Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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Match Type: Hentai                       
Rules: Win via orgasm. Single fall.

     Patricia found herself surrounded by darkness. Her heart raced as she fidgeted with her silky red hair. Easy now, she thought while taking a series of deep breaths. Easy now.
     A faint smile slowly spread across Patricia's face while her muscles relaxed. She imagined the bell ringing three times, signaling the end of the match. The roar of the crowd as she made her way back up the entrance ramp. Whether she won or lost was of little import—all that mattered was that the audience was entertained.
Entrance Music
Start at 0:18 for replays.
     A familiar guitar riff faded in, jolting Patricia out of her visualization. Taking a deep breath, Patricia stepped out into the fog blanketing the stage area.
     The overhead spotlights cast rays of red upon the fog, revealing a vague outline of Patricia's form. Slowly, the form began to make its way towards the top of the entrance ramp, picking up speed as it did so.
Appearance and attire
Note: She is not wearing shoes or stockings. She is barefoot.
     Suddenly, Patricia emerged from the fog, her long, crimson hair flowing behind her as she jogged down the entrance ramp! As she looked at the cheering crowd, her smile widened and her jog became more lively.
     I can do this! I am a Corticar—
     Upon thinking that phrase, Patricia's legs seized up, sending her crashing to the ground. She got up, groaning with pain as a few laughs sprang up from the audience. Her face was bright red, almost as red as her hair. Patricia looked at the crowd sheepishly, trying to gauge their reaction.
     The crowd seemed to take her fall well—if anything, the cheers seemed slightly louder.
     Breathing a sigh of relief, Patricia continued her descent down the ramp, albeit in a more tentative manner. Her eyes were slightly downcast, but she made sure to smile and wave to the crowd. When she got to the ring ropes, she climbed headfirst through the middle and top ropes in an ungainly manner. From there, Patricia made her way to the corner and waited.
Last edited by Ichi on Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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Tiki Lowell was backstage, the music of her opponent acting as background noise to her thoughts as she prepared for her own entrance. Tonight she would be fighting in a hentai match, her first in a long time. Tiki had fought for long enough and had enough wrestling experience to have fought every match type under the sun that didn't involve weapons. That being said, hentai matches were few and far between on her resume. She was not a hentai wrestler so much as a wrestler who could also do hentai matches, viewing them as regular matches except that she had to pin or submit her opponent in way that let her get between their legs.

Considering my opponent... Tiki thought to herself. Patricia, with no last name. She assumed that PLC, her nickname, were her initials, but Tiki couldn't find anything else regarding even her opponent's name when she tried to look into her. The same went for her wrestling tape, nothing. Normally Tiki could take no tape as no experience, but the complete lack of any information on this woman bothered Tiki. Especially so when defeat here meant being forced into a public orgasm. I'll simply have to leave no room to be defeated she thought. Tiki wasn't a wrestler who held back her skill even against opponents she knew were weak, but here she felt that she couldn't afford to bring less than everything from the opening bell. She had no clue what Patricia had just done in her entrance.

