Background Tune...
Perhaps even more importantly, the audience was heavily on her side. They were cheering for her! Not just because she was fun and bitchy, but because the audience genuinely wanted her to win. She was the hero against that pretty, but surly-as-Hell villain. And after being spat on in the match, it felt unbelievably vindicating to score the one-two-three.
Katsumi had had ups and downs since joining the federation. But this; this set the tone for the next couple days. She was signing autographs and even giving hugs! And not just with creepy dudes who wanted cheap physical contact with her feminine person! She felt like she was wanted. Not just enjoyed, but wanted.
Katsumi didn't have anything scheduled, but she was always open to shenanigans. And it's for that reason that the Punkette was always pre-dressed in her ring gear when backstage at the arena. Foregoing her typical pink t-shirt, she was wandering along the hallway in her black short-shorts, cat-themed belt, boots, and sports-style top, complete with a perky spring in her step. Why, she's even humming some Bill Withers as she moseys.
Life's good. It is a lovely day.