Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

The gym room was not too active, only a hand full of gym-goers were using the facility for their everyday workouts and not many at all were using the wrestling ring for their wrestling training. However, Daisuke ' the wrestling prince' was one such wrestler that wanted to prove to the wrestling circuit in Japan that he was one of the best wrestlers, not just restricted to the best in one gender but the overall best in the wrestling roster. Whilst he had found success in his main league, Daisuke made sure to visit the LAW gym and arena to wrestle tough opponents he met in this division. For that, he made sure to keep himself busy in the LAW gym, where he had found some friends and foes in the past.
Daisuke was in his wrestling gear, wearing a pair of CK wrestling briefs with black gym training shoes. He had worked up a sweat doing is daily in-ring routines and despite there not being a sparring partner, he was not put-off by avoiding his every-day wrestling workout. "*phew*....hmph, looks like that's enough for today..."he spoke to himself as he rolled out from under the ring ropes and sat on the ring apron. He wiped some sweat off his face and chest, drinking some water to cool off before hopping off the apron.

Daisuke started to walk back towards the gym hall towards the locker room where he saw someone very familiar coming towards his direction to use the gym facility. He swore he saw that face somewhere, before it finally clicked him. "Wait....Yuu Hashimoto?!" he said with his eyes widened as he stopped to the side of her as they almost crossed each other.

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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

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Yuu Hashimoto hadn't had the best day so far. She'd wanted to get to gym early to make a good impression. Instead she'd gotten lost. Twice. First on the way to the gym, then trying to find the way from the changing room to the exercise room. So coming into the gym she was feeling a little down and quite a bit frustrated with poor sense of direction. Still, she had finally arrived and she perked up at the thought of getting some good training in, maybe even sparring, if she could find a partner.
Marching in to the gym, she noticed that there wasn't many people at the gym. She hadn't been that late, had she? Lost in thought, she jumped a little when she heard someone call her name. She turned to see a familiar, if unexpected face.

"Whoa! Senpai?! I haven't seen you in ages! How are you? " She smiled happily. It was her senior from swimming club all those years ago, Daisuke Takeuchi! He was an amazing swimmer and maybe even a little scary but she respected him quite a bit. Seeing a familiar face had certainly made her day a little better!
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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

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Back in the days, he remembered a Junior that was immensely talented in swimming and in the track club. Whilst he was a good swimmer himself there was always rumors around the school that it was infact Yuu Hashimoto that was the best swimmer in the school despite being the junior. She would have never admit it though, she had too much respect for her senpai's. Daisuke would have never admitted it either as he was too proud but nevertheless he respected her as being a very good swimmer. Just as he was caught in all those thoughts, he heard her voice as she smiled and waved back at him, he would shake his head to get rid of those old thoughts before smiling back at her.

Daisuke would approach her as he wrapped his arms around her waist to give her a friendly hug before backing off. "Oops sorry about that, I'm a bit sweaty after the ring work out but hey....I mean, you're right we haven't seen each other since our school days in the swimming club. I mean just look at you, you look amazing and you've certainly kept yourself fit" he said tapping her abs. "But Yuu-chan, what exactly are you doing here? just came here to work out and join the gym?" he asked her, not knowing the former swim club members were now fellow peers in the ring as professional wrestlers. Daisuke was quite impressed by her figure, secretly he had always been competing with her but never showed it out of respect.
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Fri Feb 16, 2018 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

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Yuu didn't mind the slightly sweaty hug. After all, she'd probably be sweaty soon anyways. She giggled a blushed slightly as she complimented her body; secretly pretty pleased that someone like Daisuke, who had a pretty amazing body himself, had noticed all the hard work she'd put it in to keep her body in top shape.

"Oh! I'm a pro wrestler now! I'm here to keep up my strength and maybe get some ring practice in!" She said proudly, likewise unaware of her and Daisuke's shared profession.
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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

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Daisuke was glad that she didn't mind the hug, in truth it was a little awkward as her breasts pressed up against his chest as the two embraced in a friendly hug. She didn't mind that he was slightly sweaty seeing as how she looked like quite the frequent gym-goer herself and didn't seem like someone who was afraid to sweat it out. He patted her on the shoulder as she blushed, seemingly to cool things off. However, her words would put him in a moment of shock, his eyes widened as his smile faded away. The woman he secretly was jealous of as she was the better is actually a pro wrestler? the same profession as him. Indeed quite a fated coincidence.

His smile came back as he shook his head, perhaps this was the perfect chance.....he was too skeptical to challenge her to a swimming contest back in the days but now, it seemed right. She was mature, so was he. She seemed to be quite fit in shape, maybe he could finally challenge her to a contest. "Wow....a pro wrestler huh? I don't believe it. First, we shared the swimming club now....we both share the ring as pro wrestlers. Can you believe it?" he said. Daisuke took a deep breath as he approached her. The wrestling prince would press up to her to test her resolve, his chest pressing up against hers, their abs grinded as they went forehead to forehead, nose to nose in a classic wrestlers staredown as he attempted to see whether she would flinch.

