Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Cody didn’t have a lot of time to figure out what to do next against Drasna. The spitfire wasn’t going to stay down for anyone and she made it clear trying to swing her body and legs around to get Cody off her. Cody relented and released his headlock, but did send a swift knee strike in Drasna’s back! If that stunned her, Cody would pick Drasna up placing the head and tucking it under his right arm. With that secured, Cody went for an Inverted DDT looking to drop Drasna once more!
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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Drasna was grunting in resistance against Cody's hold, doing her best to try and get free of his grip and evidently she'd manage to do just that. But only by making Cody abandon the move, and he wouldn't do so without taking a tax in the form of a knee to her back! "Ngh!" She'd grunt out in pain, buckling from the blow but still being pulled up to her feet by him regardless before getting brought down headfirst into the mat with a ddt! "AGH!" Drasna would cry out in pain, rolling over from the impact and laying flat on her back with a cringe of pain.

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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Cody had finally gotten his control in this match as he slammed Drasna down with a nice solid impact. Cody jumped with the canvas as Drasna had recoiled in agony as she held the back of her head. Cody decided to get up to his feet and run to Drasna’s holding them up before sending five right boot kicks to Drasna’s stomach! If he went uninterrupted, Cody would then try to catapult Drasna into the ropes before he sprung up behind her to draw her in with a Belly-to-Back Suplex!
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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Drasna winced in pain softly as she started to push herself up in the wake of that ddt, only to be hauled the rest of the way up by Cody where she was then made to take multiple kicks to the stomach! "Ugh!" Drasna coughed and moaned in pain from the blows before getting launched at the ropes, rebounding off them and back into Cody's arms, which, under any other circumstance would have felt quite nice.. if not for the fact that she was then lifted up and slammed back into the mat with a suplex! "Gahhh!" Drasna cried out in pain, arching up from the impact!

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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Cody had the game in his favor and he just needed to keep it going. He would make it up to Drasna later as she honestly looked beautiful if you get past her being slammed all around the place. Cody would advance on her arms grabbing the left arm trying to lock in a tight armbreaker as he wrapped his legs to trap the arm underneath them! He didn’t wrench too hard, but just enough to where Drasna would feel the pressure put on her. Cody even bent some fingers back slightly to add on more pressure seeing if Drasna could take this much.
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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Drasna groaned softly in the wake of that last slam. Cody was definitely strong and not just a handsome face, but she wasn't about to be beaten so easily. Feeling her hand grabbed and pulled back along with his legs draping over her she would wince at first before immediately turning on her side, pushing his legs up while reaching around with her free hand in order to grab hold of her own free hand and lock them in tight If this worked she would try and get her feet under her as well before slowly but surely pushing herself up, inch by inch, raising up off the mat and in turn lifting Cody up as she did so, using her hands to keep his in place and prevent him from just letting go. Groaning with effort she would lift back just a bit more before dropping forward in order to slam Cody down back first on the mat with a make shift mini power bomb!

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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Cody wrenched harder on the fingers and arm seeing how much pain Drasna could take. She was screaming out in pain which was giving him the ample results he was looking for, but as fast as she could be put down, Drasna could bring the momentum back in her favor much enough. Drasna got to her feet and dazzled Cody with her pure strength and tenacity as she not only managed to break free of his hold, but lift him up just a few feet off the ground! This woman, surely in her older years now, had managed to lift up someone nearly 270 lbs. and at her age nonetheless! It was taking its toll of course since Drasna had beads of sweat pouring down her forehead and a look of aggression as she poured her concentration into lifting this man, but Drasna persisted. Drasna dropped Cody on the mat with her powerbomb as Cody grunted and grabbed his back letting Drasna free. That was a good counter and it showed they both could defy their age with surprising creativity.
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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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It took quite a bit of effort on her part but Drasna showed that despite her age she was no pushover and not only managed to heft Cody into the air despite his size but even managed to bring him back down to the mat with a make shift power bomb! Thankfully her effort was rewarded as he released her arm, allowing Drasna to pull away, grabbing at her shoulder with a wince before smirking slightly at Cody as he'd get up. "Bet you weren't expecting that eh?" Drasna asked while sticking her tongue out at the man before shaking her arm out and approaching Cody, lifting her leg up and throwing it forward to try and drive a kick directly into his chest!

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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Not bad for an old timer on either of their behalfs. Cody and Drasna positioned themselves as seasoned veterans and wrestlers you never count out of the loop. Though, as it tended to stand, Cody needed to be a little more rough on Drasna since her muscles proved she was a good bet in intergender wrestling. After securing enough time to recover due to Drasna’s immature taunting, Cody grabbed his back getting up and throwing a comment her way: “How mature, but very good nonetheless.

However, Drasna was able to hit a kick to Cody’s chest knocking him back into the ropes to lean on them!
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Re: Never Too Late (for Bare)

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Drasna smiled teasingly after taunting Cody and nodded with her hands up still. "Oh trust me I know." Drasna said in response with a wink before moving in with her kick, managing to connect successfully with it! Knocking the man back into the ropes and making her smirk a bit wider as it gave her a good idea of what to do next. Stepping back she would then run forward, leaping up as she neared to collide with Cody's body full on for a stinger splash!

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