”Annie Clark”

Annie had to take a deep breath, for once she seemed unsure of herself. Usually when she went out in front of these crowds, she came to wrestle and win. She had never really talked in public since that war of words between herself and the previous champion Rose Gold. For Annie, she knew had to not embarrass herself out there, and get a match for We Are LAW, she needed to defend herself and fight against the allegations her haters and doubters say, that she was a Paper Champion and was someone not worthy of a Championship title in LAW or in Wrestling in general.
Clad in her signature hair cloth that was given as a good luck charm from her mom, an orange zip up hoodie, short cut off denim shorts, and some orange socks and sneakers, Annie heard it was call time to her to come out. Annie then went over to the sink and look at herself in front of the mirror and wash her face with some water.
“You got this partner.” Annie said to herself before picking up her Lightweight Championship, pulling it over her shoulders and heading out to the ring. The blaring noise of her music started throughout the arena.
The lights orange, and Annie came out onto the stage to a large cheer and ovation from the crowd, Annie had her confidence back hearing this loud noise as she walked down the ramp and walked up the steel steps before heading to the center of the ring with a smile on her face, before picking up a microphone and checking to see if it worked.
She would then begin her promo.
Annie took a deep sigh and said “Hey Partners, how you liking the show.” Annie said to cheers from the audience. “Thank you so much. You know, it was never my idea t win this championship like I did. I wanted to muscle buster Rose Gold into a crater as much as anyone else. But I cannot change the past. And I need to prove why I am the Lightweight Champion. People like Renee Steinhauser and Aiden Bolt have been going around, calling me a fluke, a paper champion and how they hope horrible things happen to me. People going around saying how I disgraced wrestling by even thinking of wearing a championship. And guess what, I’m GOING TO PROVE ALL OF THEM WRONG!” Annie said to loud cheers from the audience.
“We got a massive show called We are LAW 7 coming up, and I want to defend this Championship at that show against anyone who thinks they have a chance of beating me. My mom said she is going to be there and I’m gonna show her the daughter that she is proud of. I will back down from any challenge. SO IF YOU WANT TO CHALLENGE ME, STEP UP RIGHT NOW!” Annie said as she stared down the ramp and entranceway, looking for her opponent to finally show up.