A Bad Time For Distraction

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A Bad Time For Distraction

Unread post by CaptainL »

It was another day at the arena, with another LAW show well underway. As the combatants for the next match took the stage, those who had been in the ring prior were back in the locker rooms to shower, change, and collect their things. For Yuna Matou, that time was a bit more tumultuous than usual. In addition to being a wrestler - and a popular one at that, which meant she was often dealing with the press - she was also a single mom, and she needed to juggle her professional commitments with her duties to her family. Yuna might've been done with another match, but she wasn't ready to relax just yet - she still had her family to keep in touch with. And she knew she still needed to check in on one thing.

As she stepped out of the shower, Yuna reached into her locker for a towel, wiping her face and brow. She let out a huff, rolling her shoulder a little to loosen up her stiff, sore joints. After she got dressed, she pulled her phone out of her gym bag, scrolling to one of the numbers she had saved. That of her younger daughter, Saya. Although her eldest child, Shizuka, had moved out of the house and was now staying at a college in town, Saya still lived at home - and Yuna needed to give her an update.

"Hello? Saya?"

"Hi, Mom!" chirped Saya's voice on the other end. "How's it going? Ooh, how was your match? Didja win? Didja do anything cool?"

Yuna chuckled - Saya had always been proud of the icon her mother was. "Oh, I'll tell you all about it. You're at keijo practice tonight, right?"


"That's what I thought. I just wanted you to know, my match ran a little bit longer than I expected. I don't think I'll be back in time to pick you up, so you should see about getting a ride."

"That's okay, Mom! I'll just ask Mai's dad, and if he doesn't want to I'll just sit on him until he does!"

Yuna laughed at that. "I see I taught you well. Good luck, honey, I'll see you when I get home..."

While on the phone, Yuna gathered up the rest of her things and started off into the hallway. But her attention was on the conversation - and she wasn't really watching where she was going...
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Re: A Bad Time For Distraction

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

The hallways that made up LAW's interior, tucked away from the bright lights of the arena, were home to many sorts of characters, from the muscleheads who were constantly in the gym, the wrestlers who likely spent just a bit too much time in catering, and as happenstance had it tonight, Yuna Matou! The busty MILFhad just concluded with a match, and with the shower and cooldown period that came with a match, but as she spoke on the phone with her daughter, she was unaware of another presence in the LAW hallways, one who was equally unaware of her. And that presence would soon be heading her way as the pair unwittingly put themselves on a collision course! Yuna Matou walking into the same hallway that occupied the massive, malevolent, masked figure that was the monster heel, Adonis Sol!
As the pair met one another at opposite ends of the hallway, neither one seemed to acknowledge the other. Yuna was busy talking on the phone with her daughter, but Adonis was seemingly completely looking past the woman who was approaching him, until her presence became far more obvious as the two drew close enough that it became apparent one of them would have to step aside lest they collide! Of course, in an average interaction, Adonis, who had noticed her, would have moved out of the way, and all would be well.

But Adonis was NOT the type to have such a polite run-in. Instead, he would move further into Yuna's path than out of it, dominating the entire space of the hallway and coming directly into contact with the brunette, their bodies, curvy in their own ways each, smacking together!


"You." Adonis growled, before giving a quick push to the arm of Yuna that was holding her phone, knocking it aside! It was a purely confrontational act, and it would demand that Yuna's attention would now switch to him, the masked man glaring at the woman in front of him before continuing. "You're in my way. Stand aside and kneel down, and perhaps you'll get a merciful god, who will forgive you for taking up so much of my" space." Adonis spoke, already letting his ego demand some form of penance from this woman who he had collided with, and also forcing her to stand aside if she didn't want any issue with the masked male!

