Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

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Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

”Annie Clark”
Today’s LAW show had gone quite well, the show was buzzing about the usual wrestling and somewhat sensual acts that had happened on the show so far, but there was a massive draw that was the reason why many people came out to the show. Today would be the first promo made by the new Lightweight Champion Annie Clark since she was given the Lightweight Championship in controversial fashion. And with We are LAW 7 coming up soon in the Tokyo Dome, people wanted to know what Annie would do there.

Annie had to take a deep breath, for once she seemed unsure of herself. Usually when she went out in front of these crowds, she came to wrestle and win. She had never really talked in public since that war of words between herself and the previous champion Rose Gold. For Annie, she knew had to not embarrass herself out there, and get a match for We Are LAW, she needed to defend herself and fight against the allegations her haters and doubters say, that she was a Paper Champion and was someone not worthy of a Championship title in LAW or in Wrestling in general.

Clad in her signature hair cloth that was given as a good luck charm from her mom, an orange zip up hoodie, short cut off denim shorts, and some orange socks and sneakers, Annie heard it was call time to her to come out. Annie then went over to the sink and look at herself in front of the mirror and wash her face with some water.

“You got this partner.” Annie said to herself before picking up her Lightweight Championship, pulling it over her shoulders and heading out to the ring. The blaring noise of her music started throughout the arena.

The lights orange, and Annie came out onto the stage to a large cheer and ovation from the crowd, Annie had her confidence back hearing this loud noise as she walked down the ramp and walked up the steel steps before heading to the center of the ring with a smile on her face, before picking up a microphone and checking to see if it worked.

She would then begin her promo.

Annie took a deep sigh and said “Hey Partners, how you liking the show.” Annie said to cheers from the audience. “Thank you so much. You know, it was never my idea t win this championship like I did. I wanted to muscle buster Rose Gold into a crater as much as anyone else. But I cannot change the past. And I need to prove why I am the Lightweight Champion. People like Renee Steinhauser and Aiden Bolt have been going around, calling me a fluke, a paper champion and how they hope horrible things happen to me. People going around saying how I disgraced wrestling by even thinking of wearing a championship. And guess what, I’m GOING TO PROVE ALL OF THEM WRONG!” Annie said to loud cheers from the audience.

“We got a massive show called We are LAW 7 coming up, and I want to defend this Championship at that show against anyone who thinks they have a chance of beating me. My mom said she is going to be there and I’m gonna show her the daughter that she is proud of. I will back down from any challenge. SO IF YOU WANT TO CHALLENGE ME, STEP UP RIGHT NOW!” Annie said as she stared down the ramp and entranceway, looking for her opponent to finally show up.

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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by Vc0m »

A new, unfamiliar theme began to play across the LAW arena, with lights darkening save for the illuminated titantron playing relatively unknown visuals, no doubt drawing everyone’s attention to the entrance ramp above…yet strangely, no one was coming down. Murmurs began to sound in the crowd, some speaking in confusion over what was happening…with only a few seeing a figure going downstairs amongst the crowd towards the barricade…

…with a few brief screams as the figure hopped over it, beelining for the ring! Security almost stepped in, but the moment they saw just who the intruder was, they stopped in the tracks…not that they would even be able to catch the figure in time as she sneaked behind the LAW Lightweight Champion, kendo stick in hand, as the weapon was raised over Annie’s head!

…and subsequently brought down with a loud crack to the right of her!

”Hey yo!”

Lights would come up again, the theme would be stopped, as the intruder would finally be revealed!
Alice Gaster would be standing with a kendo stick and a mic in hand, smirking from ear to ear, gazing on Annie as she brought the microphone to her lips:

”No, no…so close to the show, I don’t want you to get hurt. I wouldn’t want you to have any excuses when you lose.”, Alice would explain, pacing back and forth, her kendo stick held across her shoulders.

