First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Himeko had enough of this rude bully! She was refusing to apologize when she was so obviously in the wrong. Continuing to blame the victim and the giantess rather her taking responsibility for her own actions. Growling as the woman would start walking away before using the vending machine. Well if she still wasn't going to apologize, the giantess would just to try harder. With more physical tactics! So, walking right up behind Eliza, Himeko would grab the woman and lift her off the ground. Simply holding her up in the air while trying to squeeze an 'I'm sorry' from the bitchy lady. The giantess was gonna teach this woman a lesson! A stern and angry look on the usually bubbly behemoth's face while her large breasts pressed against Eliza's back.

"APOLOGIZE!" Himeko would roar, commanding the woman as she held her up. She didn't need one herself, just one for Chisato. Which was why Himeko would start walking over to the ring as she carried Eliza away like a box. Showing off her strength as she did so almost effortlessly, the giantess wouldn't let this bully get away with what she'd done. "I want you to apologize to Chisato right now!" Himeko would declare as she approached the ring. As the girls inside noticed this, they'd all cheer their friend on. Shouting to teach that bitch a lesson, or what Chisato would say, "Be careful!" since she felt bad about the giantess always having to fight her battles. Well it wasn't like the little angel could hope stop Himeko from doing that, anyway. The giantess was way to protective, and huge, to ever prevent the woman from looking out for her friends.

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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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A groan came from Eliza as she was lifted and squeezed, but it wasn't actually from the feeling of Himeko's hold on her. If anything, it was frustration as she watched the bottle of grape soda CLUNK and fall into the receiving end. Her hand loosely went out for the fool's errand of reaching for it, but it was left there as she was carried away. In a way, that angered her even more, the events of today's gym session piling on top of each other. The giantess' actions were much more direct and frustrating than the mildly infuriating pipsqueak that started this whole debacle. With her building fury and the tolerable pain from the squeeze...Eliza was more than ready to hop into the ring.

But, she wasn't going to just let Himeko carry her there. No, this position of being carried like a damn child was far too below Eliza. Given her arms were still free, she would wait for Himeko to bring them just to the apron. When they get there she'd mutter, "A-Apologize? You'll learn not to make demands from me...!!!" Eliza would cap off her defiant statement with a sharp elbow, aiming to clock Himeko in the face! If that managed to relinquish Eliza from her grasp, she'd then quickly wrap her arm around the giantess so that she fell into the apron with a sort of lifted bulldog!
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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Abandoning the woman's drink in the vending machine, Himeko was all business as she carried Eliza to the ring. She was super grumpy due to this woman's attitude. So, she was gonna carry her over to Chisato and force her to apologize. However, Eliza wasn't making it easy on her. As the giantess climbed the steps and walked up onto the apron, she would get smacked in the face by the bitch's elbow. Yelping out as Eliza smacked her face, Himeko would end up stumbling back a bit, but making sure she continued to hold onto the woman, she would squeeze her 'luggage' even harder. However, as she stumbled back, the giantess would lose her footing. Her boot slipping off the side of the apron, Himeko would immediately go wide eyed as she fell off from the side of the ring.

"Eeeep!" the giantess would yelp as she fell to the side. However, instinctually trying to soften the landing, the woman would try using her arms to brace her fall. In doing so, though, she would end up landing on top of Eliza with a big thud! The landing would hurt for sure, but at least she would be flattening the mean lady who caused them to fall in the first place. Meanwhile, as all the girls watched this scene unfold, they would all shout, in unison, "HIMEKO!" almost as if they had rehearsed it before hand.

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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Eliza was successful in freeing herself of the sudden bearhug that Himeko trapped her in, the giantess falling off the ring to the gym floor. Whilst normally this'd be good news, the tan woman found herself directly under her during the fall! "You b-mmmphhh!!!" Eliza cried out, cut off as the much larger wrestler crushed her simply through the usage of gravity. The feeling was suffocating after the initial impact, and was MUCH worse. Hot air from Himeko's body heat, the crushing sensation rippling across her body, it was not pleasant.

The mortician was a fighter though, or at least when faced with an adversary like this. To consider herself rightly pissed off now would be an understatement, her cheeks flaring hot with imagining how this might look from the other gym goers' views. Planting her hands on either side, Eliza would try to lift herself up in a push-up motion, desperate to get Himeko off of her. She wasn't about to let this mama bear ruin this day the time she was done, Eliza swore the larger woman and her little wrestling family would never get in her way again.
Last edited by Galactic Thing on Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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"Uuuuugh..." Himeko groaned as she laid on top of Eliza. The giantess had managed to soften her landing as she fell on top of the mean lady, however, it wasn't like falling on a bunch of pillows. After letting out a loud "ACK", as she collided with Eliza between herself and the ground, Himeko would still smack her head on the padded floor. Rubbing it after she had crashed down, the bubbly woman would feel the bully moving around under her. So, like Eliza, Himeko would push herself off the ground before getting on her knees. Whimpering a little as she rubbed her forehead, the giantess decided simply forcing an apology out of this woman wasn't working as well as she had planned. So, it was time to change her tactics to a better approach.