The sounds of the venue shifted from Patricia's up-tempo, energetic song to Tiki's slower, serene theme, and she began to make her entrance. She walked to ring with a light-footed grace befitting the dancer's outfit she wore. The calm on her face hiding the inner doubts she held about her opponent.
Music: Fire Emblem Awakening OST - 65 Tiki's Theme
When Tiki entered the ring, she decided to speak to Patricia. "Hello. Pardon me for asking, but who are you? I like to study my opponents before I fight them, but there was nothing on you. And I don't mean simply match footage. I couldn't even find your last name. So I ask again, who are you, Patricia?" Tiki didn't expect a straight answer, but her curiosity still compelled her to ask.
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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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     Patricia's entrance theme slowly faded out, and was replaced by a slow, peaceful theme. Moments later, her opponent made her entrance. Patricia's eyes instantly began scanning across her opponent, a woman by the name of Tiki Lowell. The woman appeared to carry herself with confidence, her movements graceful. And as far as Patricia could tell, her opponent was perfectly calm.
     Patricia gulped. There appeared to be an experience differential between herself and her opponent. Not to mention the size discrepancy—Tiki appeared to have at least ten centimeters on Patricia. Dread began to saturate Patricia's heart as her situation sank in: she was up against a bigger, calmer, more experienced opponent. An opponent who would likely force her to a humiliating orgasm, in full view of the crowd.
     However, amidst her inner turmoil, a polite smile adorned Patricia's face. A face that she had worn many times before. Patricia watched silently as Tiki made her way into the ring.
     "Hello. Pardon me for asking, but who are you? I like to study my opponents before I fight them, but there was nothing on you. And I don't mean simply match footage. I couldn't even find your last name. So I ask again, who are you, Patricia?" asked Tiki.
     Patricia's eyes widened momentarily before returning to normal. "Who... am I?" Truth be told, Patricia did not know the answer to that question herself. Had she been asked this one year prior, she would have unequivocally stated that she was the heiress to the Corticarte Conglomerate—but that time had since passed.
     "I'm... not sure." Several moments passed as Patricia pondered the question. A number of possible replies flashed through Patricia's mind, none of which felt right.
     A wrestler. Too generic.
     A hentai wrestler. A bit premature.
     A redhead. Too literal.
     Your future mistress. Too forced. Not authentic.
     Finally, Patricia broke the silence with a terse reply. "I'm your opponent." She paused for a moment. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to respond to your question," laughed Patricia halfheartedly as she fidgeted with her hair. "Sorry. I um... wish I had a better answer for you."
Last edited by Ichi on Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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The answer that Tiki got from Patricia was both expected and unexpected at the same time. It was expected in the way that it wasn't a straight answer. Patricia gave Tiki no real name. But it was unexpected in the sense that Patricia didn't seem to know the answer to that question either. The redhead seemed to go into genuine thought, as if searching for the answer herself as to who she was. When she came out of her thought, she simply declared herself as Tiki's opponent, and nothing more. Even apologizing for her lack of a good answer.

Tiki's nerves settled a little bit after hearing Patricia. She was as outwardly nervous as Tiki had been inside, and now that she got a closer look at Patricia, the redhead didn't give off an aura of expertise or danger that Tiki was expecting from her. The veteran wrestler was still as focused as ever, but her head certainly felt a bit clearer now. "Well if that's the case, I hope you can find a more permanent answer once your time as my opponent is up" Tiki said. And then the bell rang.

Tiki would slowly approach Patricia until she was just outside of striking distance. Then Tiki would burst forward into range and attack with a kick aimed at Patricia's stomach. If it connected, Tiki would grab Patricia and start driving her back into the corner while peppering her with belly punches. Once Patricia was in the corner, Tiki would try to pull off her shirt to better access her breasts.
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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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     "I hope so too," whispered Patricia as the bell rang. Patricia took tentative steps forwards, putting up a rudimentary guard. Her hands were balled up into fists, held about fifteen centimeters in front of her forehead. Her forearms were vertical, her stance was squared, and her chin was untucked. And instead of advancing in an orthodox or southpaw stance, she simply walked towards Tiki.
     Patricia kept advancing until she felt like she was just outside of range of Tiki's strikes. She watched her opponent with anticipation, preparing herself to react the moment she saw any movement. Her breathing became heavy as she waited for Tiki to move closer. Nonetheless, Patricia felt safe at the moment, believing herself to be too far away to hit.
     Suddenly, Tiki burst into range and threw a kick. Patricia's head tilted downwards and her hands dropped, attempting to intercept the kick. But it was too fast, too unexpected. The kick slammed into Patricia's stomach, sending her stumbling backwards. Patricia regained her footing, only to be met with belly punches. She doubled up, wincing in pain as Tiki's fists became acquainted with her belly. Patricia tried to alternate between shielding her belly and grabbing Tiki's arms, but to no avail. The redhead kept taking more belly punches and kept getting pushed backwards!
     "Ah!" cried Patricia as her back slammed into the turnbuckle padding. Suddenly, before Patricia could even get her bearings, Tiki began pulling off Patricia's shirt! "No! Please don't...!" Panicked, Patricia grabbed on to her shirt in an attempt to preserve her modesty. But should the two continue struggling over Patricia's shirt, the feeble fabric would be unlikely to remain intact! In that case, Patricia's black, lacy bra and taut tummy would be exposed for the audience to see!

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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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When Tiki watched how Patricia approached her, any and all doubts left her. She was fighting a complete novice. The girl seemed an alright person though, so Tiki decided that she would at least make the embarrassment quick for her. Tiki's offensive went off without a hitch. Patricia was completely unable to defend her onslaught of belly strikes until she was doubled over in the corner.

Tiki faced some resistance when she tried to remove Patricia's shirt however. She pleaded with Tiki, trying to keep her shirt pulled down over her body. But it looked like it would be futile, since Tiki could see the shirt ripping at the seams. "Sorry Patricia, but I'm sure you know how these kinds of matches are" Tiki said before giving one last yank that ripped off Patricia's shirt from her body. Tiki took a moment to examine her opponent, and saw a woman with impressive breasts and a toned but reddening stomach.

