn Mei
This was surely a bloodbath about to spill and it was no less for the LAWLESS Championship. It had been awhile since Natalie had anything to do with LAW, but Rylie wasn’t about to forget her actions against her best friend, Oscar. Natalie and Rylie were sort of best friends and they hung out in the occasion, but Natalie was usually back in America performing so they never really formed too much of a bond. Ever since her loss to Oscar and attacking him unprovoked after their clash, Natalie has gone cold on Rylie and Rylie wouldn’t forgive her. Rylie pitched her title on the line and even put the match in Natalie’s court as the location for this fight is an abandoned skating rink at a local recreation center.
The building wasn’t too big and it looked like it was mostly in business from the 90s and closed sometime in the early 2000s. Broken neon signs could be seen either torn down or flickering with surprisingly some working electricity. There was the main rink with the barrier around it, a concession stand with a broken popcorn machine, an usable smoothie maker, stacks of unused cups, tubs for the popcorn if one wanted some, a grill for barbecue food, hot dogs, or burgers, a freezer for ice cream bars, and a menu that was hard to read since it was so dark. There is a small bleacher section on the other side of the rink presumingly from when local teams competed here from middle and high schools. There was a second story, but it mainly held offices that have since had their doors locked with only glass windows to see the dark shadows inside and the emptiness they brought. Parts of the ceiling also looked to be falling apart as some debris from tiles fell occasionally. There were also some locker rooms in the back, but the doors were currently closed.
A LAW referee stood by with some speakers brought in for the entrance music and she was ordered by the production team to start playing Natalie’s theme. Theme Song
If any were in the crowd tonight, Natalie would most certainly be met with loud boos, but her skates rolling across the floor from the front door were the only thing heard besides the loud music. She smirked as she entered the rink and took a practice lap around it feeling the wind brush in her hair. Natalie then stopped herself on the barrier and laid both her elbows on it looking really smug. She saw one of the camera people ringside and motioned for the belt to be hers yelling “Rylie picked a bad place to do this. This is my stomping grounds. She’s getting flattened and that belt is coming over to a real waist.”
However, as she relaxed, Natalie barely was able to make out two shadowy silhouettes sitting in the bleachers. One of them is, by no mistake, Jonathan Steele as he wore a Boston Bruins black hoodie, black jeans, and a normal black ball cap that concealed his face and beard. The next person sitting next to him was a lot smaller than him and even smaller than Natalie. It was like a little kid, but still old enough to be considered a teenager. This person wore a black hoodie with some satanic symbols on it and a black bunny mask as she hopped to the music. Natalie raised an eyebrow before clearing her throat.
“Hey Coach! Ready to see what a failure you brought up in the wrestling world looks like?” Natalie yelled to the veteran wrestler.
“I’m much more interested in the failure that I look at now,” Jonathan shot back.
“I’m not the total loser having to babysit some trick or treater on Halloween night. You seriously couldn’t have just left the kid home?” Natalie asked as she skated up to the barrier separating everyone.
“She is not hurting anyone. Focus on your own volition,” Jonathan replied.
“Whatever you say. I’m taking down Rylie here and now and then it’s on to beating Oscar and his bitchy cousin. Then, I’m taking out your precious friend, Chelsea!” Natalie promised as she shook her left fist at her former trainer.
Suddenly, the masked girl started hollering in laughter as Jonathan had managed to release part of a snicker himself as Natalie backed up a little creeped out. She shook her head and just chalked it up to mind games or just stupid Halloween antics. She had a match to focus on so she waited on Rylie as her music ended.
Suddenly, after Natalie's conversation with Jonathan ended, Natalie's entrance theme ended abruptly as a familiar voice rang out from the intercoms. In the announcing booth at the top of the center of the bleachers was Rylie messing with the audio equipment. "Yeah yeah, not going to lie, dude's got flow, but seriously, you're going to put the crowd asleep with that music, it's time to party while I hit my music!"
Suddenly music came on, but it wasn't Rylie theme. Do you really want to hurt meeeee? to which a familiar song from Culture Club popped on before there was a sudden cut with Rylie chiming back in. "Wait...that's not it...which button wa...." Then there was another cut. Trojan Maaaaaannnnn"Seriously? A condom ad? Nani the fuck? Which it is!"
