Backroom Dealings

Ambushes, chats, and events taking place in the backstage area of the LAW arena go here .
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Re: Backroom Dealings

Unread post by winner3 »

Angie sized Robin up well. And with each appraisal, she liked what she saw.

Robin was exactly what Angie was looking for in a proper successor. Mendez was calculating and efficient. She played things close to the chest. She didn't even reveal her full hand, not even to a woman in a position of power over her, not even to the LAW Assistant General Manager, herself!

"Excellent." Angie smirked when she saw Robin take out her phone.

Defoe dictated her number. And afterward, she rose up from her desk and extended her hand to Mendez.

"May this be the start of a very long and very lucrative partnership, Robin. Play those cards of yours right, and someday you might inherit the empire we build together." Angie's smirk underneath her designer glasses grew more sinister with each word.

"Ah, there is much empire to build and so little time. Let's get to work soon, shall we?"
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Re: Backroom Dealings

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

The number was placed in her phone and Robin even made sure to show it to Angie to get confirmation it was correct. With it she signed a deal. One more dangerous than her last one. Celeste was arrogant enough to think Robin a docile kiss up who would advance when Celeste allowed her too. Angie was a snake who was happy to have her walk the same path yet who could easily turn and bite her at the first hint of betrayal. The moment they turned on one another they could destroy each other. A joyous day for all of Law should it occur. A good reason to not consider betrayal. Why waste your coils to crush one foe when if you worked together you could crush the whole world. No. Angie was not a fool who would be thrown away like some others. For once Robin would be in a partner ship of equal value where both contributed too much. It made her nervous. It made her excited. “Show me where to start and I’ll show you what I have in mind.

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