Unwanted audience with an Evil Monarch

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Unwanted audience with an Evil Monarch

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Kate, as was usual of her, got ready long before the go time for her match, there were still others that needed to finish before it was her turn to go out. Still, the nerves would not let her just sit still, they need did so she showed up before time, got ready, went through the round of stretching and a warmup but the clock still showed that her match was yet to start.

The waiting time before the match was always the worst. When she was out there, there was no time to overthink, she had to act, act fast, hit hard, all to keep up with the competition. Or at least that was what she was telling herself, if one was to look at how well she was doing so far, they'd likely never think that before going out there she was a ball of stress and doubt. The only possible light in that darkness was funnily enough her opponents and given who she would be facing, it could be the same today.

In the past, she was far less worried or at least the worry took a back seat when facing the nastier kind of opponent. None of them ever got her angry really, not in a meaningful way, they borrowed her focus to what she needed to do to win, there was something about the disrespect she was shown before and she seen others be shown that made her want to set it right with a single-minded devotion. From what she could say, Akane was the kind of person who could awaken exactly this type of feeling if her performance in the ring before was anything to go by.

For now, though she was pacing back and forth backstage, still deep in her thought as she tried to analyze all the things that could go wrong in the match ahead.

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Re: Unwanted audience with an Evil Monarch

Unread post by Weonna »

Akane was heading out of the locker as she already was in her wrestling attire. For tonight the booker's thought it would be a good match-up for a Hated Heel like Akane going up against Kat...The hate comments were already rolling in social media as people want to see the Evil Queen be put in her place. Unfortunately for the Evil Queen of Strong-Style, Tia was out for tonight as her partner wanted to go back home to Australia for a family event. Having to wrestle this match with no-backup Akane was forced to wrestle this match by herself, which didn't bother her as she wrestled solo several times and this was just the first time in her career where she had someone actually watching her back.

When she headed out backstage she sees Kate pacing back and forth and by that observation, Akane could tell that she was scared. This made Akane grin as she decided she was going to bully the younger female.

"Look at you...あなたはばかみたいに見える...We're not even wrestling and already your panicking. You should go home already little girl before you have a heart attack...I don't think your fit for the big leagues in L.A.W."

Akane places her hands on her hips as she tried to get in Kate's head before the match. Truth be told Akane had seen some of her matches beforehand and to be frank, She was not impressed by her in the slightest....not matter how good of a body and fight iq Kate possessed, Akane would always present herself as a better wrestler as she had that much belief and pride in herself.
Last edited by Weonna on Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Unwanted audience with an Evil Monarch

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Kate froze mid-step, she wasn't consciously hoping for it to happen but hearing her opponent talk smack tended to put her mind in a different gear and she knew that much. Her granting stream of thoughts stopped, her heart steadied as she let out a sigh. "I always wondered, does LAW pay extra for people like you to talk shit?" She asked before turning to Akane, a panicking girl from before gone, replaced with a calm and collected fighter, something which to Kate's own surprise was not a front at all. "Cause it sure makes you look really stupid when you get flattened after."

After saying that she paused, walked closer to her opponent to make the size difference really show. "Especially with you, talking shit is funny." She continued with a slight smile "Your friend isn't here so I really hope you prepared for tonight." Later Kate would look back at what she said with shock, in truth, she would have probably remained worried all the way up to the fight and through it if Akane had not approached her. But the thing one should know about Kate but barely anyone did was that she absolutely hated bullies and when provoked, could show an entirely different side to herself.

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Re: Unwanted audience with an Evil Monarch

Unread post by Weonna »

"Oh wow...look who finally grew a pair you fucking tom boy. I don't need Tia to beat you~ I've been doing this longer than you have, so learn your place and kneel down to me before I make you in the ring in front of the L.A.W. universe~"

Akane wasen't one to back down from her own trash talk, especially with Kate stepping in front of her. The Evil Queen was glad Kate showed a new attitude towards her, otherwise it wouldn't be a fun match to dismantle someone who was already scared of her. Now that Kate was riled up and more talkative, Akane couldn't wait to break Kate down and have her beg for mercy.

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Re: Unwanted audience with an Evil Monarch

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Hearing the rest of what Akane said made little impression on Kate, just useless blabber as far as she was concerned. Though she did catch one thing of interest. "I have been doing it longer" which was of course true, at least for wrestling itself, though fighting in general was something Kate started almost as soon as she learned how to walk.

"I'm sure you'll try." She said simply, no sign of fear in her voice, more often than not, people like Akane were just talk. And if she was like that, watching her panic as she loses control would be then enough compensation for having to listen.

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Re: Unwanted audience with an Evil Monarch

Unread post by Weonna »

"Oh you'll just have to see for yourself バカ. I'll see you in the ring."

Those were Akane's last words as she would depart from Kate. There match was soon under way as a staff member would inform the Evil Queen she was going first...


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