Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

Unread post by Vc0m »

Alice wanted to be a better wrestler. After rough battles, both deathmatch and regular, happened to her, she wanted to improve herself, to make sure that she won matches going forward, to ensure she could be there for her sister and friends if she needed to be. With that, she decided to spar with someone other than Clara for once, heading to the LAW gym having planned to meet up in there with Chika Igarashi.

Once she arrived, and got changed to a grey sports bra and shorts combo, Chika was nowhere to be found.

She quickly checked her phone, and saw a message from the Raven Knight:
I am sorry Alice, I am going to be slightly late >.<

But by about 30 minutes. Start with stretches, I'll catch up!
Shrugging, Alice understood, deciding to do a bit of stretching and a bit of cardio first, going up on a treadmill and forgetting her worries as she just ran...

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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Today, the Dominion was set out to have a good training session in the LAW Gym. They would usually not be seen around here because the fact that they would be training in their own Dominion official gym but due to some repairs and technical fault the faction was going to be training here. Trent Masters, his brother Jacob Master and protégé Derek young would be clad in their blue wrestling briefs with matching wrestling boots. They finished up their preparations in the locker room before heading out to the main gym hall.

Jacob had put on his over the ear headphones and started to play some songs on his phone while Trent and Derek went over some basic instructions. While the trio were training (with Jacob mostly loitering around) the Perfect Storm would raise his eyebrow when he saw someone running the treadmill clad in a grey sports bra and shorts working up a sweat.

"Oho look who we have here" he said walking towards her while Derek and Trent trained. Jacob would grin, walking up to the side of Alica. "So, what's a tomboy like you doing here in the gym? Tch, doi....what a silly question....." he mocked as he would shut off the power of the treadmill. "I think you've worked up quite the sweat already, hit the showers and let the pro's do their business here" he mocked.

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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Of all places to be harassed at for the simple act, Alice didn't expect it to happen at LAW gym. 5 minutes into her run, a large (well, most people in wrestling would've been larger than Alice) man walked in towards her as he heckled at her to leave the treadmill...even shutting off the power to it!

"Hey! What the hell?!"

The treadmill slowed to a halt in seconds, Alice hopping off as she jabbed a finger into the man's chest:

"I was barely running for 5 minutes! Who the hell are you to decide if someone can or cannot train at the moment, asshole?!"

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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While most people came to the LAW gym to train and work-out, Jacob had a different approach to the gym. He figured it was a great place to pick up hot chicks and the very least pick on those who he didn't feel were hot enough in his eyes. When he saw Alice working hard on the treadmill, he didn't find her to be smoking hot and due to his boredom he was about to try and bully her knowing specially that she would feel intimidated because it was three on one.

He walked towards her from the side, disrespecting her and shutting off the power of the machine causing her to confront him and poke his chest. Alice was now furious, calling him an asshole and demanding how dare he shut it off. Jacob would smirk, grabbing her forehead with his palm to keep her at bay. "Whoa whoa pip-squeak relax, I need to use it and since I am a wrestler I get dibs. Why don't you buzz off" he said flicking her on the nose.

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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As Jacob flicked her nose, Alice thought of potentially biting into it. She did worse things to fingers of people who she didn't hate when she took one look at them.

Slapping the finger away from her face, she angrily responded:

"The fuck is that supposed to mean? Even if the "dibs" were a thing, I am a wrestler too! So if you fucking excuse me...", Alice turned her back on the man in front of her to try and plug the machine in, trying to keep her anger under control. She had already got into trouble for starting fights where se shouldn't have, and she wasn't going about to do the same mistake again...

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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The second in command of the Dominion group was feeling quite frisky, flicking her nose seemed to have pissed her off to quite some level as she slapped his finger away and was quite upset about it. "Haha you're a wrestler? Funny, I thought you were a comedian" he would mock as he would step forward and use his foot to yank the power cord off the electrical socket before she would turn on the button to start the machine. "Oops, I didn't see the wire there" he said in a very sarcastic manner.

By this time, the other members of the Dominion had started to look for Jacob. Derek would notice him get into some argument and he would infront Trent about it as the y were starting to make their way towards the two.

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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Right as Alice tried to plug the machine in, the cable escaped from her hands, prompting a growl from her as the man commented on yanking the wire away from the Brit:

”I swear…one more word, or snarky comment, and this wire is going around your throat!”, Alice would angrily comment, quickly losing her cool…

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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The Perfect Athlete as he would like to call himself kept messing with Alice. He used his foot to snap the wire off the socket once more and this time she would turn to him with a growl and would threaten him. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try....bitch" he hissed back in anger as he was not going to let Alice give him sass or threats.

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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Alice grit her teeth. She was already known as a bit of a “problem child” for LAW management, needing to cover damages for her outbursts. She did her best to not make good on her promise to choke Jacob, and would attempt to turn away before she did, in fact, explode…

…Which is when he replied to her threat.

At which point the Brit spun around to try and drive her fist into the man’s stomach!

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Re: Shadow of Dominion! (For Teenwrestler)

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Jacob was getting all to her face, he knew that this woman was all bark and no bite and that there was no way she was going to step up to face him. She would grit her teeth at him but he would only smirk back, he was confident that Alice was not going to do a damn thing about him disrespecting her like that.

She would turn away and Jacob shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah that's what I thought. You better turn aw-OUUFFFF" suddenly she turned around and smacked her first into his stomach, driving the wind out of him as he doubled over infront of her and coughed. "Guuughhh" he groaned.

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