Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Street Fight non DQ Match
victory can be achieved by pin, submission or KO
There are no rules.
Location: backlot of the LAW Arena with a ring set up

Veronika Noir got ready just finishing the last touch on her new outfit, putting her eyepatch on. She then got up, took her wooden broken and slapped it into the palm of her other hand a few times, a big grin appearing on her face.
"Man, this will be fun...", she said and turned over to her partner who also got ready to go.

"Yo Babe, you don't want to be late to the party, eh?", she said and leaned against the door, looking up and down the tight leather outfit that fit Sachiko like a glove and gave her girlfriend a wolf whistle.
"My , my, my that looks even hotter then I had hoped for.", she smiled and gave Sachiko her own broken, grabbing her hand and helping her up to a standing position.

Veronika leant in and used her sword to get her partner closer to her, their breasts who were put in the tight leather bras squeezed against each others as she put her lips onto Sachis, starting their usual make out session to get each other's motors started for the main event.
She softly hummed and almost melted into the embrace. This time it was different, it had been different for some time now. After all the two of them were a thing now, they admitted their love for each other and Veronika could net have been more happy. Of course they could screw around how much they liked but at the end of the day, their hearts and souls were meant for each other.
Veronika then broke the kiss and smiled, putting out her black lipstick and applying it to Sachiko.
"Yeah, perfect. So ready to fuck up a champ?!", she said as they walked out their dressing room to the exit of the building.

When their theme hit they nodded to each other and with a synchronized move they both kicked the doors open, lifting their weapons in the air and presenting their new outfits to the cameras!
"Wooooooooo!", Veronika screamed and grabbed one of the cameras, pressing a kiss onto it, leaving a black lipstick mark on it as she walked onto the ring that had been built up in the middle of the backlot of LAW. There were several weapons stuffed around and under the ring and as it was a street fight they also were able to use the alleyways around.

Veronika got up to the ropes and hopped over it, her tightly packed behind and boobs jiggling in the process!
She then went to the corner ,climbing up and lifting her boken into the air, screaming from the top of her lungs.
She went down and gave Sachiko a high five before falling into her side as they approached their corner, always looking to be as close to her girl as she could and when the camera approached them for a final reaction she grinned and opened her outfit a little, shoving up her leather bra to flash for the crowd!
"Hehehe, don't be shy, just look what you losers can never have~", she said and gave Sachiko another longing kiss before putting everything back into place again, turning back and waiting for their opponents to arrive...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Sachiko was looking forward to this match just as much as her partner was. It was a no-DQ street fight, which put her right back in her element - she had cut her teeth on street brawling, and now she could do whatever she pleased without even having to worry about a pesky referee getting in her way. One half of the opposing team was none other than Annie Clark, the reigning Lightweight Champion - which meant that the Heart Connection could brag about having taken down a champ and add that to their impressive record, and when both of them easily outweighed Annie, Sachiko was already convinced they had this in the bag. And of course, she got to show off a new outfit the Heart Connection was set to debut tonight, one that was sure to wow the crowd...and even better, she'd get a good look at Veronika in the same thing.

The sukeban was just adjusting her tight-fitting leotard, pulling the hem into place around her cheek, when Veronika came up to her - and hearing her words, Sachiko grinned wider, flashing a pair of finger guns to her partner as she spun around to face her. "Heheh...really, babe, didja think that I could do anything without being hot?~" She winked in Veronika's direction...realizing a moment later that when she was wearing an eyepatch, doing so plunged her world into darkness. She stumbled forward, her hands out in front of her to try and steady herself. "Gah, whoah-! Okay, remind me not to do that..."

Still, a moment later, the two girls met in the middle, wrapping their arms around each other and pulling their voluptuous bodies in close as they joined in a kiss. Sachiko purred into the blonde's throat, grinding up closer against her to get as close as she could to her partner. Whenever the two of them joined this way - feeling the warmth of each other's bodies; studying every curve and contour of their forms - it never failed to send a tingle down Sachiko's spine. Yes, Sachiko wasn't exactly a difficult lady to please...but Veronika was something else. As she felt the blonde's warm breaths tickle her throat, it stirred something deep in her soul, and it could only leave Sachiko all the more eager to put her best foot forward and and make her proud!