Now that Patricia had lost her shirt, Tiki could begin the next phase of her attack. Tiki would grab Patricia's head and pull her down to the floor, where Tiki would put her in the hentai variation of her signature Dragon Sleeper. First Tiki would remove Patricia's bra, leaving her breasts completely exposed before locking in a regular Dragon Sleeper. Then Tiki would lean her head down and start sucking on Patricia's bare breasts. Tiki would work the redhead's nipples with her tongue, going back and forth between Patricia's breasts with her mouth and leaving them covered in her saliva. Tiki planned to keep this up until Patricia started to fade from the effects of the sleeper.
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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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     "Sorry Patricia—" Tiki apologized. "—but I'm sure you know how these kinds of matches are."
     Patricia could only muster up a feeble whimper in response. Her eyes widened as she felt her shirt begin to rip. "Wait! It's going to—" Before Patricia could finish, Tiki yanked Patricia's shirt off of her body. "—rip..." stated Patricia, her words trailing off. Then, mere moments after the word "rip" left Patricia's mouth, Tiki ripped off Patricia's bra!
     "No!!!" cried Patricia as her arms began to move to cover her chest. Suddenly, a flurry of movement unfolded around Patricia. Before she could even process what was going on, Patricia found herself locked in a dragon sleeper hold! Her perky breasts and bare stomach were on put full display, visible for the viewing pleasure of the crowd!
     Patricia's face turned red, both from the choke and from embarrassment. Her hands grabbed the arm that was around her neck, but she was unable to pry it off. She writhed and squirmed around in Tiki's grip, but was unable to make any headway. Her eyes were shut tightly and her body screamed for air.
     Then, Patricia could feel something warm and wet sliding around her nipple. Her eyes jolted open and were immediately greeted by the harsh light of the overhead ring lights. She felt a light suckling sensation on her nipple, followed by a pleasurable tingling sensation. Chills ran down her spine. Her nipples hardened as her sex began to moisten. A moan formed in her throat, only for it to be stifled by Tiki's choking arm.
     Eventually, Patricia's vision slowly started to lose color. Her head lolled to the side, allowing Patricia to see the titantron. Upon catching a glimpse of the screen, her heart sank and she grimaced in shame. On the titantron was a split view: one side of the screen displayed her blushing, red face; the other side showed her exposed breasts and tummy. Patricia struggled harder for a few moments before stopping. A couple of tears rolled down her face and she brought her right hand up, hovering it over Tiki's choking arm. Then, a single tap. Patricia raised her hand to tap once more, only for her arm to fall limp. Darkness began taking over Patricia's vision, ushering her closer and closer to unconsciousness.

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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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As Tiki continued to work over Patricia's body and breath with her Dragon Sleeper, she felt her opponent start to fade while her hips and legs began to twitch from the stimulation. Eventually Tiki paused her sucking of Patricia's breasts to check on her, and saw that her head was rolled to the side and she had nearly blacked out. Tiki felt Patricia try to weakly hit or grab at her arm, but was to weak to even do that.

That meant it was time for Tiki's finisher. She would release Patricia from the sleeper, but by no means did Tiki let her go. She lifted her upside down, holding Patricia's body over her head, resting her shoulder on top of her own, letting Patricia's long, reddish-pink hair flow down to the mat. Tiki then jumped up and landed on her butt, hitting Patricia with a nasty muscle buster.

But this wasn't just a muscle buster. This was Dragon's Fire, one of Tiki's two greatest signature finishers. Tiki would not allow Patricia's body to fall out of her grasp and onto the mat. Instead Tiki would hold Patricia in place as she landed, and then bring her body down so that her head was level with Tiki's stomach. Then Tiki would lean back and bring her legs up around Patricia's neck for a headscissors. And since this was a hentai match, she would also slide her hand up Patricia's leg and slip it underneath her panties, where she would begin fingering her until she came. Also likely knocking out Patricia in the process.

