[Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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[Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

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Match type: standard
Victory conditions: pinfall, submission, knockout, disqualification

How are you feeling?" Victoria asked.

Instead of answering, Lily turned to the right on her toes, sending a hard left hook into the punching bag. The sound of the blow echoed through the locker room, after which the brunette took a deep breath. Only then she turned to her manager. The Englishwoman's face was as cold and emotionless as usual.

Is this a trick question?” She asked, heading for her locker.

Perhaps...” Victoria said pointedly, adjusting her glasses.

Do you really think that something has changed?” Lily asked, taking her cloak from the locker and draping it over her shoulders. “I assure you that's not the case.”

I think you're wrong,” the manager got up from the bench and approached her ward. “Defeat, especially the first one, changes people, I've seen it, even such resilient women as Astrid, Charlotte and Nerissa are unable to escape the pain of defeat." She stared intently into Lily's eyes. “So didn't your last match change anything?”

Alizeh was stronger than me that time,” Lily replied. “That's why...” Lily noticed Victoria looking at her with obvious disbelief. “What do you want from me, Victoria?”

I want you to be honest with yourself, Lily,” the manager said bluntly. “You came to this federation and signed a contract with me because pro wrestling is one of the few things that can make you feel." The manager adjusted her glasses. “So did you really feel nothing in that match, and did nothing really change for you after that?”

I...” it was that rare moment when Lily faltered.

Memories came flooding back. Yes, Victoria was right, thanks to the match with Alizeh, she really felt some things. So why didn't she want to admit it? She couldn't describe it correctly, but every time she thought about those events, a terrible sensation appeared somewhere in the area of her heart.

I felt like I let you down...” she said at last. “You allowed me to participate in the PPV even though you could have chosen another fighter, you put your hopes on me, and I didn't live up to them." The brunette's lower lip trembled slightly. “I felt the bitterness of defeat and it hurt... and now, thinking about it, I feel the pain... right here...” Lily put her hand to her heart. “That's why I don't want to talk about it, that's why I don't want to admit it... that feeling... I don't want it... it's too much for me...”

Oh Lily...”

Victoria took a step forward and hugged her ward. Because of this, the Englishwoman froze like a stone statue. The warmth emanating from her manager spread throughout her body. It was... nice.…

I didn't think you were capable of making these kinds of mistakes,” Victoria said, releasing her ward. “It's quite the opposite, you lost, but you met all my expectations.” She smiled. “You may have lost, but you got a little bit of emotion." She held up her palm, preventing the brunette from speaking. “Yes, you didn't like these emotions, but I'll tell you what.” Victoria has become more serious. “No one likes to lose, no one likes to feel the bitterness of defeat, no one likes to feel the pain in their heart." She put her hand on Lily's shoulder. “But that's what makes us human, I know that you would like to feel the joy of victory, not the bitterness of defeat, but now you know what you should strive for." Victoria adjusted her glasses and took a step back. “Don't ignore the pain you've been through, use it, let it make you stronger, and then next time you'll feel the joy of victory and nothing else.”

Lily's lower lip stopped trembling. She took a deep breath, trying to accept everything Victoria had just told her. She closed her eyes for a few moments, and then the corners of her lips lifted slightly. For the first time since their first meeting, Victoria saw some semblance of a smile on her ward's face.

Thank you, Victoria,” Lily said, then pulled the hood over her head. “And now I have a match waiting for me.”

With these words, and accompanied by Victoria's soft smile, Lily left the locker room and headed down the long corridor. She had a brilliant intellect, but that couldn't help her understand exactly how emotions affected her. Now, thanks to Victoria's words, the picture has become much clearer. Yes, not every emotion is pleasant, she realized that now. After losing to Alizeh, she felt a pain she had never felt before. And now she was ready to accept it. Accept, but not tolerate. She didn't want to feel the bitterness of defeat anymore, which meant she has to win today. Today she has to leave the ring with a sincere smile on her face.

Entering the waiting room, Lily stopped in front of the curtains. Involuntarily lowering her gaze, she was surprised. Her hands were shaking slightly. It seems that the conversation with the manager had a much greater impact on her than she thought. But emotions won't help her during the match. So she took a deep breath. The trembling disappeared, and her heart began to beat steadily again. Her gaze turned as cold as ice again. It's time.

