How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Ambre seemed to be doing well in her matches since she improved her training thanks to a certain person. She was able to learn a lot, whether in terms of wrestling or gaining mass because she has become much stronger now. To be honest, she knew what she was capable of but she still wondered where her limit was.

She thought long and hard during her training before finding herself at the last stage of her training of the day, the bench press. It was now or never to know her limits. With Oscar Olerash, she was able to lift 460lbs and do about twenty repetitions, but it was after a long challenge and training. Maybe she was capable of more?..

It was time to find out, the Black Pearl added weights to her bar until she found herself with 500lbs to lift and resumed her training. It seemed to be going well, the French girl was struggling a bit and felt like she was at her limit but not close enough to get into trouble. It was the perfect weight for her new workout and continued her next sets with that weight.
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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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" Come on....*grunting*...ugh...hold on for a few minutes...unnh..." Allison's body was drenched in sweat fllowing out of every available pore of her skin. Her shoulders were on the verge of giving up while the unforgiving ache in her lower back only complicated the situation. Battle Ropes are notorious for testing your endurance and tolerance. The exercise breaks you down before it starts to help you and Allison always had her endurance as one of the top priorities when training.

*deep inhales**panting*After ten more soul-crushing and agonising minutes, which felt like an eternity, Allison was finished. Her training for the day was done as she laid down on a bench, mouth agape, her brown orbs looking at the ceiling, not particularly staring at anything, just a blank expression plastered on her face.

The gym was starting to empty with trainers, managers, others wrestlers all finishing up or leaving the area, gradually quitening it. Allison also planned to go, as soon as her body would cooperate in a cohesive manner and not fall flat on her rear the moment she rose up.

A few more minutes passed, when the jet-black haired woman was able to move her body as she slowly got up and was about to stumble towards the water cooler, when her eyes fell on a bench press, more particulatly, the woman on the bench press. Muscular physique, long hair, massive bosoms, which, to be honest were hard to not notice by anyone and defined six-pack abs on which Allison' s eyes were fixated from afar.

The brawler snapped out of it, before trying to get a good look of the woman's face, hidden by her well-endowed bust as she was lying down on the bench and from her view, it looked like she was trying to lift a huge weight and was trying to do it without a spotter, which could be fatal, if there happens a mishap.

Allison gulped her water, like a traveller lost in a desert, before makin her way towards the woman, whose on closer inspection was revealed to be Ambre Brault! Allison had heard her name a few times and recognized her from her promo and the subsequent fight with the former LAW Openweight Champion Astrid Ostberg.
The brawler approached her and stood near her face, such that if Amber looked towards the ceiling, she would see Allison's face looking at her. "Need a hand?" Allison spoke, her tone friendly and but still feeling the effects exhaustion from her own workout....
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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Ambre had just finished her bench press workout by lifting 500lbs which was huge! But was that really her limit? Normally she would have said yes, she got exhausted quickly after a long effort but it was greatly improved on this point... She still had some strength left, maybe her limit was higher?...

But training alone in this kind of thing could be dangerous, you needed someone to support her in this kind of moment and the French woman was not the type to address strangers without a good reason. She had no close friends to ask to be accompanied, she had been forced to train alone for years. But a person approached her, a woman taller than her, thinner but rather muscular. A person she did not know but who offered her help to be supported... Lucky!

"Oh! Yes please!"

Ambre was all excited and happy not to have to make the first move. This time she could really know her limit and quickly got up to take more weight, adding 15lbs on each side for a total of 530lbs. Before lying down and starting her repetition, she held out her hand to the generous stranger who offered her help to greet her.

"My name is Ambre Brault! And you?"
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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Normally, Allison would finish her workouts for the day, then, depending how broken her body was, she would collpase on her bed or explore the city's nightlife, which was rather diverse and stimulating. But today, after she saw the muscular trying to lift the humongous weight, all by herself, without any supervison,there was a high probabilty that she would be squished, which she wouldn't let happen.