There was simply no way that this wasn't the end. Tiki actually felt a little guilty for beating, exposing, and embarrassing Patricia so badly. But the least she could do was make sure she ended it quickly.
Dragon's Fire
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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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     The roar of the crowd echoed in Patricia's ears as her vision began to lose color. Her lungs, which had previously been screaming for oxygen, seemed to quiet. Patricia felt like her eyelids were being dragged shut as her body seemingly turned to lead. A slight sense of euphoria began to wash over Patricia, as though her body had resigned itself to its fate and was trying to make its last moments more pleasant.
     Suddenly, the pressure around Patricia's neck was released. The red-haired woman gasped, her lungs greedily taking in as much oxygen as possible. Patricia could feel herself being hoisted upside down, but her mind was in too much of a haze to process the situation. Then, Patricia felt her entire body weight weigh down on her neck as she was put into the muscle buster position. With each labored breath she took, Patricia's chest heaved up and down, accentuating her ample chest and eliciting cheers from the crowd.
     Patricia was completely out of it so she did not realize what was about to happen. The crowd gasped Tiki jumped into the air, but the crowd's reaction only barely registered in Patricia's mind. A moment later, Patricia's entire body weight came crashing down onto her neck! Her neck instantly exploded with pain as the vertebra in her neck were viciously wrenched and compressed. An agonized scream escaped Patricia's lips, echoing throughout the arena.
     A moment later, Patricia's scream was cut off when Tiki wrapped her legs around Patricia's neck, cutting off her oxygen. Patricia's eyes immediately widened and she tried to pry Tiki's legs off, but to no avail. The struggling continued for several moments until Patricia felt Tiki's hand slide up her leg. Patricia's heart skipped a beat as she realized what was about to happen. Patricia attempted to cry out in protest, only for her cry to be stifled by the choking headscissors.
     Patricia flinched as Tiki's fingers slipped underneath her panties. A bolt of pleasure shot through Patricia's groin as Tiki's finger brushed up against Patricia's clit. The sudden sensation galvanized Patricia, reigniting her struggles! Her free leg began to thrash and her hips began to gyrate! But her squirms only served to amplify the sensations she felt. The rubbing against her clit, the thrusting of Tiki's fingers, all of this brought Patricia closer to the edge.
     Patricia's eyes began to lose focus. Her mouth opened and her head tilted, as if she were moaning—but no moans could escape. Tiki's legs denied Patricia's screaming lungs the oxygen they desired. A steady trickle of tears began to flow down her face, complementing her weeping sex. Between the erotic stimulation and lack of oxygen, Patricia's mind was overwhelmed. Desperate to escape her situation, Patricia raised her hand and tapped on Tiki's thigh three times. The red-haired woman went for a fourth tap, only for her arm to fall limp as she fell unconscious.


     The referee girl looked at Patricia with pity. Patricia's face was red with arousal, her eyes were hazy and unfocused, and her panties had a noticeable wet spot on them. For all intents and purposes, Patricia was finished. However, even though the referee wanted to end the match, she was unable to because Patricia had not orgasmed yet. And judging by the rapturous roaring of the crowd, the audience would not be pleased if she ended the match.
     "Be careful with the choking portion of that hold," said the referee to Tiki. "Holding it for too long is dangerous, and your opponent doesn't have the luxury of being able to tap out." Those words would be lost beneath the cheers of the crowd and would only be audible to Tiki. The statement served more as a reminder than a command. In truth, the referee highly doubted that Tiki would cause any permanent damage to Patricia—after all, Tiki seemed like the merciful type. However, knowing what sorts of women were sometimes signed to LAW, the referee decided to err on the safe side.
     And please put the poor girl out of her misery, thought the referee to herself.

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Re: Hentai match - Tiki Lowell versus Patricia (PLC)

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This match was over. Tiki knew it, the crowd knew it, Patricia knew it. Tiki had locked in one of her finishers on a frankly inferior foe. Forcing the orgasm was a formality at this point. One Tiki wished that she could just skip once she felt Patricia tapping out. But this was a hentai match, and the rules were the rules. The match would not end until Patricia had cum.

The referee was of a similar mind to Tiki. She warned her to not go too far with the headscissors portion of her hold with a tone of voice and a look on her face that conveyed clear pity and concern for the incapacitated Patricia. Upon a closer look, Tiki could see that Patricia had even passed out at this point.

"I understand, and I agree. There's no need to make this any worse than it already is." Tiki would release all of the pressure from Patricia's neck, allowing her to breathe once again. Tiki still kept her legs around Patricia's neck to make it appear to the crowd like she was still choking her opponent, but she was putting no strength into her legs.

All Tiki was focused on now was getting this match to end. She ran her fingers back and forth, and in and out of Patricia's clit as fast as she could make her hands go. And she had no intentions of slowing down until the job was done.
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