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Re: A Bad Time For Distraction

Unread post by CaptainL »

Sure enough, Yuna was so absorbed in her call that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. And that was about to come back to bite her. Right before she could hang up, she turned the corner - and ran right into a hulking wall of meat! She hit Adonis with a loud thud, the unexpected impact quickly shaking her to her senses. She shook herself out, looking back in the man's direction to see what could've hit her. There, her mouth dropped open as she prepared to ask Adonis about what he was doing there...but before he could, he swung his arm out and swatted the phone right out of her hand, sending it clattering to the floor!

"...uh, Mom? What was that?" came Saya's voice from the other end. But it was a question that would go unanswered. Yuna was less than pleased about how Adonis had so thoughtlessly thrown her phone to the ground - but she was even less amused with the attitude with which Adonis addressed her a moment later! Hyping himself up as a god; demanding that she kneel - Yuna was a proud woman, and she wasn't going to take that sort of treatment from anyone!

Scoffing, she planted her hands on her hips and stared Adonis down. "Why, I never-! You have an awful lot of nerve to be telling anyone what to do for an honest mistake. Who put you in charge? A merciful god...do you even hear yourself talk?"
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Re: A Bad Time For Distraction

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

The collision in the hallway was realistically, quite avoidable! There was likely enough space that the two wrestlers could have squeezed by one another, but given that Yuna was busy on a phone call with her daughter, and Adonis was not going to move for anyone, a run in between the pair was not only likely, but now inevitable! Of course, that was only the start, as upon the two smacking into one another, a befuddled Yuna would look up from her phone to find Adonis, entirely unamused with her refusing to yield her space in the hallway to him, facing her down with his usual self absorbed attitude! However, the straw that would break the camel's back was during his angry tirade to the MILF, where he would extend his arm and smack her phone directly out of her hand, knocking it away to the floor and leaving the brunette shocked at his arrogance!

Of course, there was nothing shocking about Adonis' behavior at the current moment, it was simply that Yuna had never encountered it before! Of course, this was only the tip of the iceberg, and as she confronted him over his words, he'd only double down!

"I don't have the time to stand here and be lectured by some cow who can't moooooove out of the way and let me pass!" Adonis sneered, a cruel smile crossing his face as he opted to mock the woman standing in front of him! Of course, after taunting her openly, he'd once more step forwards, and bring the two of them into direct contact, as he leaned in close enough to press his masked forehead into hers!

"How about you kneel down, apologize, and this evening won't get any worse for you, hm?" The masked man growled, invading Yuna's personal space once more to make his threat, as things further intensified between the two!

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Re: A Bad Time For Distraction

Unread post by CaptainL »

Even if it was Yuna who had been distracted and not watching where she was going, there was no reason things had to blow up as much as they had. If Adonis had just admitted to being in the way and let Yuna off, that would be the end of that. But that wasn't what happened - his pride was too great for that. Adonis had made up his mind that this was an insult to him personally, and he wasn't one to take any insults lying down. He had let Yuna know exactly what he thought of her when he swatted the phone out of her hand. But then, Yuna wasn't a woman who was going to tolerate such open disrespect either. All Adonis was doing, in escalating the tensions, was making her want all the more to give him a piece of her mind!

When Adonis decided to compare her to a cow, Yuna's jaw dropped open, in shock from the disrespect she was being shown. And from there, the masked man would only take a step closer to lean his weight into Yuna's own...but when she had been shown a challenge like this, Yuna wasn't going to back down from it. Not when her dignity was on the line! Her eyes narrowed into a glare as she folded her arms under her chest, shoving her shoulders back up against Adonis's own as her breasts squashed against his chest. Maybe he wanted to throw around threats, but Yuna wasn't going to budge, and she wasn't going to back down!

"I think someone's getting a little too caught up in his own head," Yuna sneered. "If you're thinking of picking a fight with me...well, there are plenty of matches you can watch to give you an idea of how that might go for you! So if you want me to move, you're going to have to make me!" Yuna pushed her weight further against Adonis for good measure. She took pride in her strength, and she wouldn't take kindly to the insinuation she'd be that easy to bully into submission!
Last edited by CaptainL on Wed Mar 05, 2025 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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