A lot women of LAW were fierce and capable fighters and sometimes too proud to accept help, taking it as a sign of weakness. So,when Allison offered a hand to the woman, she half-expected her to dismiss her offer and tell her to mind her own business, which Alliosn wouldn't pay heed to and would stand firm about supervisng, by choice or by force, which would lead to a brawl, one of the most common events in the LAW Universe. She played the whole scenario in her head.

But Allison was surprised and relieved when the woman accepted her proposal, and that too with an infectious enthusiasm, which involountarily put a small smile on the jet-black haired woman's face. Her voice was gentle and pleasant, which the brunette didn't expect from a woman of her build.

The woman was keen to continue, adding more weight to the already stacked rod, before extending her hand, introducing herself as Ambre Brault."NIice to meet you Ambre Brault, I am Allison Ford, but can call me Allison" Allison shook her hands, which were gentle but firm. She continued "And take an advice for the future...Never attempt to lift such huge weights, without a spotter. The weight that you are trying to lift is too large. You could get flattened like a pancake, or a tortilla, or a pizza, or a..or a...wait...what other food items are flat?"Allison tried to lighten the conversation, trying to make Ambre comfortable...

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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Ambre was rather happy with this meeting and let herself be carried away by the joy by putting more weight on her bar to find out what her real limit was. She looked Allison in the eyes after their handshake and remained smiling.

"Don't worry, it wasn't my maximum! But we're going to find out now so get ready to support me well... Or I'm really going to become flat!"

The Frenchwoman then lay down on the bench and grabbed the bar for a few seconds, filling her lungs with air before starting to lift the 530lbs bar with a little more difficulty but still managed to do about ten repetitions with it. It seemed that the limit was close, even Ambre wasn't sure she could lift 10lbs more!
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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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As Ambre's lips curved upwards in a gentle and pleasant smile, relief began to mushroom inside Allison, her mind slowing down, having imagined a multitude of scenarios where this could have gone south real quick and real fast. Allison then shifted her gaze towards the weights for a brief moment to see what she would be dealing with.

"500 Freaking Pounds!? And you planning to add more? Are you planning to move mountains? Is there any astreroid attack that I don't know about?" Allison's mouth agape, a dumbfounded expression crossing her face.. This woman was smaller than her, but packed much more strength, leaving the brunette in awe.

Allison took her position behind the weight bench, getting into her position as the spotter bending forward a tad and her hands in a position to hold the rod while unracking or to help during muscle failure; while the muscular woman laid on the weight bench to begin her Olympian task of lifting this monstrous weight "I won't believe it until I see it. You can't possibly lift that much wei- Holy Shit You Are Lifting It!!" Allison almost shrieked, but controlled herself as she was witnessing something truly special. And Ambre managed to do ten repititions of it. Allison was prepared just in case of any mishap , her hands close to the rod.

Though Allison was shocked by the strength of the toffee-brown haired woman, she was still concerned about whether pushing further would be safe."You're a real-life She-Hulk, there no debating that. But...maayybe go easy a bit now? Because now I'm getting anxious everytime you lift it up, you know.."

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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Ambre put the 530lbs bar back on the bench and panted slightly while lying down for a few seconds. She needed to breathe before straightening up and taking her water bottle to hydrate herself before wiping her sweat with her towel, looking at Allison with a small amused smile. She didn't think she was special compared to other wrestlers, all she had was her strength and Allison seemed to be impressed by that, it could only make Ambre happy.

"Haha... Yeah it was a little hard but that's because I've already finished my training... I'm a little tired.."

She sighed deeply and stroked her hair before standing up completely, looking at the taller woman in front of her still with an amused and friendly smile.

"Thanks again for your help! Do you want to try or I put the weights?.."
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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Allison could observe Ambre struggling to maintain her form, having done ten repititions with a weight that was a huge number to think and look at engraved on a weight. She helped her unrack the bar, a tremble in her arms as she experienced the weight despite ambre also holding the bar.

