Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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While dressing all up in her swimsuit, Fernanda was thinking something among the lines of "Another lewd match? Why do I keep agreeing with this stuff?" This was her second Hentai Match, and her second appearance over all in LAW. While she was getting all red faced about her incoming fight, she started to hear her cue, starting up with her theme song.
And with that, she made her move, running towards the ring, jumping and passing through the ropes, landing by rolling on her back and standing up, she then turned her back to wave her hands towards the public enthusiastically.

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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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Well, this was different.

This is the thought that ran through Allison‘s head as she heard her music start and she stepped through the curtains to the arena. Allison wasn’t a newbie to the lewder side of the ring, she could definitely give it but taking it was another story as her sexual endurance left a lot to be desired. From what she heard the only way to win was to make her opponent verbally submit, with hentai heavily encouraged.
The American made her way to the ring and stepped through the middle rope to enter it. As she did so she looked at the girl who would be her opponent for the night. She was bigger than her and from what she could tell quite well built but Allison wasn’t going to let that distract her as she backed into her corner. ”Good to meet ya sweetheart I hope we have a good match but don’t expect me to go easy on ya, ya hear.” She said Goldilocks as she waited for the bell to ring.
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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When she saw her opponent get close to her, Goldi noted how pretty and fragile she looked, but she wasn't just gonna think that the fight was already in the bag. No, she was smarter than that, she looked at her body language, she seemed very casual, and very friendly towards her. As a fighter she still could not tell a lot about Allison, but she seemed like the kind of person she would make friends with.

"Heya, nice to meet you too" She would return the greeting to the middleweight girl, and when she heard about how she expected a good match, the muscly girl couldn't help but smile. "Oh yeah? I'm also hoping to get a good tussle out of you dear, I'm sure you won't disappoint"

The latina girl would smile playfully at the girl in front of her as she was waiting for the ring. And when it came, she approached her foe with a confident step, if Allison let her catch her, she would start a battle of strengths for domination.

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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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After putting her hat away Allison focused her attention on Goldilocks. After hearing her friendly reply she would smile, happy that she was up against a nicer opponent for a change. She would meet her in the middle of the ring and engage the heavyweight in a lockup to start the match.

Pushing her weight against Goldilocks, Allison would attempt to overpower her opponent. While she was smaller her strength was nothing to scoff at and she gave as good as she got. Eventually Allison would attempt to get underneath Goldilocks arms and go around her, pressing her front into her back in a waistlock. Her breasts mushrooming against the tanned girls back.
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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Goldi thought that maybe Allison would make some kind of attempt at avoiding a battle that depended solely of strength against her, she was proven wrong when her enemy just went with it. Is she that cocky? she asked herself, but for that small moment of doubt, the American would slip through her arms and defenses. Before she knew what was what, Goldi found a couple of arms surrounding her waist.

Normally, Fernanda would focus on her predicament at hand, but giving the nature of their match, she couldn't help herself but to notice the well endowed girl's rack against her back, it actually made her gasp very low, once she got her mind in the game once again, the heavyweight directed her sight below, trying to see where her opponent's legs layed.

"Wow there, trying to take the bull by the horns already cowgirl?" It's not anormal for Goldilocks to drop the occasional quip during a brawl, but her intention right now was to distract the other blonde from looking at her arms trying to catch her tights.

"Are you ready for this bull when she gets rough though?!" She tried to get a grip on her opponent's legs fastly so she could suspend her enemy in her back. If successful, she would then proceed to throw herself down with her enemy along, intending of smashing Allison with all of her weight against the canvas.

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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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Allison successfully managed to get behind the bigger girl who herself seemed shocked that Allison would meet her in a battle of strength even with the size difference. But Allison was called the bulldozer for a reason and it wasn’t her first time taking down a bigger opponent.

Her arms squeezed against Goldilocks’s waist as she thought of what to next, all the while feeling her covered chest rub against the back of the bigger girl. While a pleasurable experience Allison couldn’t let it distract her

”He he. You ain’t the first giant I’ve fought against and really compared to a good friend of mine you’re small by comparasin’.” Allison replied, not noticing the bigger girl take one of her legs in each hand.

“Whoa now!! Whoa whoa!” She did notice when suddenly Allison was picked up by her legs and now Hanging by Goldilocks’s waist. The big girl then threw herself back and squished between the canvas of the ring and the toned body of her adversary.

”PWOOF!!” She gasped out and her arms released their hold on Goldilocks’s waist and laid spread eagled with her body as she laid beneath the tanned girl. “G-Good one. Ow.”
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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Sitting up, Goldi turned her head to see back to Allison, whose stomach was currently being used as her seat. "Thanks sweetie" The bigger wrestler would respond her foe's praise, and then she proceeded to trap the middleweight in a Reverse Headscissors. The American girl's head was being compressed by the latina's thighs, face very close to her ass, meanwhile on the other side, the tanned blonde was looking at her opponent's legs.

"You look so good on these pants, hotstuff." Fernanda was starting to playfully fiddle with the zipper in the crotch of Allison. Suddenly, a mischievous smile started to make itself present in her babyfaced features. "Bet you look even better without them" And with that, the dominant gal started to undo the belt and zipper in front of her.

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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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Allison would pant as she tried to recover from what was essentially a rock and a hard place. The rock being her opponent and the hard place being the rings canvas. The Latina girl had no interest on letting Allison recover and transitioned from just simply sitting on her belly to clamping her thick thighs around her head in a reverse headscissor. Allison’s face was squished together and was given a wonderful view of Goldilocks’s ass, Allison’s arms immediately attempting to pry her legs off of her.

”T-Thanks. They’re my favorite pair.” Allison gasped out in reply to Goldilocks’s comment about her jeans. Then she heard the clinking of her belt coming loose and her zipper be undone. “Hey! W-What’re ya doin!” She shouted at the girl, her arms working harder to free herself. If Goldilocks succeeds in stripping her pants she will find black panties with an American flag tag on it.
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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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"Don't get mad about it, I'm just making things even between both of us, after all, I'm on my swimsuit, and you're almost fully dressed" The bigger girl told her opponent while pulling down her clothes, she giggled a little bit at the sight of her underwear. Goldi was concentrated in getting rid of Allison's pants while also keeping her muscly legs locked in trapping the other blonde.

When she finished her evil deed, she went in to rub it in. "Nice panties, now we really can stand on equal grounds, and the fun can begin..." The latina girl then would release her captive's neck, and then she would try to sit straight in the face of Allison right after sending her pants far away.

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Re: Allison Tumbleweed vs Goldilocks -Hentai Match

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Allison felt a blush warm her cheeks when she felt her jeans get stripped off of her. Her black panties were free for all to see and she could hear her opponent giggling when she saw them. Allison would continue to struggle as Goldilocks talked about being even, she’s the one who came to the ring in nothing but a swim suit.

Unexpectedly Goldilocks let go to f the head scissors, letting Allison take a breath unimpeded. That did not last long however as Goldilocks used her position to press her butt right into Allison face for a face sit. ”MMm mmm!” Her screams were muffled and her arms pressed against the girls ass as her pantless legs started to kick around.
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