”You can appeal to everyone as much as you want. You can appeal to the crowd with the tales of those dirty rumors and tales of other women in our division harassing you. You can appeal to your mom, telling her you are going to win and beat everyone as much as you want…but in the end, in the “now”, those are just words. Words from a woman wearing the belt…”

Alice would point to the LAW Lightweight championship with her Kendo Stick:

”That my sister helped establish through blood, sweat, tears and disappointment of not winning it. Words from a woman who got the belt through the previous champion just leaving it around. Words from a woman who doesn’t understand how much she needs to leave up to the standards set by other champions in this company”

The crowd reaction was uncertain. Annie was well liked in LAW, so any attempt to dress her down was met with jeers and boos, one guy even trying to scream at Alice to “shut up!”.

Finally, Alice would get straight into the champion’s face:

”But in the end, those are also just words from me. I’ll get to the point. You want a challenge? I am telling you, Annie, you need the toughest challenge possible. You need a challenge that will prove to me, to other lightweight, to other champions, to the fine folks around here that this title…” Alice would pause, once again pointing to the belt, this time with her finger on the hand holding her Kendo Stick:

”Belongs with you. Or you die trying. And I leave you a broken, bloodied mess on the floor as I hold the title that would’ve been yours over you.”

“So what do you say? You, me, We Are LAW 7… Hardcore match?”

As Alice made her challenge clear, the crowd’s reaction got more positive, intrested by the proposition of Alice’s challenge, and to see the two lightweights in a hardcore match!
Last edited by Vc0m on Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Annie slowly turned around as she heard the loud cracking noise of the kendo stick that Alice smacked right on the ring mat. And just like that, she was face to face with her next foe. Alice was clearly more experienced then her, and slightly taller as well, but Annie just gave her a determined look. She was not going to let Alice intimidate her. Much bigger people had tried the same tactics,a nd Annie just stood up to them, asking for a fight.

Annie would then raise her mic to her lips. “Okay, first of all, you are on!” Annie said as the crowd loudly cheered, now knowing what the Lightweight title match at We are LAW 7 in the Tokyo Dome was going to be. And then Annie continued. “You think I’m scared of getting hardcore, and seeing my own blood drip from my head. Well Alice, you’re dead wrong about that. When I stepped in this ring, I promised myself I would not say no to any challenge.”

Annie then took a deep breath as the crowd cheered. “The past is in the past. I want to make sure everyone remembers my reign as Lightweight Champion. And at We Are LAW 7, you will learn that when I hit you with a Muscle Buster and pin you for the 1! 2! 3!” Annie finished, the audience loving Annie’s bravado, feeling that she was growing into her role as a champion.

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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by Vc0m »

Short, sweet, and to the point. Though not intimidated, Annie would agree to Alice’s challenge, the Hardcore Brit flashing her smile at her rival’s words.

”Heh. You are brave, I’ll give you that…but just how much…well, it’s not too long to go before the show.”

Alice extended her hand with the Kendo Stick in her hand at Annie and her belt, the cameras flashing to take a shot for the magazines, as Alice gave her last words: ”But as brave as you will be, at We Are LAW, the belt will be mine…”, the Brit promised, before taking away her weapon, and rolling through the ropes and giving Annie one final wave: ”See ya!”

With that, Alice made her leave back up the ramp, leaving Annie in the ring in case she had something else to say…

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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

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Hearing Alice say exactly what she wanted, a smile gleamed across Annie’s face. It was clear that Alice was exactly the type of person Annie wanted to fight. Even with Alice poking her kendo stick towards Annie’s direction.

“See you there, Alice. Just know what challenge is in front of you.” Annie said before letting Alice leave the ring.

“On the topic of my Championship, I’ve heard about two gals that both want to challenge over the need to challenge me for this belt. If it was me, I would take them both on, but as of right now, I want one of those two to come out right now.” Annie said, making the crowd ooh in response.

“So Renee or Snow, get out here and let’s talk, so that way either of you two know what your in for.” Annie said as she waited for someone to come out.