"You want someone to spar with? I'll be your opponent Yuu-chan.....I've always wanted to test myself against you. I challenge a one on one wrestling match" he said glaring into her eyes.

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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

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When Yuu mentioned she was a wrestler, she saw an odd look come across Daisuke's face. Tilting her head quizzically, she tried to make sense of his reaction. Then he said: he had become pro wrestler too! Letting out a gasp of joy, Yuu was about to bombard Daisuke with questions about his time in the wrestling business but she was cut off by him getting right up against her, grinding against her body. She blushed fiercely; what was he planning?

Then came the challenge. Her heart continued to race, no longer from shock but from excitement. She broke out into a massive smile, with a glint ferocity about it. This was too good an opportunity to pass up! To test herself against someone she respected, someone she knew was so talented.

"I accept your challenge! I don't think I could ask for a better sparring partner." Giving Daisuke a little nudge with her body, she broke away from staredown and eagerly climbed into the ring. Not even bothering waiting in corner, she stood in the centre, anxious to get started!
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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

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Fate was indeed somewhat of a strange mistress, the two who shared a similar hobby in swimming now were actually part of a pro wrestling world where there was only room for one wrestler to be the best, to be on top. If Daisuke wanted to take that spot for himself, he had to defeat those who he thought had a chance to be the best. She was always good in swimming but was the same true for her in-ring career? She certainly looked in amazing physical condition and he sought to test her against himself.

He pressed up against her and he noticed she blushed, more out of confusion of why did he until he actually told her about his challenge. Her shy smile then turned into a confident grin as she pressed back against him as the two glared into each other's determined eyes. She accepted his challenge, somehow he knew she would. Despite them respecting each other, the two both knew they always wanted to test each other's skill first it was in the pool and now in the ring.

She nudged past him as she made her way to the ring, Daisuke was already tired a bit from the workout but the adrenaline was now pumping in his body. He was going to skip the shower and head back straight to the ring, as he was already in his gear. He joined her in the middle as the two stood in the center of the ring, he loosened up his arms and rolled his shoulders. "I don't want this to be a sparring match. I want this to be the real deal, we are in a wrestling don't hold back. Yuu-chan, lets.....WRESTLE"he said before lunging in at her, looking to start the match with a classic collar and elbow grapple battle to test his friend and former junior teammate.

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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

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"You don't have to worry about me! I always give 100%!" Yuu boasted as she gleefully accepted Daisuke's grapple. Despite being ready for it, Daisuke still managed to push her back slightly with his lunge. Daisuke was strong, maybe even stronger than her and certainly bigger and heavier.

Daisuke's strength had caught her by surprise and she was finding it had to keep her ground. Instead she tried to be make the best of the situation, trying her best to coax him into overextending so she could slip out of the tie up and turn around so he could toss him by his head to the mat with snapmare!

It was a risky move, if it didn't work she'd have her back to Daisuke, essentially allowing him to do as pleased. If it did work, however, she'd be in the perfect position to press her advantage by grabbing his arms and planting her knee against his back, wrenching him with a surfboard hold!
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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Daisuke nodded at her direction, he knew she would always give it her all in any sport and this wouldn't be any different. However, he hoped that she wouldn't give him too much respect in the wrestling match as he was her senpai. She reassuring told him she would give him her all and Daisuke was content on hearing that. After that, the match began. Daisuke lunged in at Yuu, locking up with her fiercely. His body pressed up against hers as he would lean into her, testing his strength against her. She had a strong base and pushed back and it was stalemate for a while before he started to push her back a step or two.

Yuu would quickly change her positioning, getting in to the side of him to grab him by the head and flip him over her hip in a classic snapmare. Daisuke grunted as he was slammed down on his ass, next his arms were pulled back as he felt Yuu's knee press up against his back. She pulled his arms pack to grind her knee against his back while stretching his arms. "Ahhhhh"he cried out in pain as he kicked the ring mats. Daisuke would try to get his legs under him as he tried to push back up on his feet from his awkward position.

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Re: Can't take the 'Heat' no more (For PoisonChalice)

Unread post by PoisonChalice »

"Got him! Good start!" Yuu thought to herself excitedly as she'd manage to nail Daisuke with her moves. She tried to stretch his arms out as much as she could, she didn't think he'd let her have another chance like this so easily next time.

As she felt him trying to get back to his feet, she would attempt to double down on the hold and try to force him back into the seated position to prevent him from getting to his feet. Of course doing so made the hold a little looser as more of her effort was being used to prevent her larger opponent for getting up than it was to keep the hold locked in.

"I'm not letting you get away that easy!"
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Heat Hashimoto
The Paradise Pair: Maria Amar and Calista Mora
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