The Ultimatum (For Vcom)

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The Ultimatum (For Vcom)

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Timeline Context
This segment happened prior to Fight The LAW 2 PPV
Fight The LAW 2 PPV was just announced quite a while ago. Yuzuha was just recovered from the brutal Apex qualifier match against Alice. But given the ending of the match being indecisive in proving who's the better woman. She isn't satisfied at all and wanted another match with Alice. And to that, she had an idea to a match that would make it decisive no matter what. No interruption at all... That is if Alice accepted her call out tonight.

Tonight's LAW show started with the Japanese biker standing at the center of the ring. Surprisingly dressed not in her usual get up, instead... She wore a plain white shirt with "Platinum Sky" embedded on the chest along with black training pants. It looked as if she's not looking to get into a match immediately. With a mic in hand, she looked over to the crowd who had a mixed reception with her. Cheering her for how intense and bloody her matches was, and booings for her act in that qualifier match.

Tapping on the mic to make some booms to silence the crowd, Yuzuha then drew the mic close to her mouth. "I will be quick in stating what I want so you all better shut up." She stated as she looked over to the entrance stage. "My first Apex qualifier... As you all know, I won in that match..." She addressed to the crowd.

"But! I'm not satisfied at all with that result... And with the timing of Fight The LAW 2 PPV, I have a match that surely would answer the question of who's tougher between the two of us. Fitting for a show on a cruise ship!" She announced, clearly having a match in mind as the crowd murmured wondering what sort of brutality in store between the two if the "I Quit" match wasn't enough...

"Bet you're all curious about what it is huh? So..." She let out to the crowd before turning to the entrance stage. "Alice Gaster! You and I both know we're not satisfied with our qualifier match back then! Come on out and face me! I'm not saying any more unless you come out!" Yuzuha called out. "That is... Unless you're a fucking chicken and have your sister to shield you from me!" She added on, fully expecting Alice to come out and not wanting anyone get in between their fight. Much less Clara.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: The Ultimatum (For Vcom)

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Alice sat in Clara's private locker room, having read that Yuzuha was going to cut a promo tonight on the news. With the PPV coming up, and their last bout once again having a fairly inconclusive finish, Alice wanted more. She wanted revenge on Yuzuha.

"This bitch thought she would kill me? No fucking chance...I will end her...", she would think to herself as she watched her on the TV in Clara's room. She was actually surprised Clara let her in here fact, she insisted upon it the moment the two bumped into each other in the arena...

"Weird...I don't remember her having a match on the ca--FUCK!!!"

She finally deduced what was happening, dashing to the door...and it was locked.

"YOU LITERAL DEVIL, YOU ASSHOLE!!!", she cried curses at her sister as she kicked at the door, while Clara Gaster was already making her way towards the gorilla position, requesting her music to not be was way too positive for her current mood.

She wasn't dressed to wrestle, but in a simple yellow coat, white shirt and black skirt. She wasn't here to wrestle tonight...she was here to try and make a deal.

Clara exit onto the entrance ramp, mic in hand, slowly walking towards the ring. In all honesty, she really...really wanted to request what she wanted from the entrance ramp itself...but she couldn't be a coward. Not for what she had in mind, if she was to ensure that this psycho wouldn't hurt her sister again.

Finally, she entered the ring, staring daggers at the biker, not wanting to see the sight of her. Be it her will, Yuzuha would get sued for attempted murder...but Alice asked her not to, and with wrestling being wrestling, LAW issued a statement claiming: "Part of the show that went too far, won't happen again". Yuzuha herself likely got a minor slap on the wrist...if even that.

The crowd cheered for Clara for a bit, as Clara looked around...looking composed, but someone close to her...someone like Yuzuha, could tell there was a certain nervousness in her body language.

"No.", Clara spoke her first word since walking out, giving it a moment before continuing:

"No, she isn't a damn coward. No, she isn't hiding behind me. But no, she is not going to fight you. I am not allowing it in any way whatsoever. Not even if you two were to suddenly smarten up, and decide to settle things with traditional catch-as-catch-can wrestling..."

Clara swallowed and breathed in, with a portion of the sound caught on the microphone. Some people with good hearing in the crowd could recognize that the Brit didn't want to be here tonight.