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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

The crowd would hear the music of one of the future challengers of Annie’s Lightweight belt and immediately started booing. As the beat drop, Renee would come out to the arena and take in all the boos from the audience.
As Renee walked down the ramp and entered the ring, she was given a microphone and had her moment in the spotlight. She then spoke in a very mocking and condescending tone towards the champion. She already had nuclear heat on the path towards this opportunity at becoming the number one contender for Annie’s LAW Lightweight Championship. She made a lot of high stars angry at her for what she was doing, especially for what she did to Molly Forster. However, that was neither the time nor place to discuss it as Renee began to speak.

“Well. Well. Well. Finally time I looked at the paper champ face to face. You really had yourself some real lucky circumstances come into your favor. You managed to suck cocks and kiss asses to get a number one contendership for the LAW Lightweight Belt and then suddenly the overrated wrestler Rose Gold decided that she was too much of a star to give a shit about the title and decided to leave the company, leaving it to you. That was very much real, and I mean real, lucky coincidences. Maybe we should believe that you pushed Rose Gold out of the company so that you can be the paper champ by default.”

The crowd was really getting heated against Renee. They were getting ready to throw chairs at her for how much shit she was digging up and disrespecting fan favorites. Renee continued, despite the deafening boos.

“But let’s not focus on how much dick you rode to get to where you are today. I saw what happened with that title in your hands. You let it just plop down into the trash bin and demoralized the history behind the title. And I still stand by what I said on Twitter and I’ll say it to your face.”

Renee then went chest to chest with Annie as she placed the mic near her mouth and near the face of Annie.

“Me personally, I would NEVER let that happen. What a paper champ you are.”

The echo was loud in the ears of Annie but also impactful since what Renee said was very much true. Renee then backed up and gave Annie her space.

“So Annie. I’m sure you’ll be seeing this face again. Because once I beat shitty actress in the back and climb the ladder and claim the briefcase to face you for the LAW Lightweight title, you’ll be facing up at me, holding that title up in the air, and you can call those unlicensed hicks you call doctors in the south to drag you out of the ring as the loser you are.”
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Sat Aug 17, 2024 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Annie was frowning as she saw the lady who had been trash talking her ever since she had become Lightweight Champion, Renee, walk down the ramp as she just looked on. She decided to listen to whatever Renee had to say about her.

Annie then raised her mic to her lips and spoke. “So, you think I’m a paper champion huh. Well sorry Renee, I have to let you know that I worked extremely hard ever since I stepped forward in this ring. Before I was here, nobody knew who I was. Some random girl who came from some town in Missouri, why is she in LAW? But over time, I always fought my hardest, I always tried my hardest, and I never gave up on myself. You know someone who did give up on herself, I’m looking at her right now!” Annie said to a loud ooh from the crowd.

“You resorted to underhanded tactics, betraying the fans who believed in you, and what you did to Molly Foster. Why, because you did not believe in yourself like I do, like these fans do. So no matter what, I will get my hands on you. Whether this is for the title or if you lose the ladder match, I’m down for just a one on one non-title match between us. So no matter what, you can bet that I will be coming for you, and making you pay for all the awful things you done. So good luck in your ladder match partner, you’re going to need it.” Annie said as she dropped the microphone, before attempting to leave the ring.

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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by APlaying »

Snow PPV Attire
Snow watches the exchange between Annie and Renee, squinting as she listens to the heated words exchanged. As Annie drops the microphone and attempts to exit the ring, Snow steps forward. “Wait!” the actress shouts, her scream echoing across the stage and her fans thrilled to see her. “Annie... At first I was thinking of supporting you, seeing the situation that the girl who just came to challenge you has been making my life miserable since I announced myself to become a title contender. And you are right about one thing: Renee betrayed her fans” Snow's expression darkened, her gaze never leaving Renee. “However Annie, you at this point are no one to call the shots. Because in a way you have also betrayed.... You have betrayed yourself.” The actress approached the ring and climbed the steps, the audience let out a big gasp in shock. Why would she say something like that?