"The fact that you are tired and still want to push further and lift more is not something I or almost anyone for that matter would see everyday. That was some incredible stuff you did! You can't be humble about it, nuh uh, you got to flex this feat through the whole damn country! Allison joked, clearly feeling comfortable talking to this buff powerhouse. She seemed gentle, kind and chill.

"Eh, Don't mention it..."the brawler shrugged casually in response to Ambre thanking her, after which she offered Allison reverse their roles, with Ambre now the spotter and the brunette would lift the weights "Oh, You want me to lift the shit-ton of weight? Now? I mean, I am shattered right now, I am barely able to walk; and I am pretty sure my body isn't listening to me...But what the hell? Let's do this?"

Allison stumbled towards the front of the bench and laid back with an audible groan."Go ahead, put the weight you think I can lift in my current predicament. Oh Boy am I gonna regret this.." Their conversation was flowing naturally, without any awkward speed bumps or silences.
Last edited by Hitman45 on Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Ambre looked at Alisson with a small embarrassed laugh following her request, she had to choose the perfect weight for her and it was not something easy to do! Alisson was big and strong... But not as strong as Ambre or other heavyweights... It was a difficult choice to make because if she took too light a weight Alisson could take it as an insult and if Ambre took too heavy a weight Alisson could end up frustrated.

She thought for a few seconds and removed some weights from her fight without making it completely light. She left the same weights she used before her training with Oscar, 300lbs, quite heavy but not too much anyway. She put away the other weights before standing on the edge of the bench, stretching her arms forward to place them under the bar and preparing to support her new training partner with a big smile.

"You can start when you're ready !"
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Re: How Much Weight Can You Bench Press ?

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Allison moved her head to see the weight Ambre would set to lift for her. She removed some weight in trepidation before engaging in some probable mathematical gymnastics to determine the optimal weight for her. For the brawler though, it didn't matter. Though she was drained and fatigued from her own workout, she wanted to lift, irrespective of how much Ambre added or removed from the rod. And it would be good fun! Allison's life in Tokyo till now had been....busy, to say the least. The workout, followed by in-ring work, then matches if booked, a recovery program, with the occassional nightlife experiences were the aspects her days were revolving around. So, a chance to let loose and do something crazy like lift weights when exhausted with a woman like Ambre appealed to her.

Ambre finally had decided to go with 300lbs, and began to adjust the weights on the rod accordingly. Now, Allison was strong enough to lift that, with 300 being the limit she touched in her strength sessions and was trying for 330. But today, she wasn't sure about her body cooperating with her. "A-Alright! here goes nothing!" Putting on a brave face, Allison steeled herself to lift the weight from the rest, eliciting a slight groan."Hah...Hhh.." Letting out light grunts, the brawler brought the weight down to her chest, holding her breath to steady herself. Her face was contorted in concentration and discomfort.

Letting out a long exhale before inhaling a lot of oxygen, Allison began to push up the weight slowly and steadily, the veins in her biceps beginning to bulge from the effort. Her lips were parted slightly to reveal her clenched teeth and letting out the occassional grunts of exertion. Soon, she successfully brought it back to its original height, which brought an involountary smile on to her face. "Ambre look! I am able to lift 300lbs!" excitement evident in Allison's tone as she went for another rep. She successfully complete the second rep too, but now her arms were feeling different. They were burning with ache and wanted to give up, but Allison was determined to go for another rep, for which she successfully brought down the rod to her chest."Grrr.....HHhhhh!.." She gripped it harder, determined to lift it back to the weight rest, but her arms got stuck in the middle of the trajectory! It was as if they were not able to obey Allison's mind."Ambre? I am unable to lift 300lbs!" The brawler's predicament was dire, though she knew Ambre was a powerful woman who would lift it off of her, but it was still a comical situation...
Last edited by Hitman45 on Sat Aug 17, 2024 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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