"...OK missus bossy boots...listen up! You don't like me...and I'm not very fond of you...but we're clearly not gonna accomplish anything besides get on each others nerves some more like this..." Himeko would explain as she pointed at the other woman. "So...I challenge you to a match! You, me...and the winner gets their way. I win, you're gonna apologize to Chisato and mean win...well I don't can bully me or something...honestly I don't know what you're trying to get out of this but you can have whatever you want if you win. How does that sound?" the giantess would explain, trying to settle their dispute in the ring like women! Meanwhile, the other girls in the ring watched in silence as everyone waited to see how Eliza would react to the challenge.

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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Getting to her feet as well, Eliza would listen to the challenge. Himeko in fact beat her to the punch, as she was going to issue the same if given the chance. Her eyes narrowed at even the thought of apologizing to the little runt of the litter. The impact still hurt, but the fire in her soul to take down the giantess was burning even more so. It was a shame, in a way, as the taller woman was actually much more tolerable than her sister. Maybe after this whole ordeal they could actually talk as equals...assuming the mortician didn't wipe the floor with her. In that case, it'd be an even bigger shame.

"Your challenge is honorable, consider it accepted" Eliza said calmly, extending a hand. The stares from the rest of the posse didn't seem to affect her one bit, but she did tack on, "If I win though, you all will be leaving this gym and staying out for the rest of the week. That way I can exercise in peace. Consider this my benevolence not extending it further."

Were her demands more rough in comparison to a simple apology? Maybe, but then again Himeko did say she could have whatever she wanted. Besides, the time away from their crew may just give herself enough time to reconsider her relationship. Rivals were fun, interesting and entertaining, but when you're new it's not ideal to only have a rival.
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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Himeko would wait anxiously as she waited for a response from the woman. However, to her surprise, Eliza accepted her challenge rather easily. The giantess wouldn’t think too long about that though. As the bubbly woman would just think to herself that she must be a very convincing person. Seeing that Eliza was offering her a hand shake, Himeko would smile as she reached out to accept it. However, before she could, the other woman placed some stakes to the match. Hearing that they’d be barred from this gym for a week if she lost was pretty lenient. Which was what worried the giantess.

Why was she being nicer all of a sudden? Himeko has just fallen on top of her. Usually people didn’t get nicer when she did that to them. Thinking this might be a trap, the giantess would think of what to do. After long consideration, the bubbly behemoth decided that she had to raise the stakes since Eliza seemed to want them to be pretty minor. That would screw up her plan!

“Hmm…sounds reasonable…but I can do you one better! If you win…we’ll stay away from this gym for good!” Himeko would declare as she shook the woman’s hand. Immediately, this would cause the girls watching to become confused.

“Uh…what?” Asuka would ask their team leader.

“In fact…if you win you can get me! Anything you want to do with me…I’ll do it! How do you like the sound of that?!” The giantess would add sounding proud of herself.

“The fuck!?” Shuri would blurt out, completely shocked by what Himeko was doing.

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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Each additional phrase and sentence Eliza heard would slowly begin to crack at her stoicism. Her eye nearly twitches when it's all said and down...did Himeko really just up the stakes if Eliza won!? What respect that was there was beginning to swirl away down the drain of her skull, just like her own mind in this situation. If it wasn't for the reaction of her team, the mortician would've likely thought she was crazy listening to Himeko!

"You want me to...up the stakes?" Eliza asks, confused and utterly concerned for the sanity of her soon-to-be opponent. "If you insist, then if I win not only will you all be banned from this gym for good...but I'll also make you my own little punching bag in the ring!" She snickers and sneers, mouth curling to reveal her teeth slightly. If this giantess was truly that confident to give Eliza even more leverage in their wager, why not give herself more to win?

Looking to the others, Eliza would begin to exit the ring and head for the door. "I have things to take care of and my legs need some rest, but meet me here tomorrow and we'll settle this." Her tone and cadence was similar to a boss in an office building tell their secretary the list of things they need to do. The tyrant wasn't waiting for a response either, and left the group to their devices.
Last edited by Galactic Thing on Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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Himeko continued smiling as Eliza recounted the stakes, not realizing the woman thought she was crazy. "YUP!" the giantess would say proudly, as she stood up and puffed out her chest. Hearing the woman wanted to make her a punching bag sounded rough...which kinda excited the bubbly behemoth. "Deal! But I'm still gonna squish you silly and squeeze that apology outta you!" Himeko would declare, determined to beat this woman. Seeing that Eliza wouldn't spare the girls anymore time, she'd watch the woman walk off promising to meet her in the ring later on.

Oh "I'll be there!" she'd call out to the woman as she walked away. However, it was at this point that Himeko had no idea what this woman's name was. "Wait! I never introduced myself! I'm Himeko by the way!" the giantess would shout to the woman. It'd be hard to meet up for a match if they didn't know each others names after all. Despite her teammates worrying over their leader's judgement, Himeko was full of confidence. She'd take this woman on and give her a butt whopping! No one messes with her friends without the giantess teaching them a lesson, after all.

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Re: First Offcial HWA Training Day!

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End of Thread, Continues with match at:
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