Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Vc0m »

"Oooo...the ride is not over yet, hottie!"

Vera, despite her hurting back, would quickly dash towards the thrown Australian, seizing her from behind as she trapped her in a waistlock...and then lifted the big woman into the air, carrying her around the ring...


before swinging her and throwing her backwards with a German Suplex on her back and shoulders!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Weonna »

Tia panicked when Vera would grab her from behind and started lifting and carrying the Aussie around the ring while she kicks wildly in the air!

"hy! whaht ahh yah doin yah cunt!? Hy!!! Aaahhhh!!!"

Tia would shout out before being German suplexed on her upper back and shoulders!



The impact caused Tia to groan out as she clenched the back of her head before laying prone on the canvas.

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Vc0m »

As Tia laid prone in the ring, Vera took her time for her next move, dashing towards the ropes to get some momentum going, rebounding off them to get back towards Tia…before trying to jump and crash her body into her while she was down for a Body Splash!

If successful, Vera would turn the Australian onto her likely hurting back, trying to pin her!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Weonna »

As Tia laid on the canvas on her front side, the Russian would run to the ropes to bounce off them, before charging back to the prone Aussie and body splashing her with all her weight!



Tia groaned as Vera would roll her on her back and going for the cover pin.


Immediately when Tia heard the red count she instantly pushed Vera off of her! There was no way Tia was going to be down like that in the first few minutes of this match as she would try to crawl to the ropes and grab the middle rope to stand herself back up.

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Tia would manage to kick out at one, the Australian still having plenty of strength to spare! The moment Vera lifted herself up from her rival, Tia would roll over to the ropes, trying to lift herself up to her feet.

Vera smirked, getting up to her feet and rushing to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, before rebounding and trying to outstretch her hand, and slide low to strike Tia with a Lariat to the outside of the ring!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Weonna »

Once the Aussie was back on her feet she could hear her opponent run to the ropes, ready to strike her down with another strike!

However Tia was playing possum as she leaned to the ropes pretending to be dazed, but as soon as Vera got close Tia would duck down and counter by grabbing the Russian's legs and placing her own head between Vera's thighs!

If successful Tia would do a Back body drop and toss Vera outside the ring!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Right as Vera approached Tia, she would suddenly feel Tia's head slipping between her she was roughly hauled up into the air, and over the ropes! She would fall face down towards the ground! The blunette put her hands up in front, trying to stall her momentum...

...but ultimately, it did little, as her face would still collide with the ground below!


The crowd's cheers turned into confused noises as the lovely blunette tried to pull herself up...only for her arms to give up, resulting in her pressing her face against the ground once more...
Last edited by Vc0m on Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Weonna »

The reaction from the crowd was exactly what Tia loved to hear as she exited out of the ring to get closer to her downed opponent.

"Geh' up!"

Tia ordered as she would grab Vera by the head to stand her up before throwing her at the barricade to lean!

"Hy yah bunch of assholes!"

The Aussie taunted at the crowd as she would then grab the Russian's head again, pulled her out of the barricade, and attempt to smash and throw her head right back at the barricade in front of the audience!

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Vera could do nothing but allow herself to be manhandled around by Tia, as the Australian carried her towards a barricade...before she smashed her head into it!

"AAAAAAUGH!", Vera cried out in pain, as the crowd booed the Australian, the fans in the front row even standing up to try and insult the Australian to her face...

Meanwhile, Vera's vision began swimming after the repeated bumps her head has experienced so far...

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Re: Vera Sapphire vs Tia Harris - Road to Queendom!

Unread post by Weonna »

"Gao ahayd and boo me! Oy'm smahshin yoah guhl roigh' naow ya bunch of cawmmees!!"

Tia would respond back to the fans in the front row as she was loving the boo's that were coming out! With Vera looking dazed in the barricade, Tia would grab her Russian opponent by the hair, attempting to drag her to the ring post so she could potentially ram her face in the metal pole!

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