Entrance Music

The lights in the arena completely disappeared, and a thick fog filled the top of the ramp. When the music started, several spotlights illuminated the top of the ramp and in the fog the audience could see the silhouette of a woman wrapped in a cloak of huge raven feathers. The Black Crow has arrived.

Under the excited hubbub of the audience, Lily began to smoothly descend the ramp. The floodlights stopped illuminating her, but her silhouette was still visible thanks to the periodic flashes of the cameras. When she reached the ring, she rolled under the bottom rope and quickly got to her feet.

At the same moment, the light returned to the arena. The black Crow defiantly unbuttoned her cloak and threw it out of the ring with an elegant movement. She put her left hand behind her back, and raised her right hand above her head, accepting the audience's applause. She never thought that a soulless doll like her would receive so much attention from them. But with each new match, her popularity continued to grow, and in a way, she began to get used to it.

When her music ended, she nodded briefly to the referee and headed to her corner. When she got there, she crossed her arms under her chest and pointed her head towards the ramp. Her rival should arrive soon. And even though there was not a single emotion on Lily's face right now, she was more determined than ever to leave today with a victory.
Last edited by skip-stop on Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

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”Chloe Braden”
For Chloe, she had been on a relatively hot streak ever since getting on the card at We Are LAW 7 in front of the Tokyo Dome audience, the biggest audience she had ever been in fromt of live, and the kind of audience she wants for all her matches and almost everything she does. And she had a chance to continue all that against her opponent tonight.

Ever since her loss to Alizeh Midori, almost no one had stopped Chloe. She was doing some leg stretches, the cameras of her photoshoot company employees flashing the women clad in her wrestling gear which highlighted her body in specific ways.

Soon enough, the LAW official would come knocking on the door, letting Chloe know that her match was about to begin, and that her opponent was already in the ring. Chloe then gave them a wink, saying “I’ll be there darling.” before sending her photoshoot crew away and then heading out to the ring.

The sexy music blasted through the speakers of the arena as Chloe came out of the curtain. She came out to a lot of hooting, and whistling from her passionate fan base who came out all the way to see her wrestling live, as well as the new fans she had made recently. Chloe skipped to the ring, walking light as a feather, slapping hands with her fanbase, some of which will probably not wash for a few days.

Chloe then walked up the steel steps, and went underneath the bottom rope, but not before doing a butt swivel to make her fans come unglued. She then went to her corner and got up on the second rope and posed. Then she backflipped off the rope and landed perfectly on her feet.

Chloe then took a look at Lily, and immediately smiled when she saw how gorgeous her opponent was, which made her even more excited to take her on.

Chloe went to the center of the ring, and held out her hand for a handshake, before saying to Lily “Hello miss, you look absolutely beautiful, I know we will have a great match today.” Chloe then winked towards Lily seductively.

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Re: [Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

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When her rival's music started, Lily blinked slowly. As always, she studied some information about this woman because she believed that if you are informed, then you are armed. Although... it didn't help her much in the previous match, but the brunette tried not to think about it because her attempts to determine what exactly she had done wrong led to nothing.

Without taking her amber eyes off the blue-haired woman, the Black Crow watched her opponent approach the ring. It didn't matter too much, but so far, the information she found was completely consistent with the truth. This woman had a lot of support from the audience, with whom she actively interacted on her way to the ring. Involuntarily, Lily remembered her previous match again.

At that time, the audience also cheered her opponent several times louder than her. She knew that this was not surprising, because not everyone is attracted to the fact that Lily doesn't feel anything and never says anything during the match. On the other hand... sometimes the Englishwoman wondered if there would ever be a day when she would be able to smile sincerely in response to the warm greetings of the audience.…

When Chloe climbed into the ring, giving the audience a vivid show, the Black Crow pushed off from her corner and headed to the center of the ring. The blue-haired woman did the same. Moreover, while Lily listened to the classic briefing from the referee with a completely neutral expression on her face, her opponent did not hesitate to address her.

Why did she wink at me?" Lily asked herself in her head.

