The waiting time before the match was always the worst. When she was out there, there was no time to overthink, she had to act, act fast, hit hard, all to keep up with the competition. Or at least that was what she was telling herself, if one was to look at how well she was doing so far, they'd likely never think that before going out there she was a ball of stress and doubt. The only possible light in that darkness was funnily enough her opponents and given who she would be facing, it could be the same today.
In the past, she was far less worried or at least the worry took a back seat when facing the nastier kind of opponent. None of them ever got her angry really, not in a meaningful way, they borrowed her focus to what she needed to do to win, there was something about the disrespect she was shown before and she seen others be shown that made her want to set it right with a single-minded devotion. From what she could say, Akane was the kind of person who could awaken exactly this type of feeling if her performance in the ring before was anything to go by.
For now, though she was pacing back and forth backstage, still deep in her thought as she tried to analyze all the things that could go wrong in the match ahead.