Snow climbed into the ring and sat on top of the turnbuckles. “Annie, you're making a great impression. How would you like to find someone who appreciates hard work and dedication?” Her gaze falls on Annie as she speaks. “Well, you're the least qualified to say that at this point, because instead of turning down the title and proposing a tournament where all the contenders can fight to reach the title. You decided to accept a default victory, which is tantamount to stealing...” Snow expressed her displeasure at the fact, and the audience despite being very excited a moment ago, was now murmuring at the point the actress had just made. “I haven't been here long, not like you or Renee. Earlier this year I was on the Young Lioness show, and I started from the fact that the wrestling public didn't believe that an actress like me would serve as wrestling material. Now they are witnesses of the things I had to go through to be where I am now, after my second match on the show with Skadi Nanimi. I suffered a terrible accident that could have ended, not only my career as a professional wrestler, but my career as an actress...” Snow pointed to the sides of her ribs.

“I fell from a third story, where I broke three ribs, suffered a concussion and fractured my elbow. I was told that if I went back to fighting or acting out my stunts, I could break it. And that happened right when I started in this circuit, and even with that and thanks to the support of some friends I made when I arrived, I was able to fight again” The actress' voice almost cracked when she finished saying that ”And it wasn't just fights I've been in since then, I've been hit with bats, I've been nicked 3 times in the ribs, I've been hit during filming, I've been smashed against screens and thrown against tables. And I still graduated from the program.... But I still didn't see death that close, until my first fight, after I graduated from the program. Kennedy Lee almost killed me in the ring, she left me with such a trauma that I could not overcome it for a long time, I was easily defeated with a good key. Until thanks to a partner I was able to overcome it progressively, and before that despite the trauma, I had dared to talk about my interest to become a contender for the title. Because of a promise I made to the same friends who helped me to recover when my career was in danger... You want to come here and talk about hard work? Well, you should also appreciate those who sacrificed to get where they are. And while Renee is not devoted to my vote and I don't speak well of her at all, Steinhauser in her own way has also sacrificed a lot to get to this point...” The crowd was moved by the actress' speech. “We have all done a lot of hard work to earn the opportunity to win that belt, do you really think you deserve that recognition without fighting for it the way you should? Do you feel fulfilled? Do you feel that this whole show is the culmination of your career? That your run to win the belt culminates with a fight that Rose Gold gave up to stay undefeated?” The actress paused briefly.

“Renee is also right with what she said, and fuck... You have to be pretty messed up for me to say that? But that's what you are now to me Annie, you're not a champion, because it's ridiculous what you did. When I finish Renee in ladder wrestling, I'll show you why you had no chance of beating Rose Gold. Because an actress like me who has barely been in this firm for months, will have been able to take the belt from you that you hold by preference...” While Annie's fans were shocked at the actress' statements, the crowd and fans of the actress roared with fervor and enthusiasm at the words of the petite and booty fighter.
Last edited by APlaying on Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Annie's Hunt for a Challenger

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Annie stopped herself as Snow came out onto the stage, and delivered a massive speech that was loved by the audience, but also a massive shot at Annie’s integrity as a champion. Annie knew she could not take this without having any sort of response, so she slowly put her arm down and grabbed the microphone she had just dropped and attempted to leave.

“Okay Snow, I get what you trying to say partner. Look, I definitely agree that the way I won this title was not the best, heck if there was a tournament option, I would have gone with that. But LAW made their decision, which is one I do not agree with, but I cannot change the past. The only thing I can focus on is the present and the future. And as of the present, I am the LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION!” Annie said as she looked around the crowd as they approved of her willingness to keep her head up. “And Snow, if you really wanted, you could have just asked for a title challenge and I would gladly wrestle you, your journey is very inspiring, and I would be glad to fight you. But as of right now, the main thing I need to focus on is Alice Gaster at the Tokyo Dome. And then beating her and then defeating one of you two will hopefully change any of my doubters mind.”

Annie then proceeded to attempt to leave. “Good luck you two, hope you two know what your in for if you win partners.” Annie said before dropping the microphone and looking to leave.

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