Submission training for a champion

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Re: Submission training for a champion

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would stay down lifeless for a few moments before she started to groan out loudly. Seeing a hand over her offering her help to get up, Karin needed to smirk. She would grab it and let ducky help her get up. Karin would try to get back to her feet but she was still dizzy and was stumbling past ducky when she was standing again, and almost fall face first onto the mat. “that was great, a lot of fun!” would Karin say trying to look ducky into the face with a smile. “just next time I will smother you out!”

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Re: Submission training for a champion

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

After making sure that Karin was okay, Ducky would assist the smaller woman to her feet, before catching her quickly before Karin could fall over, helping her stay upright as the brunette girl joked that next time the tables would be turned! Ducky would give a giggle, brushing herself off and beginning to take her leave of the gym, headed off to other tasks after an impromptu lesson and spar with Karin, eager to see improvement from the small woman in front of her!

"We'll see about that! Best of luck to you Karin!" Ducky said, giving the woman a hug and a wave before taking her leave, smiling as she departed from the gym!

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