Two Girls, One Prince

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by overlordofkings »

The LAW gym was state of the art. It had it all. A lot of space, a legion of professional trainers and only the most cutting edge of weight and cardio equipment. And best of all, LAW allowed their wrestler’s to bring guests.

“Huff…huff! Sakura! Can…we… please take a break…” A panting Tokiko asked, running on a treadmill next to her best friend. “When… I said I’d…. help you… I didn’t think… I’d be training too!

”Just a few more laps Tokiko! You can do it, hustle!” Sakura replied, panting herself and sweating herself. She was still basking in winning her first match but the joshi knew she couldn’t let up but to keep working harder!

Tokiko pouted, her face red and hair dripping with sweat. “Huff…Feels like… you’re training me…” She puffed.

”Huh?” Sakura turned towards her friend and grimaced. She was so focused on training that she forgot that Tokiko wasn’t a trained wrestler. ”Er, sorry. I guess I got carried away,” Sakura nervously said as she turned off the treadmills. And as soon as she got off, she fetched a water bottle for her best friend and gave it to her. ”Here.”

“Thanks,” a grateful Tokiko said as she took the water bottle and drank. She’d learn not to chug it earlier in Sakura’s workout, when the water she so desperately guzzled down came back out. “Why… why do you need me to help you anyways?” Tokiko asked, getting her breathe back.

Sakura smiled at her friend as she answered. ”Because I don’t like working out by myself. I get way more done with a partner.” She then sat next to her best friend and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. ”Besides, I think you’re doing a good job keeping up with me!” Sakura said as she giggled. ”Heck, I wouldn’t surprise if I see you in LAW in a few weeks!”

Tokiko blushed and turned from Sakura. “Oh stop it. Someone like me would never be in LAW…” She said. She then bit her lip and turned towards her best friend. “But… do you really think so?”

“Yep!” Sakura asserted with a grin. ”Maybe I can even ask sensei to get you into the LAW dojo!”

Tokiko’s face turned redder from her blush but she smiled. Sakura always knew how to make her feel good about herself. Even believe she could do things she never thought as possible. The two friends continued to talk as they took their well-deserved break.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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The wrestling prince was not a fan of the LAW gym. Not that it was not accommodating enough in terms of equipment or trainers but the fact that it was open to all active members of the roster and even to guests of active members. Daisuke never understood why that was the case but the place became somewhat overcrowded due to that factor. Still, he had to stay in shape if he wanted to become the best wrestler in LAW and thus, he had to swallow his pride and live with that fact. That didn't mean he couldn't stir up trouble though, which was the case more often than not.

Taking a nice shower in the men's locker room, the prince would change into his wrestling gear which consisted of a pair of CK wrestling briefs and a pair of wrestling boots. He admired himself in the mirror for a bit, before grabbing his gym bag and hanging it over his shoulder before heading out to the main gym hall.
Walking about the gym, he noticed a lot of familiar faces up until his gaze turned to Sakura and Tokiko. He would faintly recognize Sakura but he definitely knew that the woman beside of her was not a part of LAW, unless she was a rookie. Daisuke would grunt in annoyance as he passed the two ladies, who were taking a break from their workouts. The sweat clad ladies were having a nice drink when Daisuke passed by who decided to stop for a bit.

"Well, well...if it isn't a bunch of more wannabe wrestlers. Well, I know one of you is a wannabe wrestler but the other one, shouldn't even be here. You common folk really should learn your place before wrestling royalty such as myself, the wrestling prince" he said proudly. "I suggest you take your fan-girl friend out of MY gym. She's already contaminated the treadmills" he would snarl.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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The girls perked up when they heard the prince's voice. The two attempted to suppress a blush when they saw the handsome wrestler. No one said that Daisuke wasn't attractive. In fact, he had a body that would match a Greek God. Unfortunately, much like the Greek Pantheon, Daiksuke was an entitled, arrogant ass.

Tokiko looked sullen and whimpered, burying her face in her knees at Daisuke's words. "S...sorry sir," Tokiko said sullenly. "I'll get out of here..."

Tokiko was about to get up, when Sakura put a friendly but firm grip on her shoulder. She glanced at Tokiko with a smile. "No... you have a right to be here," Sakura said as she then stood up and glared at Daisuke. Much to her chagrin, she wasn't able to hide her blush. "And this isn't your gym, Prince Douchebag!" She shouted as she attempted to thump Daisuke's chest.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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The chiseled male wrestler did his best to appear intimidating. Daisuke was a handsome specimen, he knew that but he never used it to really court in the ladies of LAW. For whatever worth his looks were, it didn't make up for his attitude which really drove away the ladies. The arrogant prince asserted dominance to all those under him, whom he did not consider wrestling royalty such as himself.

Ripping into the two ladies verbally, especially Tokiko who was a guest of Sakura. Tokiko looked really dejected, apologizing and giving into his demands. Daisuke would smirk and nod approvingly, he was glad that he asserted his dominance over poor Tokiko, who knew any better that she was in fact allowed to be here.

It took the intervention of Sakura for Tokiko to stop getting back up. Sakura would reassure her friend that it was okay for her to be here before she stood up and glared at Daisuke. The prince raised his eyebrow in discontent, not liking where this was going. Sakura would step up to him and reminding him with harsh words that he didn't own the place.