When Veronika finished Sachiko's lipstick, the blue-haired girl blew her a kiss for good measure. But as fun as staying here and fooling around with Veronika was...Sachiko knew that even bigger and better things were on the horizon. "Heheh, oh, yeah, I am...let's fuck some bitches up, and show 'em who the real champs around here are!"

As they exited their dressing room, Sachiko made every move in synch with Veronika, kicking the door aside and holding her sword to the sky. She swung it in a slash through the air just to show off, then ran her fingers through her hair with a grin. Climbing up into the ring, she held the wooden blade over her head with both hands, pushing her chest out proudly as she straddled the top rope - then, she hopped over the edge, returning the high-five before wrapping an arm around Veronika's to nestle against her side, their shoulders brushing together as Sachiko nuzzled the side of Veronika's neck with the top of her head. She too would bring an arm under her bust to push her cleavage up a little - right before she turned and planted a kiss right back on Veronika's lips for all to see!

"That's right, heh...I bet you're alllll eager to know, she gets a piece of this eeeeevery night~" Sachiko teased, slapping Veronika's ass before she winked and grinned to the cameras...forgetting what she'd learned earlier. "Gah, son of a-!" she blurted out, rubbing her head to steady herself. Nevertheless, Sachiko cleared her throat and stood a little straighter, resting her arms over the ropes to settle in the corner. "But tonight, we're gonna get a piece 'a that little Lightweight Champion...and oh boy, is that gonna be sweet. Right, Veri?" She bumped her partner's shoulder with her own before looking all around the area. Seeing the weapons stashed around made her mind run wild, and that wasn't even getting into all the ways she could exploit the environment to their liking. Oh, yes, this was going to be fun.
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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

”Annie Clark”
”Seline Rockshaw”
Annie and Seline both had very little experience in hardcore wrestling, and especially not a street fight. But Annie definitely wanted to taker the challenge of the Heart Connection tonight, especially after both of them declared that they wanted to boast about having a win over the Lightweight Champion. Seline was a little less into it, thinking that Annie was a little hard headed, but knowing she needed to support Annie as much as she could, and that included helping her beat the Heart Connection.

The two did some stretches, before being notified by a LAW official that their match was about to begin. “Let’s do this partner.” Annie said to Seline, who nodded, before they both were directed to the parking lot where this match was taking place. Annie took the Lightweight Title with her, wanting to show it off.

Soon enough, Annie and Seline made it to the parking lot, both staring down the members of Heart Connection, before both of them headed into the ring.

“Heard both of you were talking trash partner, I will not be that easy.” Annie said as she and Seline both entered the ring, before Annie decided to get right in both members faces with the Lightweight title.

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Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika rolled her eyes as Sachiko not once but twice ruined a perfect moment of coolness by being...well, Sachiko. Tough she smirked as the sukeban hit her head onto camera and instead of berating her she just brought Sachikos hair into shape again as she leaned against her.

"You know, you are a ungraceful, clumsy , big clot.", she started but then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"But you are my clot.", she said, rounding up her "compliment" and watch "Power Plant" enter their torture chamber. She grinned as she saw the newly crowned lightweight champ talking to them and in a gesture of pure teasing, holding the belt into their faces.
Veronika though lifted her boken and slowly pushed the title downwards.
"Please, if you want to impress us then come with the openweight or the middleweight title, not this equivalent of training wheels on your little bike, sweetie.", she said and suddenly went forward, ruffling the head of Annie as if she was a little child.

"Hmm, I really thought you were bigger. Well, maybe I counted you and your cute little partner together. Yo, Babe, Seline was it? No bother tough, I call you cream pie anyway, come over here and let me look at you!", she said and moved on from Sachi as all four girls met in the middle of the ring.
Veronika looked up and down Selines body and licked her black lips. "This should be fun~ Oh Sachi, I take little Miss Champ here for starters, would you be so kind to look after her little friend?", she smiled and gave Annie a condescending look.

