Attraction of Opposites

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Re: Attraction of Opposites

Unread post by Kassia »

Azucena maintained a confident yet friendly tone and posture, not wanting to scare off her opponent just yet, and smiled as she listened.

“Hm, fair enough, I also always watched it when I was younger! The things they pulled off were always so cool, I knew I wanted to try it one day.”

Before she could even finish her statement, Sofi tried to quickly wriggle out between her legs. Despite being slightly surprised, the Latina laughed before she promptly sat back, hoping to land straight on the back of her opponent and leave her flattened on the floor.

If this was successful, she would swiftly bring both of Sofi's legs up and lock in a Boston Crab, pulling back hard.

“Cmon, we were just getting to know each other!”

Discord User: kass.ia

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Re: Attraction of Opposites

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Sofia tried to escape between both of Azucena's legs but she gets taken down with that landing and positioned for the Boston Crab, but Sofia was faster than her and rolls to shove her with her leg on the lower back, pushing her to the ropes. If she succeeds, she would jump to the shoulders from behind and attempt a hurricanrana.

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Re: Attraction of Opposites

Unread post by Kassia »

Despite her being able to stop Sofia’s escape through her legs, she was just about too slippery for a Boston Crab, much to Azucena’s dismay as she was instead kicked towards the ropes.

Before she could even turn around however, Sofia had already jumped onto her shoulders, delivering a Hurricanrana to throw Azucena into the centre of the ring.

Despite the impact, the Peruvian quickly stood up, stumbling for a moment before regaining her balance and grinning.

“Nice agility! You’re almost as athletic as I am!”

She laughed before feinting a clothesline and instead going for a tackle, attempting to hug her opponent’s legs to take her down. If successful, she’d quickly attempt a few strikes, not too hard as it was only sparring, before transitioning to a headlock, wrapping her arm around Sofia’s head and pulling it up while applying the choke.

Discord User: kass.ia

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Re: Attraction of Opposites

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Sofia's Hurricanrana was successfully executed, with Azucena falling on the ring. The Latina-Japanese girl gets up and turns around, but she looks at the Peruvian girl getting up and recovering, then she waited for her. In fact, she did, but she hadn't seen coming the tackle and gets pulled of the legs, falling upside down on the canvas, as she had no time to get up and gets hit in the back of the head with those strikes, and later she gets caught by Azucena into the headlock.

Sofia grunts while still laying on the canvas as she felt the pressure of the hold on her throat, and Azucena's arm around the head, struggling to get free without success, so she slowly starts getting up and throws few strikes to her stomach, hoping that would work to break the hold and get out of it.

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