"P-prince D?! How dare you, you filthy tomboy...Ugh" Daisuke said, staggering back a bit when she shoved him a bit. "YOU?! You dare lay your dirty fingers on the wrestling prince?" he snarled.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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"I do dare!" Sakura declared, smirking a bit at how she was angering the self-proclaimed wrestling prince. She continued to poke his chest. "Besides, don't you actually have to win a match to be considered a prince?" She taunted. Sakura wouldn't normally go for the verbal jugular like that but this jerk degraded both her and more importantly, he had the audacity to demean Tokiko, especially when Tokiko was trying so hard and showing potential.

Tokiko for her part, gulped and bit her lip as she watched a potential fight unfold. "Erm... it's okay Sakura, I think we can call it a day..." Tokiko said, in a Hail Mary attempt to calm her boisterous friend down.

Sakura's eyes soften as she turned towards her best friend and sighed. Tokiko gave a small hopeful grin. Maybe her Hail Mary was actually going to work.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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Daisuke would clench his fists and grit his teeth, clearly he was not happy with the fact that Sakura had just gone up to him and gave him a shove. When questioned about her act of treason, she would boldly respond to the prince that she did dare touch him. Once again, she would poke him in his chiseled chest, prompting him to raise an eyebrow but despite all that he did not react physically against her...yet. Sakura would continue to taunt the prince, suggesting that he hadn't won yet in the ring. That was indeed a fact but despite that, Daisuke had still been referring to himself as the prince of wrestling.

However, when Tokiko spoke out in a nervous tone and decided to cool the situation, Daisuke knew that he had a weak link that he could pick on and perhaps use against the loud mouth Sakura. He would shrug his shoulders and grin, "That's right. You should listen to your little friend there. Call it a day otherwise, you and me are going to have to settle this in the ring" he said, this time he would press forward and give her a slight shove on the chest with his body.

"Judging by your looks, you're not woman enough to wrestle a man like me" he smirked.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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Sakura gasped, taking a few seconds to process Daisuke's insult as she recoiled back from his push. Her face soon morphed into something like that of an enraged amazon. She clenched her teeth as Tokiko gulped.

"Uh-oh..." Tokiko whispered as she stepped back. "You really done it now..." She said to the handsome jerk, before taking cover.

For a second later, Mt. Sakura erupted.

"YOU... PIG HEADED... ASSHOLE!" Sakura yelled after she advanced towards the self-proclaimed "Wrestling Prince". "Not woman enough?!" She further accented her shout with another thump to that firm chest of his before she continued. Well, I think you're not as hot as you think you are!" Now that was a lie. Daisuke was indeed as hot he boasted.

Not that she was going to let him know that.

"Y...yeah! You're above average, at best!" the now red faced Sakura screamed. She had a feeling to be hoarse when she got back home. It'd be worth it to take this jerk down a few pegs!

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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The wrestling prince was not holding back any punches when it came to his insults. Sakura was quite the pretty woman, her gym wear and sweaty frame was really bringing out her features even more with her body glistening in sweat from the work-out but Daisuke was quick to insult her looks and her credibility as a wrestler in one go.

Sakura was clearly enraged, it was evident from her facial expressions that she was ready to explode. Tokiko would take cover and take back, warning Daisuke about his actions. It was then when Sakura would yell at Daisuke, calling him a pig headed asshole. "W-what the hell?" he would say, surprised at her outburst. The prince was then thumped again on his chest, causing him to stagger back while she would continue with her rant. She proclaimed he wasn't as hot as he thought before calling him average at best. Sakura was red faced while screaming at him but Daisuke thought there was only one true way to settle this.

"Tsk, quit your yelling you brat" he would say, poking her in the head. "There's only one way we can settle this now. You and me, one on one. Right here, right now" he said, stepping back into her for a face to face staredown.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by overlordofkings »

Sakura gave a smug smirk as Daisuke staggered back in shock. Looks like princey couldn’t handle the might of Mt. Sakura. Or so the rookie thought, as wrestling’s self-proclaimed prince recovered in record time, insulting Sakura and thumbing her on the head.

”Argh!” Sakura cried as she recoiled back but quickly recovered, glaring at Daisuke as he made his challenge. ”Fine! You’re on and when I win, I’ll teach you some manners!”

Tokiko poked out of cover, biting her lip. ”Shouldn’t this be an official match…” Tokiko questioned. Being a lifelong fan of pro-wrestling, she knew that fights happened outside of the ring all the time. But the gym?

The fangirl didn’t have time to ponder as Sakura looked back at her with a smirk. Tokiko sighed, she knew that look. Knew it better than she ever wanted to. ”Uh-oh,” Tokiko thought as Sakura winked at her before turning to Daisuke.

”Don’t worry Tokiko. I’m sure management wouldn’t care if two wrestlers had a friendly spar,” Sakura said, her smirk growing a bit more smug. ”Heck, they’d probably be fine with a little bet as well.”

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Sakura's outburst had certainly shaken him up a bit, he was not used to people talking back to him so openly and question his authority. He would stagger back after being thumped in the chest again but not to be out done he would come straight back in and thumb her on the end whilst making an open challenge to her right here and now, for a wrestling match. He figured there was no way words could ever settle this dispute and the only way to settle this was a wrestling match. Daisuke was also certain that both him and her didn't want to wait to make this official either.

When she accepted his challenge, he would smirk. Finally, he would get a chance to show this woman how wrong she was and how much better of a wrestler he is. "Good.We'll see who gets taught a lesson and who teaches it" he would snort back. Meanwhile, Tokiko would question their decision to wrestle in the gym ring rather than the official ring but Sakura would calmly explain the situation to her while perhaps looking to spice up the deal.

"A bet? Hmm, what are you thinking Sakura?" Daisuke would say, intrigued of the idea of spicing up this already spiced up spar.

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