Heart Connection did not have the least bit of respect for the newly crowned champ and they let her know it. And if the distraction had worked enough then Veronika would move quick, take the hilt of her sword and send it into Annie's gut, shoving it forward with both hands to start this street fight for good!

Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Even when Veronika was calling Sachiko out for her clumsiness, the blue-haired girl didn't even seem to mind, nor care. Even though she and Veronika hadn't always seen eye to eye, their travels together had shown her just how close she had truly grown with her partner, and how deep their feelings for each other really ran. She knew that she could always trust Veronika to have her back. She loved every moment she got to share in her presence - and now that they were officially not just a team but a couple, Sachiko was all the more eager to see what they could bring to the table at LAW when they put their heads together. She purred softly and contently, rubbing her body up against Veronika's as she planted a kiss on her cheek. But with the members of Power Plant entering the ring, the fun was really about to begin!

Sachiko snickered to herself as Veronika set her sights on Annie, leaning in closer with her hand resting against her hip and making sure to let her cleavage dangle for her opponents and the cameras alike. "In fact," she chimed in, "I'd dare say that this looks like it's gonna be too easy for us! Not only are ya a couple of pipsqueaks, you look like the type to fall over crying if ya got hit too hard in a street fight." She flicked a finger against Seline's forehead for good measure. "But if it lets us show off what it means to be a part of the Heart Connection...I don't think I can complain. Can ya, Veri?" As Veronika ruffled Annie's hair, Sachiko would do her one better, leaning in to rest her breasts on top of Seline's head to flaunt her height advantage. Okay, so maybe she needed to stand on her tiptoes to make it work, but it was the thought that counts.

As soon as the bell rang, though, Sachiko was ready to play her part! Circling around Seline to get behind her, she would throw her arms around the girl's sides, looking to pull her in against her chest and secure a bear hug. While Veronika dealt with Annie, Sachiko would make sure her partner couldn't interfere! "Oooh, you think you're gonna break out of this?" she teased, rolling her eyes sarcastically as she gave the girl a firm squeeze. "I'm soooo scared..."
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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Annie was getting extremely irritated by Veronika’s words, it was clear that even with the Lightweight Championship, both members of the Love & Heart Connection treated her and Seline as less then competitors, something she absolutely hated.

Seline just stared down Sachiko, trying to keep her calm while Sachiko tried to taunt her. “Don’t think I’ll be as easy as you think it’ll be. Annie brought me over here because she saw how tough I was in the Texas Indies, and you will learn the hard way.”

Sachiko then pressed her breasts into Seline’s face, to which Seline immediately attempted to shove away. Then the match started.

“AGH!” Annie said as she dropped her title and fell to her knees from the sword hilt, meanwhile Seline got locked in a bear hug. “AAAGH!” Seline screamed.

Annie would still be stunned, and Seline knew she needed to do something. Using her free legs, she attempted to swing a hard kick to the stomach of Sachiko, in an attempt to free herself.

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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Veronika chuckled. "Works everytime...", she grinned and before their opponents could get any ideas, the fight was on with Veronika sending the hilt of her boken into the lightweight champs gut who dropped the title in the process. Veronikas eyes, or rather eye started to glimmer as she saw the precious belt drop to the canvas. She knew the history behind it, knew of Rose Gold now infamous reign and how the belt got some value back with many lightweight prodigis like Annie popping up to challenge her for it. When Annie went down the blonde grabbed for the title, swinging it over her shoulder before raising her sword over the kneeling Allie and slammed the wooden weapon down, right into the champs neck to send her back to the canvas.

