The Queen of Champions

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Fairy Dragon
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The Queen of Champions

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Not one to waste time Kyoko came out with a briefcase in hand and a cocky step to herself The reaction the usual mixed reaction that she had come to enjoy as she strutted down the ring and holding the case in her left hand. Entering the ring she demanded a mic with her right and once it was given to her she looked up at the crowd and waited for them to quiet down. "I'm not gonna pretend I'm the most well liked chick in the place. Hell my first match probably put me on some goody two shoes shit list, I even got called a bully by a girl about twice my waist size! Which I took as a personal insult, first of all bullies are cowards. I'm not a coward, I speak my mind at all times and I face whoever I have to, it doesn't matter if there half my size or have muscles on there muscles if there my opponent I'm taking them head on!" She said clearly annoyed by some of the insults thrown her way.

"But I'm not here to talk about what people think, I'm here to talk about whats true. And the truth is I'm the best this company has! Especially of the middleweight division but here we are with some qualifier rounds for the title but here I am without a qualifier round. Why is that? Is someone scared of me keeping that belt for too long cause they know none of the little girls they have going for it can stand up to me? Is it out of jealousy? Again I'm not here to speculate I'm just stating hard facts, like the fact that I don't care why you left me out of the tournament. Cause I don't care about your stupid little tournament or your even dumber belt. I'm a much bigger challenge then anyone in those matches and should be treated as such." Kyoko moved around the ring for a second before opening the briefcase. "But of course since this place cant provide that kind of spotlight, I took the liberty of bringing it myself. Now id like to show you all the only belt that matters here."
Pulling out her own title belt. Her name plastered on it and her famous nickname placed on the top as she raised it in the air before placing it on her shoulders. "This is what people will be talking about from now on. Not some belt that might see some relevance half year from now a belt in the hands of a true fighter. I didn't go around calling myself the "Belly Queen" People lined up to call me that when I broke there heroes and villans in equal measure, and ill do the same here cause this title, like me, doesn't care how much you weight, how pretty or ugly you are, or how much people know you. All it cares about is the fight and I'm taking on anyone who wants a piece of me. But be warned..I don't play nice, so if you come in here thinking your just going to take this from me, your in for a painful night." She finished as she dropped the mic and kept prading the belt around the ring.

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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When Kyoko had finished talking and spouting her nonsense, there was one woman backstage that couldn't hold her tongue anymore. Was it cause she had basically insulted all of LAW? No! Was it cause Kyoko had insulted basically all of the people competing here, especially those in the middle weight category? No! Was it because listening to that speech annoyed the woman a bit? Perhaps. Gabriella stepped out first and foremost for one simple reason, that was to put Kyoko in her place and show her who was the real head honcho around here. Having someone walk in here who didn't even know her and just write her off was something that Gabriella wouldn't abide by.

After Kyoko had showed of her belt, music would start to play as the busty Mexican stepped down the ramp and headed towards the ring. The crowd's reaction to her was a fair bit warmer than Kyoko's and held a bit more impact to it. She made her way down towards the ring and stepped into it, walking up towards Kyoko, with a microphone in hand.

She'd stand right in front of Kyoko and look on at that belt that Kyoko held against her shoulder. She'd reach out towards it before giving the belt and Kyoko's shoulder a nonchalant shove. " Psh..." She let out as she would then place her hand down on her hip, smirking as she looked at Kyoko and would then cock her head to the side. Her music died down as she would then start to speak.

" Okay, Chica....I don't know who you are, or who you think you are, but really?" Gabriella spoke as she would look up and down at the Japanese woman. " You're really so desperate for a title that you go and make one for yourself? That's sad. Like no...that's really sad." Gabriella spoke out as she would shake her head in a mocking way while she looked at Kyoko. " I'll tell you what though, you seem to think that you're some kind of hot shit, eh? Well, I've never heard of you. Hell, You've had what? One match and you think you're the queen bee around her?" Gabriella said as she would click her tongue. " Well you better think again." Gabriella said as she would take a step closer to Kyoko, making sure there was barely any distance between the two of them at all, as she was staring down the slightly smaller girl. " Cause this is my Casa, Chica."

