Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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The winner of this match will be decided when a competitor gives up or cannot get onto their knees for a 10 count

Rosemary still had a long way to go when it came to wrestling, she knew this, there were so many things she wanted to learn and she knew that a vast majority of the roster could easily wipe the floor with her in a match. This was why the rose haired wrestler was so adamant to put herself out there, so she could gain experience. However, that didn't mean she wasn't a little bit anxious about the bedroom match she had acquired. Her original thought process was that it didn't require too much wrestling, and it was in a friendly enough situation that she could get some experience of grappling other woman without the risk of brutally getting her ass kicked all over the ring.

However as Rosemary walked to the disclosed location wearing her black trainers, black shorts with a white outline, white bra and white low cut top as her first layer. Meanwhile on top of that she would have a pure white summer dress, as despite it not being very cold she was still a bit chilly outside, and truthfully she felt the need to look cute on her way to and back from the bedroom and didn't think her first layer would cut it.

It wouldn't take Rosemary long to find the room and once she did she would open the door anxious to see her opponent, although luckily it seemed she was the first one there. " Phew...I have some time to relax then " Rosemary would say aloud, speaking to herself before entering the room and closing the door. Standing at first, before she felt awkward doing so and instead crawling atop the bed and sitting near the pillows, blushing a tiny bit as she waited for her opponent to inevitably walk in to see her waiting on the bed. The more time the rose haired wrestler had to think about such a competition the more suggestive it became.
top and shorts

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Ruby felt a little nervous. She wasn't nervous about her next match but what her next match was. It was a bed match meaning she would have to fight on a bed. She wouldn't be able to use her speed in this match which would servery handicap her. she did knew the girl she was fighting was relatively new. Letting out a breath she would have to focus on the match and hopefully would win.

She was still unsure if she could win even if the other girl was knew. Ruby would make it to her designated room and wearing shorts and a red tank top. taking a deep breath she would open the door and looked in the room stepping inside. "hello?" she asked as she then saw Rosemary on the bed where the pillows were at. Closing the door behind her she would walk to the bed and crawl onto it. "hello there nice to meet you I'm ruby." Ruby said in a cheerful tone. She would have to forget bout the not being able to use her speed and have fun.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Rosemary would wait patiently for her opponent to arrive, trying her best to resist the temptation to just lay back on the queen sized bed and go to sleep. The rose haired wrestler managing to resist that temptation though luckily and would just wait till her opponent arrived. Once Ruby opened the door and gave her a questioning hello the Danish woman would smile and respond with simply a " Hey. " Before then watching the other wrestler get onto the bed, being glad that she wasn't fighting a heavyweight or even a mid weight. " Hello, it's nice to meet you Ruby. I'm Rosemary " The lightweight would then respond after her opponent joined her on the bed, Rosemary suddenly realising that it would be hard to wrestle in her dress and quickly pulling it off over her head and gently placing it at the side of the bed.

" So uhmm...Ruby have you competed in one of these before? " Rosemary would ask as she fixed her top and shorts, as they had been slightly ruffled under her dress on the way here. The thorny maiden not actually sure how they were meant to start the match and hoping that her opponent had more knowledge about bedroom matches than she did.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Ruby would look at rosemary as she saw the girl take off her dress. Smiling she let out a chuckle and would start at Rosemary. "well i think we start with a grapple i guess." ruby said as she would extend her arms out a little and knee walked to the other girl and grabbed onto the girls arm trying to push her back.

Ruby would look at Rosemary and smiled a bit. "this is my first bed match so i'm not sure how we do this either im just guessing is all." ruby said as she pushed rosemary more. "ugh your pretty strong or maybe im just really weak." Ruby pointed out as she didn't think she was getting any ground.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Rosemary after taking of her dress would look at Ruby hoping for instructions, and luckily for her the redhead was already doing so before she even completely took her dress off. The Danish woman listening intently and focusing all her attention on the other woman as she explained, nodding quickly before speaking. " Okay, thank you. I think so too " Rosemary would agree, mimicking her opponent's movements and positioning before linking arms with the other wrestler.

Rosemary putting all her strength into pushing the other wrestler, and not being able to respond to her words immediately, wincing and pushing herself against Ruby as she tried to overpower the woman with all her might. " A=ahh thank you...I think I'm just trying harder though..." Rosemary would groan out, unlike her opponent applying all her power as soon as they locked up and starting to feel her muscles burn and find the process quite draining.