Veronika grinned and crouched down next to Allies flattened form, grabbing her hair and making her face the european bombshell.
"You won't need this here. Don't worry I put it where it belongs...", she grinned and shoved Allies face back into the canvas. Then she proceeded to walk out of the ring, jumping from the apron and walking to a garbage can standing around.
She lifted the lid and looked into it.
" thought shitty diapers are to be seperated? Well then..."
Veronika took the lightweight belt, a belt Annie and others had worked and suffered for so many times and lifted it over her head, making sure to present it to the camera and to Annie herself who was still in the ring before dropping it into the trashcan, putting the lid on it and walking back to the ring. Veronikas grin spread wide over her face, looking like one of the japanese fox statues as she looked at Annie.

"Now...what are you gonna do about it runt. Huuuuh? Cryyy?", she said, rubbing her eye while making pouty lips then threw her head back with uproarous laughter, her big breasts jiggling in motion. She then stretched out her arma, throwing her boken to the side.
"Well come on. You surely want to shut me up for it, huh shrimp? Come on, here I am! Show me how such a pathetic little loser like you could become a champ!", she said with an evil smirk.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Seline may have tried to talk tough, but absolutely none of that was reaching Sachiko's ears when she could casually lean down and drape her breasts over her head - let alone pull her tightly into a bear hug! To the sukeban, Seline's resistance might as well have been the struggles of a petulant child, not a fellow competitor. All she did was chuckle as she brought Seline in close, her arms clasped tightly around her sides. "Ya could start by backing yourself up once in a while!" she teased. In fact, she was barely even paying Seline any heed as she watched Veronika take Annie's belt and toss it into the trash - the sort of dominance and cruelty that only the Heart Connection could muster. If this was what this match would bring, the Heart Connection could only anticipate a victory that would teach their opponents a thing or two about messing with them!

But Seline could only be pushed and prodded so far before she felt the need to fight back - and Sachiko was bringing her right up to that point! Just then, she swung out her legs, catching the delinquent in the gut. Gasping and coughing, Sachiko bent over forward. The force of the blow was enough to knock her away from Seline as she went stumbling backward across the ring, clutching at her stomach - and there, she locked her eyes on Seline in a glare, her teeth baring in a hateful snarl. "Why, you little-!" Sachiko was rightfully supposed to dominate. If Seline didn't know her place, Sachiko would have to put her there!

Kicking at the mat like a charging bull, Sachiko pushed herself back up to her full height. Then she came charging back at Seline, attempting to ram into her with a shoulder charge!
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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Annie would be staring at the mat’s canvas, only hearing the misdeeds that Veronika was doing with the Championship belt she had worked ever so hard for. As much as her lady parts were hurting, Annie was just trying to force all that pain to get away for her, basically trying to ignore it.

Because at this moment, Annie was pissed off. And a pissed off Annie was something nobody wanted to deal with in their life. Annie slowly got up to her feet, a psychotic look of fury on the women from Missouri’s face.

Annie then went charging right at Veronika, looking to give her a running forearm smash to the face.

Meanwhile with Seline, she had just given Sachiko a kick right in her gut and being let go. She saw Sachiko coming right at her, and Seline took her exactly where she wants her.

When Sachiko got close to her, Seline would swiftly dodge to the left, before extending out her arm, and attempting to give Sachiko a Clothesline to the back of her head.

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Re: Love Hurts! Heart Connection vs Power Plant

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Veronika had wanted to test Annie, to show how far she could go to show her why she had became champ anyway. Veronika would have liked to have some gold around her hips, together with Sachi would be best, but she was'nt as keen for it as say ,Harmonia, who built her entire career right now to emerge as middleweight champion. She just loved to dominate hot girls together with her girlfriend and partner and giving LAW their own signature. And with her publicly throwing one of the leagues titles into a trashcan like common filth would surely ruffle some feathers but mostly with the champ herself whose cute face transformed into a psychotic mask, eager to pay back Veronika tenfold for the insult.

Tough that was what Veronika was counting for and as Annie stormed to the ropes, jumping put and charging into Veronika, the Blonde slipped something on and met Annie right in the middle of her path as she sent her fist into the lightweights midsection, tough with Veronika having slipped on some brass knuckles the impact must have felt three times worse....

If everything worked then Veronika would grab the champ and send her into the trash cans behind her...

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