"But of course, the real world is crueler than that...and wrestling even more so. It has to thrive on drama, on the story. And what better story than two idiots trying to kill each other, with one's sister worried that that might actually happen. LAW already printed the posters for you two, you know. It was such an obvious conclusion to just let you two animals loose on a cruise ship. Either of you drown? Eh, you signed some waivers, LAW is clean as a whistle to keep on going, poor Alice Gaster, poor Yuzuha Takamiya. What a tragedy..."

Clara fell silent, but before Yuzuha answered, she had to give her a chance. Maybe her words got to Yuzuha, maybe she could just burn those damned posters she saw in the advertising department to a crisp. There were so many other girls who wanted a chance at the pay-per-view, what was one cancelled plan?

"Ms. Takamiya...I beg of you...just walk away. No need to throw your life out, no need to kill my sister, you just stay away from each other, and fight one another some other day, after you realize just how deadly this feud has gotten..."

This was Yuzuha's final chance...and if she didn't take it, then it was time for the last resort - the ultimatum...

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Re: The Ultimatum (For Vcom)

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Yuzuha groaned out and rolled her eyes away as she saw Clara emerges from the entrance. The very last person she wanted to see, the woman who gets in between her and Alice. Yuzuha would've guessed that she's here to persuade her to stop going after Alice. As much as she wanted to pounce Clara, she remembered the deal that allowed her to have a promo segment. And that is to not have any unplanned brawls on the show tonight. Huffing out, Yuzuha crosses her arms as she glared towards Clara.

Yuzuha can tell, how much Clara doesn't want to be here and dealing with her as she said her piece. She entertained herself to hear out what Clara have to say. And true to her guess, Clara is not allowing her to get in the ring with Alice. She stayed silent, though of course, clutching her hands as she really wanted to punch Clara right here right now but she have to show control for this night. After all, she do raise a good point that they shouldn't throw their life away and even in their death... It'll be a short lived tragedy...

And as Clara pleads to Yuzuha to stay away... Yuzuha took a deep breath and raise the mic up to her mouth. "You seriously don't know how much I wanted to deck you, just to pay you back from the last time we met." She let out, walking a few steps away from Clara. "But the management don't want me to cause any trouble tonight so... Consider yourself safe, for now... Now that is out of the way..."

The Japanese biker then steps in close to Clara and stared her eye to eye. "I'm pretty sure Alice would come out with that little taunting, but knowing you're here instead of her. I bet you locked her out so that she won't come out here and face me." She guessed, grinning a little as she's confident that her guess is 90% right. Taking a few steps back right after that...

"But to answer your request... No, you should walk away." Yuzuha pointed at Clara, raising her voice as she answered the plea. "You don't get it do you!? She and I knows that this won't end unless either one of us drew our last breath... Or either one of us goes down and admit the other is stronger. You're insulting your sister as much as you insult me with this!" She lashes out, taking a deep breath as she let her words sink in.

"If you insist on keeping me away from your sister... Then you better make me! But mark my words... You're going to regret getting in my way." Yuzuha concluded, she made her stance clear. She won't back down unless she is forced to back down.
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Re: The Ultimatum (For Vcom)

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Clara listened to Yuzuha’s response. She heard from management that she was not to break into any fights tonight unless directly, physically prompted…and with Alice locked up, and Clara herself wanting to be diplomatic, there was little chance of this happening…Clara hoped at least.

The Brit couldn’t help but let out a nervous giggle at Yuzuha directly guessing how Clara dealt with her sister…and as Alice angrily tried to stomp the door of her locker room open in response.

Yuzuha gave her full answer…while more polite than Clara expected, this was exactly what she knew Yuzuha would say. Besides the murderous tendancy (of which Alice did use to possess for a bit), she really was like her in a lot of ways…especially with her pride as a hardcore wrestler. She made her stance clear, however. Clara needed to stop Yuzuha herself, or get out of the way.

The latter was not an option for the older Gaster sister.

”Fine…that’s your choice…here’s mine.”

“For Fight The LAW, the management wanted to put Alice and you in a regular Deathmatch: Areas heavily taped off, good old chairs, tables, light tubes, kendo sticks, bats and what have you strewn around and in the ring, have at it, kill each other…”

“LAW management allowed me only 2 changes…the first name of one of the competitors on the card, and 1 extra stipulation…”

At hearing that in Clara’s locker room, Alice went wide eyed…as her attempts to break the door intensified…

”At Fight The LAW 2, on the cruiseship, you are going to be fighting a Gaster…me to be precise, in a deathmatch. And if I win…you will leave Alice alone. For good. No other matches between you two while I live and breathe…”

The lock in Clara’s locker room finally gave way, and Alice darted for the gorilla position, various workers trying and failing to stop her with how fast she ran.

