Still their was not anymore time to think about it as she would hear Imaging dragons starting to come out of the speakers. Wasting little time she would walk out , and then make her way to the ring as she listen to Thunder as she climbed into the ring by using the steps. Placing her hammer against one of the ringposts she would ask for a microphone , and would smile when she got one as she took a deep breath before she yelled ''GOOD EVENING EVERYONE'' as loudly as she could.
''After that she would wait a few seconds before she continued to speak as she would then say ''so I first want to say that I'm enjoying beat her in LAW , but I doubt any of you would have heard of me.Well my name is Hailey Helga Hamner , and I am here to steal the show , and get some luck by breaking my opponent's legs. As I earned my contract in my last organisation in an weapons match , and I never stopped. As I doubt anyone in the back can handle me in an good old NHB or weapons match so long as I got my trusty hammer with me. Still I suspect that people want prove so I am here to make a challenge , and to see who in LAW besides me is ready to break a leg. Or rather get their leg broken by me as I never did get that saying as it sounds silly to me'' in an exciting tone as she would then look at the ramp to see if anyone will come down.