You know, without being obvious about it.
Prior to her makeover, Katsumi Oshiro never really cared about that kind of thing - at least not outwardly. She was too rough around the edges, people never saw her as anything beyond kind'a cute beneath the layers of brassy attitude. But the makeover left her with a distinctly newfound sense of pride in her appearance. In a way, being pretty became a part of her Punk Princess brand. And if she had to be honest with herself, she really enjoys being seen as attractive and desirable. It also helps build a fanbase! Assuming she can keep normal, non-edgelord fans after they get past her looks and the personality hits the forefront.
Whatever the retention rate, Katsumi has decided to make use of these final vestiges of the summer season by hitting the beach. A black bikini decorated in gold palm leaves can only charitably be described as "covering" her, leaving the punkette's slender, sleek features exposed. Long legs, narrow hips, a trim waist with toned midsection, modestly curved chest, and smoothly streamlined arms, all bared to the sun above. Settled back along a cushy lounge chair, silky voluminous black hair cascading behind her, and confident little half-smile playing on her lips, Katsumi is verifiably preening and silently daring wrestling fans to notice her. All while, of course, trying to project the image that she's not, in fact, trying to attract attention; the effort to make it look effortless, you know.
Katsumi's Current Look
It's turning out to be a nice, lazy day. Though maybe a bit too lazy. She can't say her little ploy has worked yet.