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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She knew people would be pissed at her actions, but she wasn't expecting such a fast response or to be so rudely interrupted. Instead some other girl came marching down the ring looking annoyed and holding a microphone, oh great..she was here to talk. "Um..this is an announcement." Kyoko glared at her as she saw her coming down still. Great, her speech ended perfectly and now she was going to have to deal with someone complaining about how she hurt her feelings or some crap. Staring at the girl she tried to remember her name but she just drew a blank, not that it mattered once she made her back down her name would simply fade away in her head. Though she had to admit her words started to get to her, mainly calling her desperate and acting like she didn't even know who she was. Glaring daggers at the girl she slowly raised the mic to her hand holding her belt in the other one.

"You..must really have some issues coming out here and trying to insult me." She said trying to keep her vice calm and threatening. "First I'm not desperate..if anything your the desperate one coming out here looking for some attention in my spotlight. I made this belt because this place needs a belt and a champion that they can be proud of. Now I will give you credit for the small nugget of truth in your words, yes ive only had one match here. But, Ive wrestled all over Japan already this belt was paid for by my fans who want to see me reach higer goals and everything ive gotten has been earned like my contract, my belt, my nickname, and soon my spot at the top of this place. Now miss...whoever you are, out of respect for the skill ive seen you display in this ring from the glance I saw of your match ill let you walk out of here on your own power, I suggest you take it 'Chica'." She said trying to mimic the girl.

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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Gabriella would look on and listen as she clearly had annoyed Kyoko with her little retort to Kyoko's announcement. She would roll her eyes as the so-called Belly Queen spoke and spouted even more nonsense, at least to Gabriella it was utter nonsense. She soon returned the glare that Kyoko gave her as she would stare deeply into the pale eyes of Kyoko Akan.

There would be a few moments of silence between them, before Gabriella would then let out a loud " Hah!", a light chuckle escaping her lips. She'd keep her hand on her hip as she held the microphone up to her mouth with her other arm. " You think you're what this place needs? Please. Also what fans? It didn't sound as if the crowd likes you all that much." Gabriella spoke out as she would then cock her head to the other side. " You know what though, Chica." The Mexian beauty let out as she would look on at Kyoko. " Your contract, sure. I'll buy it, you've wrestled here and there, enough to get into LAW. That belt though? Nah, and your title? Pffft....Now, out of respect for the skill from the glance I saw of your match, I'm going to let you walk away. You can prance around with your little title all you want....because It's not gonna change the fact." Gabriella said as she would move her hand from her hip and place her finger upon that belt.

"In LAW, You'll never be more than second best." Gabriella said as she would then scoff at Kyoko and once again shove at the Japanese woman's shoulder, this time a bit harder to try and get the woman out of her face.

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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Now face to face to face with the girl Her name starting to click in her head..Gabi something or whatever Kyoko could tell while she may have been stupid she wasn't a coward. Though that didn't earn her much in the moment as all Kyoko wanted to do was tear her head off for her mouth that refused to stop yapping. First she insulted her fans, which admittedly she didn't have much of in LAW but they existed! Then she insulted her belt and worse her own title, one Kyoko spent the past few years of her life earning and proving. Then she touched the belt and shoved her shoulder to make her step back as if trying to get her to leave the ring! At this point Kyoko felt a fight was the only way this could end cause there was no way she was running away.

Clenching her fist for a second she placed the belt around her shoulder instead and shoved Gabriella right back. "You have a funny way of burning out the little bit of respect I gave you, maybe you just love a fight huh?" She said moving closer once again. "You think this is your Casa? Well its in the middle of Watashi no shiro. And you just dared to put your hands on my crown, so forget letting you walk out of here...How about I just kick your ass and then we'll see if your still talking about me not earning my title or my belt."

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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Gabriella was shoved back a step as Kyoko herself started to fire back and basically said that they'd need to settle things with a fight. The Mexican beauty would look around as it seemed as if the crowd was all hyped up for such an event. Gabriella would place her hand up against her chin as if she was thinking about it. She'd look back at Kyoko and then take a step forward again to close the distance that Kyoko had created between them with her shove.