Suddenly the correct music kicked in with the distortion of the amp began as Rylie timed the start of the guitar to the door to the announce booth suddenly being kicked outward with a familiar black steel toe boot sticking out from the doorway before Rylie suddenly exited the booth. Rylie strut her way down the steps of the bleachers, allowing her fans to pat her as she slapped fives and bumped fists with a few of the fans that were in attendance. She was ready to go in her black and blue two piece bikini, mismatched steel toed boots, and her dark blue flannel shirt tied around her waist. She had her racoon ears, but no face paint and her fluffy racoon tail was swaying behind her. Last but not least, she had her Lawless Championship Belt over one shoulder. Spoiler
She stopped at the row that Jonathan was sitting in and turned to look at him and the person that was sitting beside her as she grinned to Jonathan. "Hope you enjoy the show, did you get yourself some nachos or hot dog or something...if anything here is functional?" She then winked at Skye and offered her fist for a fist bump. "Nice to see another critter to the party. Wish me luck." She mentioned referring to the bunny mask as she then continued to step down. She then climbed over the barrier before hopping down the other end. She looked around, having scouted the area earlier in the day and also took note of some of the key areas she would like to explore during the match. She was minus her weapons, but you just knew, somewhere in the facility was her pair of toy lightsabers, her infamous rubber chicken, and some other traps ready to use. She carefully stepped out onto the track and crossed it, knowing that it was probably slick with a wax job done to it earlier as she began to stretch to warm up. She then realized her entrance was still playing. "Oh sec." She then turned her head to look at the crowd as she shouted out. "Hey no one's in the booth! Can one of you go in and hit that red button to stop the music! Thanks, love you!"
She then turned to Natalie in all seriousness as she lifted the championship belt into the air. "Remember the contract we signed. This belt or your skates." She mentioned as she then walked over towards the bench and draped the belt respectfully on it as she then walked over towards the center of the rink as she began to warm herself up. "I decided to let you have the home court advantage, because you're going to need this happy place after I'm done with you." She promised as she cracked her knuckles, ready to fight her as her Raccoon tail lifted up and straightened out as if ready to attack.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Natalie rolled her eyes as she saw Rylie make her entrance and Jonathan even stood to give her a nice hug on her way down while Skye accepted the fist bump. However, when Rylie put her title down and faced Natalie, the skater just smugly placed her hands on her hips. She just shrugged her shoulders when Rylie seemingly made her reminders of the contract. If Natalie lost, she’d have to give over the pair of skates she was wearing at this minute and she had to promise it was a stylish pair as Rylie wouldn’t accept a generic selection. Natalie looked down as her skates were lavender purple with some pink fuzzies on the sides tied with pink laces so it was decent enough for the signing.
“Tch….you don’t scare me, ya trashy bitch. I’m surprised you didn’t bring your entourage to cheer you on. Besides, the asshole and his bitch up there,” Natalie spat as she jabbed a thumb back at Jonathan and Skye.
“I’ll get the music,” Jonathan offered to Rylie before he would make his way around the bleachers to head up the steps towards the music booth.
“Hmph, I also heard you got a taste of the luck of an Irish woman. Probably as big as a disappointment as you are, honestly, so it fits. You drink each other under the table often?” Natalie asked with a smug smirk.
“And yeah, I know you’ll spat your victories over Raina and Drake, but honestly, like I give a rat’s ass who you took down. I studied your matches and I know your weaknesses Rylie. You’re tough, but you didn’t scour the indies working your ass off to make this gimmick work. You didn’t become an international icon. You’re just a dumpster rat through thick and thin and it’s going to be me that teaches you the harsh truth. When I stand over you with the title, that harsh reality will sink in and maybe you scurry back to your dumpster you should’ve never came out of,” Natalie insulted trying to get under Rylie’s skin. “To think I considered you a friend.”
The referee saw both women were ready for war and called for the bell.
If Rylie would charge Natalie first, Natalie would try confusing Rylie a little skating around her to be unpredictable before throwing out a hard forearm with her left arm aimed for Rylie’s head!
"Really? Bringing up a stereotype to insult my girlfriend because she's Irish? I're not wrong, but so what if we like to party it up and get our drink on? It's a damn good time. You should try to see what it's like being with other people if you know you can get your giant ego out of your ass. You may need some lubrication to work that out though."
She then listened to the rest of her smack talking and when the bell rang, she did try to lunge for Natalie and she did get a forearm to the forehead for her efforts. She staggered back a bit before balancing herself, letting out a annoyed "Tch!" as she brought a hand to her temple, a hand that had a familiar necklace wrapped around her wrist like a bracelet, A white horse head with a glowing blue mane/A lavender raccoon head, as she looked down at the ground. "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times - Bruce Lee." She then looked back up at Natalie. The same thing can be said about your experiences. Sure, you've traveled through several indies picking up your experiences along the way. Good for you, but that couldn't have made you that tough. You left the same training camp I stuck through on day one because of a few words?"
She then attempted to lunge at Natalie again, her plan this time was to coax her into making the same kind of attack, but this time she was going to demonstrated her toughness by ramming her head into Natalie's own attack. It would be a headbutt to Natalie's own blow to try to make Natalie's own crutch work against her by causing her to suddenly lose the natural roll her skates would have of following through with her attack, trying to throw her off balance just that little as Rylie would then attempt to wrap her palm around Natalie's skull to attempt to put her in a Von Erich family style claw!
