Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Falls Count Anywhere Match

Noloty was out spinning on the soles of her feet and looking as fabulous as ever. She wanted to show off some of her stuff and was given a falls count anywhere match to do it. That meant she could fight this gal anywhere, the ring, the crowd, backstage, if there was a ref they could do it. This was going to be fun, Noloty moved down and winked and danced for the people around knowing that they had to be loving the chance to see her so close, and she was goodnight her opponent was quite the looker as well. Two cuties who could fight anywhere and everywhere was bound to get some blood pumping. No matter who it was, standing in the ring Noloty checked herself one last time while she waited for lucky girl no.2 to make her apperance.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Finally, Rosie Knuckles had a match to get extremely excited for. And when Hell Yeah by Rev Theory played, Rosie stormed the stage and threw a fist in the air, looking amped up and ready to go at her opponent. She heard she could brawl as well, and she happened to be quite attractive.

Of course, Rosie was also considered deceptively cute due to her appearance, even though she was quite a badass brawler in her own right. She was used to being underestimated by her appearance, not that it would change anything for her. Because she liked to look cute, and if anyone had a problem with it, she'd just knock them out. It was the best of both worlds!
So while Knuckles made her way down to the ring with an excited grin on her face, she eyed up her opponent, keeping a gaze on her as she walked up the ring steps. When she entered the ring, she nodded approvingly to Noloty and walked straight up to her and said, "So you have to be some kind of badass to accept this kind of match. Respect." It was a simple greeting, if a bit unorthodox. Rosie then held out a fist for her to fist bump, a further show of respect to the tan girl.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Noloty watched the girl make her appearance and from the get go it wasn't pretty easy to see what might deceive people. She was small and cute not exactly what you say about most brawlers who generally have a bit of a rugged look from..well brawling obviously. Of course no one wanted to have a bunch of bruises and scars but generally in this line of work such things were unavoidable. How lucky for her she was about bruiseless herself. "Im many things, and that's the only way you can use 'bad' and describe me." Noloty likewise acting in her own waywhile she accepted the fist bump, meeting her knuckles with her taped ones.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie's face lit up in amusement and as Noloty replied to her. "Ooooh... Well you better be some kind of bad girl if you want to keep up with me, babe," answered Knuckles confidently, sealing it with a grin and a wink. She then turned and got to her corner of the ring and did a few more basic arm and leg stretching and kept her eye on the hot little number across from her. And with a final adjustment of one of her poofy pig tails, the petite brawler stepped up when the bell rang, adopting a fight pose.

"Taped up fists... Good call. Hope you're good enough that they won't stay white by the time this is over," taunted Rosie, with one part playful and other part bragging. She wanted to see how good Noloty was and feel her out for the start of this match, so she was assuming a fight posture, allowing her tanned foe to make the first move.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie was clearly someone who loved the prospect of a fight. It was written in her face, her body language and the way she spoke, made it easy to tell how fun this was going to be. Her hands were taped and her kinda on th fight ahead, she didn't need much else to get the blood pumping, letting the feeling wash over her as the fight slowly started to come to the beginning. The second the bell rang Noloty's hands were up. "Oh trust me, only way that happens is if you go down to easily and something tells me your not that kind of gal." Noloty decided to take the intiative, introducing Rosie to a cross to her face.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie Knuckles had a wide smirk on her face as her tanned opponent adopted a fight pose as well. She had a little banter to her as well, which the cotton-candy haired girl loved all too much. She saw the punch coming though, and she braced herself. She had ample time to block or duck the blow, but instead, she almost leaned into it. It smacked her cheek with a loud crack and Knuckles staggered to the side and almost fell to a knee.

She held her cheek and rubbed her, head hung for a moment before she looked back up at Noloty with a huge grin, looking non-plussed to the fact she had just been slugged in the face. "Whoo! You got yourself quite a cross there, cutie!" Rosie then lowered her hand from her cheek and then rolled her wrist twice, narrowing her brow at her opponent. "My turn though."

And with that declaration, Rosie would then throw a big uppercut right towards Noloty's jaw, hoping to land it and show she had just as good of a strike in her.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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That wasn't her fastest lunch and Rosie probably could have even put up some kind of defense. The fact that she didn't showed that she was here to see what Noloty had on her. The punch rocked her for a second but soon enough she was up and staring at her ready to show her what she could do. Her Uppercut came and Noloty could have backed up to avoid, but taking a late out of Rosie's book her head basically turned into it and by let it rock her chin forcing her head upward. Noloty shot up like a rocket as she felt the collision of pain in her chin. But she didn't go down, her head snapped back to Rosie and she had a smile on her face. "Well that a punch looks like neither of us are going down anytime soon."

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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The uppercut connected and Rosie Knuckles took a step back to survey her opponent with a smirk on her face. She canted her head slightly when Noloty was still standing and stated neither of them may be going down anytime soon. Rosie shrugged her shoulders and then grinned cheekily. "Yeah, I guess not. Maybe I should start hitting harder."

Rosie then waited a moment pondering on that for a moment, only to move in close to Noloty and then tried to launch a flurry of punches, not so much strong like she had suggested before, but tried to strike rapidfire at the girl. She figured Noloty would probably end up doing the same anyway and that by starting a big brawl right off the bat like this that they could kickstart their adrenaline and get the crowd loud right at the beginning.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Noloty felt like this Rosie wasn't someone who was going to be backing down anytime soon and with the fight on there hands it was only a matter of just how long it would last. All she could do was tell where it began, rather then exchange punches Rosie started throwing all of them, her hands costantly throwing punches as Noloty attempted to do the same after the first few hits. The two of them were throwing punches back and forth as she felt Rosie's knuckles smack her in several areas but never stopping throwing punches or her own.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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After a few punches, Rosie felt Noloty's fists start to her with punches of her own! With grunts each time a good hit got in, Rosie and Noloty started to really get heated as the crowd began to go wild for this display of these two outrageously hot chicks throwing punches with reckless abandon. Rosie did her best to avoid and also keep trying to hit her opponent as they kept drifting further and further to the edge of the ring until finally in their furious brawling, they both tumbled outside the ring!

Rosie hit the harder outside and rolled to the side, holding her back for a moment with a sharp exhale of pain, wincing. "Shit..." she muttered under her breath, before turning to try and face her opponent who was just as likely to be reeling a bit from their fall.

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