" Ughh..." Rosemary would groan out, before suddenly abandoning the test of strength. Allowing her opponent to push her down into the mattress and instead trying to wrap her legs around her opponent's waist in a body scissors, applying some squeeze as she tried to separate her hands from her opponent's, hoping that she would be able to do so before Ruby pinned her hands to the mattress.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Ruby would push against Rosemary as she was also putting all her strength into the pushing contest. when the girl fell back Ruby wondered if she won only to realized it was a ploy and had legs wrapped around her. "ugh clever.." Ruby said as she squirm a little and tried to pin down Rosemary hands. unfortunately she never manage to get the girls hands pinned down.

"Damn.. " Ruby said as she lookedat Rosemary and would grab onto the girls Legs trying to pull the girls legs apart. "nngh i dont suppose you'll let go would you?" Ruby chuckled a little as she needed to think of a way to break out of the body scissors.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Rosemary would be glad that her plan had managed to pay off, managing both to abandon the test of strength before it did more harm than good while also taking control herself. However as her opponent grabbed for her hands and the rose haired wrestler narrowly escaped them getting caught she realised she was in position that could be turned against her easily, the Trainee trying to use her sharp wit to come up with something to give her more control.

Rosemary would then feel her opponent try to pry her legs apart, watching anxiously and trying to increase the pressure to maximise the chances of her hold not being broken. " afraid not, don't want to let you get any space to work with. " Rosemary would respond, a slight blush forming on her face as she realised there was only one other thing she could do to try and take control in this position. The rose haired wrestler trying to grasp her opponent's head and pull it into her breasts, wrapping her arms around the other woman's head and trying to not wiggle or make too many noises as she put herself into a suggestive position.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Ruby would grimace as she felt Rosemay continue to squeeze her legs around the dark red head. She moaned a little and continue to try and pry the girls legs from around her. Just then she would be pulled into the Thorny maiden's supple breast. Blushing brightly Ruby would start to squirm and wiggle in the girls breast trying to pull her face away.

Some how tho her movements would cause her to motor boat Rosemary's breast as she didn't realized it. She would try to yank her head free but still couldn't break out soon she would need air and if she didn't get any shell pass out and lose the match. "Mmmfffhp!" Ruby moaned as she tried to break out.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Rosemary would blush a tiny bit as she heard her opponent moan, despite the fact that it definitely wasn't a pleasurable one it certainly sounded quite sultry. Plus being in such a intimate environment would make every grapple or groan released from either wrestler seem much more suggestive than it would be, the rose haired wrestler being slightly bothered by things that in the ring didn't get to her at all.

Regardless though, Rosemary was smart enough not to let that get to her, it was just her sensitivity that made her react in such a way, and she knew she would be better off if she disregarded that as much as possible while the two were wrestling. However there was a clear limit to how much Rosemary would suppress that side of her, and it would be met when she tried to hold Ruby into her chest and the wrestler struggled intensely, in the process practically motor boating the Danish woman's fairly sizeable bust.

" Uhhmn..." Rosemary would moan out as she tried to keep her opponent's face within her chest, wrapping her arms around Ruby's face tighter until the pressure was finally too much to handle, the rose haired wrestler immediately releasing her opponent's head and doing her best to hide her now quite significant blush. " D-dammit..." Rosemary would accidentally say aloud as she desperately tried to come up with another plan before her opponent got her breath back, but would have no clue what to do, other than try to squeeze the woman as much as she could between her legs.

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Re: Ruby and Rose - exhaustion bed match.

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Ruby would be released from the breast smother thankfully but she couldn't any air since she was still in Rosemary's leg scissors. Groaning Ruby had to think of a way out. she wasn't that good with moves like these. she mostly relied on her speed. so now she had to use her head as best she could. Ruby would suddenly get an idea now she just had to put it to work as she would sit up. Once she was on a sitting position Ruby would lean back abit putting her counter.

Leaning back as far as she could, Ruby would try to roll her and Rosemary on to their bellies. thinking she could put the the girl in an boston crab as she held onto Rosemary's legs and had both hers to the sides of the thorny maiden Ruby would try to sit up and pull the girl lower half up with her.

Ruby needed to breath as this counter of her took alot out of her and she didn't had any idea if it would work. But she needed to try something.

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