Rosemary still had a long way to go when it came to wrestling, she knew this, there were so many things she wanted to learn and she knew that a vast majority of the roster could easily wipe the floor with her in a match. This was why the rose haired wrestler was so adamant to put herself out there, so she could gain experience. However, that didn't mean she wasn't a little bit anxious about the bedroom match she had acquired. Her original thought process was that it didn't require too much wrestling, and it was in a friendly enough situation that she could get some experience of grappling other woman without the risk of brutally getting her ass kicked all over the ring.
However as Rosemary walked to the disclosed location wearing her black trainers, black shorts with a white outline, white bra and white low cut top as her first layer. Meanwhile on top of that she would have a pure white summer dress, as despite it not being very cold she was still a bit chilly outside, and truthfully she felt the need to look cute on her way to and back from the bedroom and didn't think her first layer would cut it.
It wouldn't take Rosemary long to find the room and once she did she would open the door anxious to see her opponent, although luckily it seemed she was the first one there. " Phew...I have some time to relax then " Rosemary would say aloud, speaking to herself before entering the room and closing the door. Standing at first, before she felt awkward doing so and instead crawling atop the bed and sitting near the pillows, blushing a tiny bit as she waited for her opponent to inevitably walk in to see her waiting on the bed. The more time the rose haired wrestler had to think about such a competition the more suggestive it became.

top and shorts