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The camera glanced on the bracelet-worn necklace for a minute as most fans would equate that to Jonathan’s tweet where he got necklaces customized for everyone. Including Rylie. Theirs was a symbol of friendship and dedicated to their coach-trainee relationship. One could even say a surrogate father/daughter relationship. Jonathan had always seen Rylie as a third daughter to him and he knew the rascal wore the necklace with honor knowing she always had a piece of him around.
Natalie was trying to think around Rylie as she shuffled all over the place. Natalie tried for a roundhouse kick, but Rylie calculated the kick and headbutted right into Natalie’s leg to throw her off her balance! Natalie hit the hard wood floor and groaned grabbing her back, but Rylie wasn’t going to let her get away without some punishment. Rylie quickly locked in her Iron Claw submission—a favorite of the Von Erichs. Natalie screamed in pain and she had to think of a way out of this as Rylie had her sat up digging her nails into her opponent’s forehead trying to draw blood. Natalie had one idea, but it was a long shot if it could ward off Rylie for long.
Natalie revved her right skate’s wheels across the wood floor before lifting it slightly to Rylie’s exposed skin. She would try to run the wheels against Rylie’s skin in order to get her to release the skater wrestler. It wouldn’t be enough to plan a reversal on Rylie, but Natalie was at least aiming to get away to create some breathing room!
Rylie yelped out as Natalie's spinning wheel came up to her ribs. However Rylie growled out at the pain and still had her free hand to swat Natalie's leg away from her. "Come here..." she growled out as she hooked her her other arm around Natalie's back to pull her up off of her feet. "You want to skate? Let's skate." She mentioned as she then began to run forward, using the fact that Natalie was on wheels to make it easier to shoved her forward as she went for a run her racoon tail swaying wildly behind her as she took off in a spring keeping Natalie's head gripped in her other hand. She ran from the center area to the skating area as she switched to sliding her feet. She then shoved Natalie forward, releasing her claw in an attempt to launch Natalie backwards in an attempt to make her ram into the steel barricade that was waist height and attempt to make her flip over it. As she released Natalie she then whispered several ouches as she lightly patted her friction burn in a Jackie Chan in pain style comical fashion as she grimaced a little.
Natalie would groan getting brought back up as Rylie started making her run. She had Natalie in her grasp and Natalie couldn’t stop it due to her wheels not allowing her a chance to slow herself down or stop completely to throw Rylie off balance. Even if she could, Natalie would just tumble on the hardwood floor and make things worse for herself. Natalie could only accept herself flying straight into the steel barricade hard! Not only that, she flipped over slamming her back on the floor and rolling through to the hard concrete wall as her incessant screaming filled the air suffering three brutal bumps like that in a succession. Natalie spit out as the referee ran over to check her out and started counting down on her.
As Rylie was done patting her friction burn, she gripped the sleeves of her flannel shirt that was tied around her waist, tugging it tighter to her. As she smirked, "I hope Oscar got a kick out of that." She muttered to herself. She listened to the ref and suddenly chimed in. "There's no use counting my dude. I got to give home girl some credit. If that would keep her down longer than the ten count, I would be highly disappointed." She spoke out as she carefully crossed the track and vaulted over the barricade as she stalked towards the downed Natalie like a predator hunting it's prey. As she got to Natalie she would slap her hand to clamp around Natalie's throat. "Get up." She snarled through gritted teeth as she would then walk with Natalie, rolling her in the direction of the concessions stand before switching her grip to grab her by the wrist as she would then twirl with her, giving her a few spins before launching her in the direction of the concessions, specifically trying to make her crash into the popcorn machine.
Natalie took quite the tumble and Rylie was not going to let up on her one bit. Not after all the crap she pulled over the last few months leading up to this event. The referee got to a count of 5 before Rylie warded her off and grabbed Natalie up making her roll across the floor. Rylie had an intended target for the old popcorn machine that had been out of commission for the time this place became abandoned. Natalie would be rolled into it at fast speed and she collided into the easily breakable glass leaning over the machine!
Natalie screamed in pain as glass shards covered her body, but none of her skin was exposed so she was virtually unharmed besides the initial impact of breaking through real glass. Natalie held her head and made sure her helmet was adjusted before noticing the steel pan is still in the holder. The place where the popcorn was popped and this glared at her like a Wonka golden ticket. Natalie looked back seeing Rylie on the warpath and she needed a bit of time to distract her opponent. Natalie went over to the main counter and found a condiment rack grabbing a ketchup bottle and a mustard bottle. Thankfully for her, they were filled to the brim so she turned to the incoming Rylie squirting her with the liquids covering her in the dipping sauces!
If that kept Rylie busy for a moment, Natalie grabbed a pepper shaker and dumped some into her hand before throwing that on Rylie as well to disturb her sinuses! Natalie would use this time to try and unlatch the metal pan from the broken popcorn machine in order to have a blunt weapon to defend herself with.