For a few seconds, her amber eyes were directed straight into her rival's eyes, as if Lily were looking through Chloe. Not a single muscle twitched on the brunette's face, not to mention the fact that she remained silent. Analyzing the situation, she couldn't help thinking that even though this woman had a big smile on her face, there might be something wrong.… as if this blue-haired woman was trying to be friendly, but at the same time…

Lily interrupted her thoughts, in the end, the match would give her all the answers. So far, she had no reason to ignore her rival's behavior, so Lily nodded briefly and then shook Chloe's hand. She was devoid of emotion, but she wasn't devoid of a sense of sports etiquette.

Releasing her opponent's hand, Lily took a few steps back. Remaining completely calm, she took her fighting stance, half-bending her palms and raising them to her chin. When the referee asked her if she was ready, the Black Crow nodded once again. Being a soulless doll who is simply physically incapable of emotions, she came to pro wrestling because it was the only thing that could really help her. Last time, she went through a whole bunch of emotions, but they were all negative. This time, she intended to win and feel something that would be much more pleasant than the bitter taste of defeat.

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Re: [Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

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Chloe was glad that her opponent Lily would shake hands with her, though she was a little weirded out by the fact that she refused to give Chloe any sort of emotion, almost as though she was a doll. Oh well too bad for her.

After the handshake, Chloe would head to her corner of the ring, and doing some final leg stretches and jumping jacks. Knowing that a win here could really send Chloe into superstardom really made her amped.

Get ready Lily, cause Chloe was ready to come for you, you absolute beauty of a woman.

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Re: [Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

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After they finished shaking hands, both women created a space between each other. The spectators, who were clearly in anticipation, began buzzing like bees, so the referee hurried to make sure that the fighters were ready to start the match. After receiving a nod first from Lily, then from Chloe, the striped shirt raised her right hand above her head, and then abruptly lowered it.


After the bell rang, the arena was filled with noise from the audience, while Lily rushed forward. She knew enough about her opponent to see no reason to delay. The Black Crow's best weapon was her speed, so it didn't take her long to close the distance between them.

Using her boxing skills, the brunette intended to throw her left hand forward, sending a quick left jab to Chloe's chin. Successfully or not, but it was just a distraction, because in fact the Black Crow intended to take another step forward and then wrap her arms around Chloe's head, thereby catching the blue-haired woman in a classic side headlock hold.
Last edited by skip-stop on Tue Mar 11, 2025 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

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Chloe reacted to the bell ringing with a smile on her face, ready to prove that she was the better wrestler between herself and Lily, and hopefully bring some emotion out of Lily, hopefully she could make Lily feel something.

Chloe saw Lily quickly approach her, so she was a fast one as well. Lily attempted to throw a left jab, but Chloe herself was one that was pretty fast herself,s so she quickly dodged the jab to the left.

“GAH!” Chloe yelped as the dodge forced her right into getting caught in Lily’s side headlock. Chloe struggled and struggled, but Lily had a tight grip on her.

But Chloe eventually thought of a method to get out, by placing her leg behind Lily’s, and then swinging it towards Lily’s leg in hopes of stunning her and breaking the hold.

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Re: [Standard Match] Lily Menage vs Chloe Braden - Up to the top

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Lily's left jab turned out to be unsuccessful, but the brunette was ready for it, because in turn it gave her the opportunity to wrap her arms around her opponent's head. Squeezing Chloe's head, Lily forced the blue-haired woman to lean forward. Of course, Chloe tried to resist, but the Black Crow wasn't going to let her escape, instead forcing her opponent to just waste her strength.

However, after a few moments, the blue-haired woman found a way out of the situation that had developed for her. Putting her leg behind Lily's, she swung her leg sharply, knocking the ground out from under the Englishwoman's feet. Having lost her balance, Lily quickly realized that she would inevitably land with her butt on the mat, and therefore it was useless to try to hold her opponent's head.

That's exactly what happened.

Releasing Chloe's head, Lily fell into a sitting position on the mat. Yes, it wasn't the best position for her, but at least she didn't take any damage. Her sharp mind quickly told her how she should proceed so as not to lose the pace of the match.

Abruptly placing her left hand on the mat, the Black Crow intended to turn to the left, while bending her right leg at the knee. Hoping to take her opponent by surprise, the Black Crow was going to quickly straighten this leg to hit Chloe in the center of her stomach with a sudden grounded side kick.

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