The purple haired beauty would eye the slightly shorter girl for a second or two, before she'd smirk. " You know what Chica? Let's have it your way." Gabriella let out as she would flick her hair back over her shoulder. She'd proceed to move her free hand up towards Kyoko's head, grabbing at the Japanese woman's chin and pulling her head upwards and towards Gabriella's a bit. Basically trying to force Kyoko's face as close as it could come towards Gabriella's without actually touching. " Name whatever kind of match you want, winner walks out with that sad excuse of a belt." Gabriella said as she would then take her hold on Kyoko's face and push the woman away from her and practically shove the so-called Belly Queen backwards.

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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The crowd popped, probably for the first time today for anything she had to say and for once she was glad they did. She loved it when people saw things her way and Gabriella seemed to be thinking about the matter. Leaving Kyoko to watch and impatiently wait for a response. Finally Gabriella responded, grabbing her chin so there faces were close enough that they were practically face to face, or at least as close as possible. Not only accepting her challenge but saying it would be for her belt was a shock. Then again it was clear she only wanted it to prove a point and try and humiliate her.

"Fine by me Gabi, Just know I'm not about to go easy on you just because your the first challenger." She said mulling over rules in her head. Her eyes wandering as if trying to come up with an idea by looking around her before she settled on one. "How about this? Since you seem to think my title and my belt are jokes you get to bear the full brunt of both of them. We' do a match with standard rules, but you can only go for a pinfall right after an attack to the other persons belly. The same goes for submissions they have to be targeting our abs to count. That's not to say other moves aren't allowed, by all means hit me with whatever you think will work. But in the end if you want to beat me your going to have to prove you can break me."

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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Gabriella would roll her eyes as Kyoko was mulling over the rules in her head, it seemed as if the "champion" hadn't given things a whole lot of thought, though Gabriella had to raise an eyebrow when Kyoko started to name off the rules for the match. Gabriella would shrug her shoulders and then return to staring down the Japanese woman. She would keep her eyes fixed on Kyoko, staring into those pale eyes of the woman. " I told you to name whatever kind of match you wanted." Gabriella let out as she would place her free hand down against her hip. She had to admit that she got a tad bit of respect that Kyoko wasn't the kind to demand that Gabriella would have to have an arm tied behind her back or some shit. There was a lot of weird match-types and rules floating around there.

" Well then Koko, when start here and now? Or do you need to run off and prepare?" Gabriella let out as she decided to give Kyoko a bit of a nickname since the self-proclaimed Belly Queen had taken it upon herself to shorten the name of the busty Mexican beauty. " I'm ready to throw down whenever." Gabriella let out as she would keep herself right in Kyoko's face.

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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"Ill take that as an I accept." Kyoko said since Gabriella didn't seem inclined to just say that. Either way she felt confident in herself. Yeah it was a standard match that happened to have a twist to it but Kyoko was doing those before she was called the Belly Queen so it wasn't like it was new to her, plus it would hopefully keep the cocky bitch she was facing from making some dumb excuse about why she lost. "Your gonna wrestle me in that? I suppose it is your choice, and I'm good whenever, it could be later today, a week from now or right now."

Taking off her jacket she would toss it out of the ring and look at Gabriella. "Just make sure that when you do want to come in here its because your ready to fight. And if you want to do this now get a ref in here and lets make it happen." She said as the crowd was getting excited. Kyoko threw the mic down and waited to see how things would go. If she was ready to fight now Kyoko would give the ref the belt to hold onto and get in her corner. If she wanted to do it later she had no problem with that.

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Re: The Queen of Champions

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Gabriella would scoff at Kyoko's words as the Japanese girl seemed to dis her outfit, something that caused the purple haired beauty to mimic Kyoko's action of pulling her jacket off and tossing it to the side as she was now only wearing a skirt and a tube top kind of top. She would keep standing in front of Kyoko as she would smile at the Japanese woman.

The referee took a hold of the belt that Kyoko gave off and Gabriella would nod her head towards the Japanese girl. " Let's do this already, Chica." Gabriella spoke out as she would turn and walk off towards her corner, leaning herself back against the turnbuckle as the referee would step up to each girl and check them for weapons or the like. After checking them, the referee would walk towards the center of the ring and then proceed to start up the match between them, all that was left was to ring the bell.

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