What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza
Normal Match
Win by pinfall, submission, or KO

Jane warden smiled as she approached the curtain. It was hard finding an opponent that would face someone her age, but, lo! Someone in LAW agreed to face her, and now she'll have her debut match. Her music started and she came out to a decent applause and a few catcalls...
Jane blew a kiss to the audience as she entered the ring, she smiled, just happy to be here, and waited in the corner for her opponent, secretly hoping she was as pretty as some of the girls she had already seen wrestle in the very ring she stood in...

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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Like with a lot of other people in the world , Kaiala had not ended 2019 on the best terms as she hoped to end her current losing streak tonight. As the Brazilian figured she had an good chance since she was facing an newcomer as she hoped the fans would still recieve her well. Since the moment they thought you were an loser it was over as she wore the same attire as always which consisted of wrestling boots , fishnet stockings , blue one piece and a blue jacket as she had her hair in the usual loopies and ponytail as she always did.Taking an look at the clock the Brazilian knew it was time to make her way to the backstage area as she walked out the door as she went on her way

She could hear her opponent's music as she just too late to see her before they meet in the ring as she stood their waiting until it was her moment to walk down as she would hear her theme music start to play. So as Kaiala walked down to the ring she would listen to coldplay - every teardrop is an waterfall as she waved at the fans in attendance. Halfway down the announcer would say''an her opponent from Carnaubeira da Penha , Brazile. Weighing in at 170ibs , it's Kaiala Yartiza'' as the Brazilian would enter the ring and come face to face with her opponent who looked pretty impressive as she would say '''Hope you don't mind losing on your debut Jane was it. As I am here to win''

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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Jane smiled as her opponent made her way to the ring, she was just like the tanned Brazilian goddesses she had always imagined. Jane had to remind herself that this was her opponent, as she would probably start hitting on her and getting grabby, of course, it was going to get grabby anyway. She heard her opponent speak, and Jane responded, "I'm just thankful for an opponent, and with a woman as georgous as you, who cares if I lose or win?" Jane didn't mean to get all flirty, but, it was just in her nature...

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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Kaiala was expecting her opponent to say how she would never lose , and was surprised when the other wrestler just got flirty with her. As this did put her on edge as she replied ''with that kind of attitude you will likely end up becoming an jobber. Still do wonder if you think the same when I got you tightly within my arms as I squeeze the life out of you''

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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"I am nearing 50, winning and losing doesn't really matter to me at my age, just having fun, if I win, hooray, if not, I'm just thankful for the opportunity, so thanks, and the whole 'squeezed in my arms' thing, I'd probably enjoy that, in fact, let's not delay any further, ref, ring the bell! The ref nodded and the bell was rung, signalling the beginning of the match. Jane, as much as she wanted to put Kalaia's titties in her mouth and feel up her butt, knew she had to concentrate. She decided on going for a lockup and go from there...

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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''So I should be careful or you could break an hip then''mocked Kaiala as she thought to herself ''seriously why am I being forced to fight an granny.Could they not have booked me against anyone else''as the referee would call for the bell as she locked up with Jane as she pushed her breasts against the older woman as she tried to push her backwards.

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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Jane rolled her eyes at Kalaia's comment as they locked up, Jane could tell her opponent was strong, but, strength alone couldn't win a match. Jane would try and get low and flip Kalaia over in a monkey flip...

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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Kaiala would make her way towards her opponent thinking this would be easy when she felt Jane grab onto her arms , and then fell to her back. This forced the heavyweight to fall down as well as she got Jane's feet into her stomach as she was flipped over her as she landed on her back as the result of the monkey flip.

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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"Not bad for an old timer, eh?" mocked Jane as she approached her opponent on the mat. She planned on butt dropping on Kalaia's body, and just sitting there, trying to suffocate Kalaia.

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Re: What's Old is New Again: Jane Warden vs. Kalaia Yaritza

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''You just got lucky grandma''growled Kaiala as she attempted to sit up when she heard her opponent mock her as she would pale slightly when she saw Jane's butt descend down towards her as she tried to roll out of the way.

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