”Do you accept?”

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Re: The Ultimatum (For Vcom)

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Yuzuha was quite surprised to hear the length that Clara would go through to keep her away from Alice. Even going as far as changing the match at Fight The LAW 2 into what would be an ultimatum match. With the match being in the Japanese biker's specialty no less.

"So you're really that determined to stop me and Alice from having a decisive match huh?" Yuzuha questioned, smirking in amusement. "This isn't your fight at all in the first place. I don't really have any beef with you, but you're making this your fight?"

Yuzuha clapped her hands, keeping her cheeky grin as she looked straight at Clara. "You willingly signed a death wish for a chance to keep me away from your sister for good. After seeing the lengths I would go?"

"I like that, I actually started to like you two more and more. Especially with you being this dumb... I accept, you better arrange your funeral after Fight The LAW 2." Yuzuha accepted the ultimatum. Just in time as she glanced to the entrance to see Alice emerging.

"Oh hey Alice." She grinned deviously towards Alice in a flash before quickly dropping the mic and retreated out of the ring. Immediately making a beeline to the crowd before Alice could get her hands on her. She's not going to start a brawl but she sure as hell would entertain herself in riling up her hated rival.

A spotlight followed Yuzuha's retreat as she gets in the middle of the crowd. The Japanese biker turned around to face the ring once again and looked down towards the Gasters. Walking backwards as she rolled her shoulders in swagger. "Hey Alice! You don't mind if I steal your sister for a bit right!?" Yuzuha shouted out from the crowd as she continues to retreat. "We can have another deadly date after the cruise!" She was confident that she'll win and continue to have her blood feud with Alice. Laughing right after as she exited the arena.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: The Ultimatum (For Vcom)

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Clara could recall talking to LAW management on the day she found out Alice/Yuzuha 3 was given a go ahead. She didn’t realize that LAW bookers have gotten this bloodthirsty in the 5 years of the company. Attempts to at least ask for a stipulation change didn’t work, neither did requests to cancel the match…

…the only thing they could budge on was to change which Gaster sister was going to be on the cruise on the day of the PPV…

Clara gave it a week’s thought…before her worries outweighed her fears, and she gave the call to confirm that she was going ahead with the match…

Yuzuha’s reaction to her challenge was a lot more positive than she anticipated…though to be fair, Yuzuha was going to be fighting a primarily regular match wrestler in a deathmatch. The only semblance of a hardcore match the Brit has fought in LAW so far was her tables match, her second in the company, all the way back in 2017, and that wasn’t in any way brutal for the competitors in it…

The Biker, of course, was correct. It was foolish to do, insert herself into a feud between wrestlers that have nothing to do with her, and who haven’t done anything wrong directly to her…

But the thought of her sister and her closest friend getting hurt to the point of retiring…or even dying? She would put her life on the line to destroy any threat that laid in her path.

Yuzuha accepted…right as she called out to Alice, Clara turning around to see her sister darting towards the ring.

Alice wanted to beat Yuzuha down. She couldn’t go to the cruise if she was too injured to make it there.

By the time she rolled in, Yuzuha was already half way towards the exit out of the audience area:

”GET THE FUCK BACK HERE, YOU FUCKER! I’LL KILL YOU!!!”, Alice screamed, right as Yuzuha called out to her, before exiting the arena, right as Alice reached the barricade.

Alice’s attention shifted to the second competitor in the Fight the LAW 2 match. Alice got back into the ring, shaking. Clara looked straight into her sister’s eyes, with full determination.

”What have you done…?”

Clara was silent.

Alice walked towards her sister, and slapped her face:


Clara swallowed, stood up straight, looking Alice straight in the eye: ”Protected my sister——“

”NO! FUCK YOU! I DIDN’T ASK YOU TO THROW YOURSELF AT THE WOMAN WHO WANTS TO END ME! You want to see the worst a deathmatch wrestler can dish out again, sis?! WELCOME TO HELL!”

Alice would get out of the ring, and back up the entrance ramp, while Clara stood standing for a little while longer. She didn’t want to bump into Alice for at least a little bit…
Last edited by Vc0m on Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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