Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Alaina slammed Honie down and was immediately grabbing at her pulling her up by the hair and grabbing hold once more. One good slam deserved another so Alaina scooped Honie up and screamed as she spun around slamming her down hard near the steel entry way on the hard unforgiving ground! Alaina flexed her biceps and stood tall trying to rally the crowd after slamming Honie again! Alaina wasn't done though as a trio called the three slamigos was a little thing she did thus Alaina scooped Honie up and slammed her a third time in a row this time right on the steel entry way!

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Honie tried to power herself up, after Aliana slammed her down hard on those steel steps. However, as soon as she made a little progress in doing so, Alaina was quick to scoop her up yet again! And before the bee big could find someway to force the Amazon to release her, Alaina slammed her two more times! Once one the floor, and once on the steel entry way! "OWWW......! NGHHH......!" Honie groaned out with each hit, as the champion was successful in slamming her three times in a row. Even more rattled, stunned, and banged up than before, this time, Honie couldn't even attempt to get back up yet. Alaina was still in control, as the Amazon's fans cheered her on!

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Alaina took Honie down and to say it was satisfying was an understatement. Alaina wasn't stopping though as she now lift Honie again holding her across her chest. Alaina ran holding Honie looking to smash her against the ring post as hard as she could before spinning to deliver tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to the bee outside the ring to continue to build up her momentum! The amazon was not going to be out done and she knew she had to pour it on to defend that title!

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Alaina and Honie had slammed each other around plenty in this match, but now the champion was the was dishing out another slamming spree! But this time, Alaina seemed to be focusing in on targeting Honie's back. The beekeeper didn't understand why, but that very part of her body was soon under attack yet again! "GAAAHH!" Honie loudly groaned out, when Alaina hit her with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! The damage Alaina had built up there made it difficult for Honie to stand straight afterwards, or even stand at all. Nonetheless, the tough Heroine of the Beehive would slowly start to try pushing herself up back to her feet, battling the pain the best she could!

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Alaina saw Honie struggle and she knew it could be a chance to end this. The amazon grabbed the bee and shoved her head between Alaina's legs. Alaina grabbed Honie around the waist and lift her up in position for an amabomb! She spun and then ran sending Honien crashing down to the hard ground with her devastating finisher!

Alaina would waste no time in pinning Honie after, hooking a leg and pressing down to keep Honie pinned!



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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Honie was gritting her teeth and defiantly struggling to get up, but her efforts only made it easier to Alaina to grab her again! Within moments she was being woman-handled again, this time to be forced into position for the Amazon's signature Amabomb finisher!


Usually, Honie would grunt or groan upon taking such an impact. But this time, Alaina's signature move knocked so much out of her already banged up frame, that the Booty Buzzer wordlessly went down. Completely and utterly stunned, Honie laid lifeless for a moment. And despite the fact that Honie may have very well been capable of powering through this in time, a single moment was all that Alaina needed...


The currently Wonder-Woman themed Ms. Sanders had pinned the beekeeper for the whole three count! The crowd cheered! The bell rang! The result hadn't full registered on the dazed honey bee, but LAW's Heavyweight champion had retained her belt...

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Alaina stood up and swayed, staggering about as she held her fists up before being handed the LAW Heavyweight Championship. She held that high and walked around a bit gasping for breath. Honie kept hammering away at her taking whatever Alaina threw her way and coming back at the amazon right up to the end. Alaina was impressed and even though Honie had some eccentric tendencies she was a serious wrestler. Alaina was happy that she took the title shot seriously as well, nearly taking that belt from the amazon in the process. Alaina slumped against the ring after, having some trouble standing after that taxing battle.

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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After Alaina celebrated yet another successful title defence by parading around the ringside, Honie slowly pushed herself up into a seated position to see LAW's Heavyweight Champion now slumping against the ring. Honie was quite tired herself, but she gradually brought herself to her feet. She was disappointed at her lost, as she figured becoming a champion would make everyone take her more seriously, despite her silly, bee-themed mannerisms. Nonetheless, the honorable Heroine of the Beehive would do her best to be a good sport. She approached Alaina and stuck out her arm to offer a handshake.

"Well, you win. You know how to use the ringside environment quite effectively. Guess that's why you pitched for this to be a Falls Count Anywhere Match." Honie buzzed in a bittersweet tone. She had gotten the better of the Amazon before in a tag match. But it still sucked not to pull through with gold on the line, where it mattered most. "Regardless, you did great. If anyone thinks you've gotten old and lost your steam, they're clearly off their rocker. Haha."

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Alaina saw Honie approach and extend her hand. The worn out Alaina smiled and nodded to her, shaking her hand and trying to smile as best she could. "You really had me, it seemed like nothing I could do kept you down. This was one of the toughest matches I've had in a while. You are an amazing wrestler Honie, and you will be a champ soon." Alaina said taking deep breaths as she kept trying to recover after that matchup. She meant what she said and Honie had really taken it to Alaina leaving the amazon reeling quite often in the match. Alaina managed to come out on top but she hoped it wasn't just luck that had led to her victory.

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Re: Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) for the LAW Heavyweight Championship

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Despite her disappointment, Honie lit up when Alaina complimented her during their handshake. "Awwwww, you really mean it?! Thanks so much!" Honie buzzed, before pulling the Amazon in for a hug. Usually, Honie forgot her own strength and unintentionally hugged people way too tightly. But this time, the fatigue from the match tired the heroine out enough for the hug to have a normal force to it. "Okay then! I'll see you around! And next time we meet, I'll be even stronger!" After the hug, Honie would make her leave, as the crowd erupted with cheers. These two heavyweights had put on quite the awesome match for the fans, something both face wrestlers could surely take comfort in!

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