Special thanks to @CaptainL , @APlaying , @Sigma Morgan , @Underdoggo, @DSX93, and @ReneeCockyUndercard for letting me use their characters for this special project. There was one other person who expressed interest, but I never got direct confirmation that I was allowed their character so this is just playing it safe. No big deal. Also, based on convos I had with those interested, they are more inclined that I go ahead and write this myself. That’s the direction I decided to go with. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
The logo for “Hot Ones” shows up on a pure black background before the LAW logo also shows up on the side. The scene cuts into a green room studio as the host of the show this evening, Daniel Starr, is revealed to be in the middle of a circular table that is completely wooden with a smaller circular table attached around the edge. The cameras zoomed in on him as he looked around the table shuffling some sauces off screen and then looked up with a welcoming smile. Daniel Starr
“What’s up everyone at LAW and welcome to the very first edition of a spinoff and a creative version of the hit online show, Hot Ones! I’m your host for the evening, Daniel Starr, and I’m here to bring you action in a different kind of sense where LAW wrestlers and staff eat hot wings, but answer just as spicy questions. Today, we have a colorful batch of people on deck today, but I do want to remind everyone real quick that we are streaming on LAW’s YouTube Channel and official Twitch channel as well. We are doing good numbers so far so don’t forget to tune in when you want to chill out. We are at a frequent arena for LAW so there will be occasional thumps and crowd noises behind me since there is a taping going on, but we don’t worry about the noise when we turn up the heat instead,” Daniel stated as he placed both hands firmly on the table.
Daniel would gesture over to four tables that were set up just near a plush maroon couch. Multiple catering workers had filed into the room with trays of ten hot wings per tray sitting cooked on aluminum foil. They set them down on the table as a female worker brought in a tray of cold milk.
“For those that don’t watch Hot Ones, this is where special guests whether that be various celebrities, sports athletes, comedians, or whoever eat hot wings dipped in ten sauces. Each sauce gets progressively hotter and harder to bare. Throughout each round, they have to answer harder and harder questions as the spiciness grows. They can decide to drink milk and sit out future rounds, but we are going to find out who can handle their wings!” Daniel explained.
The worker passes him a glass of milk as he drinks it with a nice soft sigh of relief. He sets the drink down before clearing his throat.
“The drink of relief. That coldness is going to be the life saver tonight,” Daniel muttered.
A rock ‘n’ roll theme song for the special comes up in the room as Daniel stands at attention. He rubbed his hands together in order to start introducing the contestants one by one. A second camera would be pointed at the entrance of the studio room as the players were about to come through at Daniel’s cue.
“Now, that everyone understands the rules and what to expect from this special, let’s introduce the guests this evening,” Daniel declared. Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth
“First, we have the biological daughter of one of my good friends and she’s like a niece to me. Representing LAW’s Young Lioness Program, Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth!” William Ashworth
“Speaking of her father, here comes a big guy that loves to keep it old school and the husband of a woman that has a legendary family in her blood…..who I’m also sure he gets a suit fetish from, it’s William Ashworth!” Astrid Ostberg-Ashworth
“Next is that very wife who actually just got done competing in a match in the opening of this taping. Please welcome the former and longest-reigning LAW Heavyweight Champion, Astrid Ostberg! ” Meiyun Lai
“The Young Lioness with an even bigger stomach than my boy here….she works at the House of Lai restaurant that is currently having a discount at their buffet tonight….her words for me to promote. This is Meiyun Lai!” Maria Tempesta
“Next, we have a luchadora, but she is coming with no mask. She’s also an avid comic book fan so I might have a new best friend to discuss things with by the end of this. This is Maria Tempesta!” Black Severin
“Next is someone that I haven’t seen a lot of yet, but he looks like a chill dude. Please welcome Black Severin!” Dixie Dion
“Another person we haven’t seen much of in LAW, but I can’t deny I love a big rack….this is Dixie Dion!” Renee Steinhauser
“Next, we have a self-proclaimed top contender for the LAW Lightweight Championship even though she kinda butchered her chance at her last showing. She is the Renegade, Renee Steinhauser!” Hazel and Kai
“We have one of our only couples on the show. They are both rising stars in the heavyweight division and seem to be so cute-looking together. Hazel and Kai, ladies and gentlemen!” Wolf Pack
“We have next two members of an upcoming faction in LAW that will probably emerge any day of the week now. It’s Wolf Pack time with Stefani Owens and Carol Carter!” Luke and Flora
“And for our last couple on the show, we have a pair of models. They might walk in here like they own the runway, but they also might have some fun travel stories to tell. Please welcome Luke Cranston and Flora Biscoletti!”
Last edited by Pegasus on Fri Feb 14, 2025 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Everyone started coming in with different expressions as Sarabeth threw up peace signs with William and Astrid following up behind her, Black Severin did a simple wave, Maria nodded to the camera with her hands in her pockets, Renee didn’t even acknowledge the camera, Dixie did a cheerful squeak jumping in place, Meiyun flexed a muscle and then did a wave to Astrid going over to meet the Ashworths, The Wolf Pack struck poses baring their teeth and gnawing before heading into the room, Hazel and Kai shared a kiss for the camera as Kai settled in close to her Scottish honey, and Flora and Luke waved at the camera holding hands like Hazel and Kai as everyone took their seats around the table. The order is Luke, Flora, Hazel, Kai, Carol, Stefani, Meiyun, Astrid, William, Sarabeth, Dixie, Severin, Maria, and Renee.
“Welcome everyone to Hot Ones! Like I told the audience, you all know what you are getting yourselves into. You’d probably seen an episode or two on this particular show. I think we don’t need to introduce things,” Daniel introduced.
“Doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be good,” Sarabeth stated.
“Damn straight, I’m ready to get started!” Maria exchanged.
“Astrid taught us Lionesses to never back down from a challenge and I won’t falter just a few levels in,” Meiyun stated as she made a proud smile and fists with her hands.
“Just know your limits, Mei. Don’t burn your tongue,” Astrid advised.
“Heh, I’m getting sweaty just thinking about it. Or maybe just because I don’t wear suits that often,” William added.
“You know that’s going to get dirty, right?” Daniel asked.
“Astrid’s making me be careful tonight,” William groaned.
“That’s an expensive suit, Will. You know how hard it is to get some stains out if I can’t see them. I have to iron it out before I seal it up,” Astrid scolded with a playful tease.
“Reminds me of us,” Luke whispered to his wife.
“I know how to keep you in check,” Flora stated as she patted her husband’s broad shoulder.
“Caterers, pass out the trays!” Daniel ordered as the workers started peeling back the foil and setting the trays in front of the contestants.