Two Girls, One Prince

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by overlordofkings »

Sakura smirked. "Hmph, so now you use my name?" The rookie taunted, before crossing her arms. The tomboy smirked at LAW self-proclaimed royalty as she glared up at him. "Loser has to do whatever the winner says, in front of all these people," Sakura proposed.

"Wh...WHAT?!" Tokiko gasped in complete shock. She leaned over and whispered, "Are... are you sure about this?" The fan girl believed in her friend, but this was risky. After all, what if Daisuke did something dodgy and beat Sakura... As much as Daisuke liked to present himself as royalty, Tokiko doubted he would be above using in less than decent ways.

"Yeah, I am!" The confident joshi answered, never wavering from her stare down with Daisuke. "Cause after I win, this jerk would think twice about bullying others here!"

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Her confidence and willingness to wrestle someone like himself was indeed admirable in the eyes of Daisuke. Admirable yet foolish at the same time however it did give her enough respect in the prince's eyes for him to at least refer her by her name. Daisuke would grin when he heard what bet she had in mind and the open ended choice of hers could potentially lead to quite humiliating circumstances for the loser. The prince was all up for it, he would certainly teach her a lesson for standing up to him.

"Hah, fine by me. Once I make you submit I'm going to make you bow down in front of me and kiss my feet" he said with a proud smirk on his face. Upon hearing Sakura speak to her friend and declare that she would have to beat Daisuke in order for him to stop bullying, he would chuckle a bit."Pft?! You beat me? You certainly are a delusional woman. Enough chatter, its time to put you in your place you sweaty tomboy'" he would say.

With that, the prince would make his way towards one of the gym rings and hop up on the ring apron and make his way inside. He would start to do some standard stretches and warm-ups before making his way to the middle of the ring and waited for Sakura.
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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"Ugh, gross," Sakura gagged, sticking her tongue out at the thought of bowing down and kissing this misogynist's feet. She then glared at wrestling's self-proclaimed royalty. "Delusional? Is that what you called the last woman that kicked your butt?" She replied with a smirk as she began to walk towards the ring. At least, she started to before Tokiko grabbed her by the arm. "Hm? Tokiko?"

"Sakura... good luck!" Tokiko said, giving her friend an encouraging, confident smile. Well, as confident as Tokiko can at least

Sakura grinned and gave her a thumbs up. "Thanks Tokiko! I'll get in a good hit for you!" She replied as she got on the apron and into the ring. She then smirked at Daisuke as she started to stretch. "Alright, royalty first, Princess, Sakura taunted as she finished stretching.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

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The wrestling prince grinned in satisfaction when he managed to gross Sakura out with the thought of her bowing down and kissing his feet. "Oh don't you worry, you will do it and you will like it" he would reiterate. However, her comeback to his taunt did get him fired up as he was reminded about his previous loss. His track record wasn't the best at LAW but it was something he was looking to fix and would start it by beating Sakura right here and now. He impatiently waited for his opponent to make her way inside the ring and gagged himself at the display of friendship from Tokiko to Sakura.

"Urgh how pathetic" he commented when the two had their moment. Finally, Sakura made her way into the ring and would start her stretching before finishing them and beckoning Daisuke to begin. "Hmph" he simply said, shrugging his shoulders. The prince would raise his arms up and crouch low, circling his opponent to get closer before lunging in to grapple up with her in a collar and elbow grapple.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by overlordofkings »

"No one asked for your opinion," Sakura shot back as the so-called Prince called the moment between her and her best friend pathetic. Still, she had to remain calm. Even if Daisuke's record wasn't spotless, he was still a trained and experience professional. And Sakura learned from her first fight that no matter her foe's record, they were still professionals and Sakura was still a novice.

And so a wary Sakura accepted Daisuke's invitation to initiate the grapple, locking up with him as well. "Urgh!" She grunted, as she tried to push against him, before trying to circle around him and get her foe in a waist lock!

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Once again, Daisuke mocked and almost gagged at the show of friendship between Sakura and Tokiko. He was really going to put Sakura through the wringer for that, showing her friend once and for all just how weak the female wrestler was in front of a wrestler of his caliber. After Sakura and Daisuke went at each other verbally one more time, it was finally time to put words aside and get to the action. The prince would circle his opponent before lunging in to lock up and surprisingly, Sakura went head on against him.

The two would grapple up with each other, pushing into each other and tried to force each other back. "Urrghhhh!" Daisuke would grunt in effort while Sakura would meet him and push back. After the initial back and forth struggle, it seemed as if Daisuke was going to win until Sakura would circle around him to trap him in a waistlock.

"Urgh, sneaky...." he growled, bringing his hands down to grip her wrists and pry them apart while backing up into her and attempting to drive her back into the corner where he would have her sandwiched between himself and the corner turnbuckle.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by overlordofkings »

The rookie joshi couldn't help but smirk at the "prince's" growl. "Ermph... if by sneaky, you mean skilled, then yes," Sakura would grunt back, tightening her grip. Sakura clutched her teeth as Daisuke brought his own digits around her wrists, before trying to break Sakura's lock. The young woman would do her best to resist his attempts, even as the "prince" began to push her back as they struggled against each other.

"Ngh!" Sakura growled, her back now against the turnbuckle. She had to admit, Daisuke had ring presence. The joshi wasn't even aware they were by the turnbuckle. In any case, Sakura knew that her current position was untenable, even with out an official rope break. So, with great reluctance, Sakura would let go of the hold, hoping to slip her wrists through Daisuke's hands. If she was successful, she would then plant her hands on the prince's back and then shove him forward, hoping to great a distance between them.

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Re: Two Girls, One Prince

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

This time, Daisuke would let that comment pass by unnoticed and would offer a snarky response of his own. He was too busy to do so, focusing on trying to back Sakura up into the turnbuckle after she had out-smarted him in turning the lock-up into a waistlock submission to her favour. However, Daisuke was aware of his surroundings and managed to grab her wrists and back her up into the corner, forcing a rope break. He grinned, knowing full well a baby-face like her would have no choice but to observe the rules despite there being no official referee to call the match down the middle.

Feeling a firm shove on his back, Daisuke staggered forward a few steps before quickly turning around to face his opponent. "Tch, how dare you push a member of wrestling royalty?!" he scowled, looking to quickly close in the gap whilst she was still in the corner. If he managed to do so, he would try to unleash a quick, stinging chest slap right across her chest to stun her in the corner.

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