Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Submission Match
Victory Conditions: Submission only.
Hentai rules, hit private parts are forbidden.
Swimsuit attire.

Tonight was match day for Louise who, from what she had heard, was going to participate in one of the most important matches of the evening. As usual, the Frenchwoman had not found out about her opponent, all she knew was that it was a Submission match and that she had revenge to take in this type of match which is always concluded in defeat, even though the first time was a disqualification. She was warming up slightly in her locker room and even if she could, she decided not to ambush her opponent before the match started. She had a lot to prove tonight and she didn't want whoever her opponent was to lose before the match could begin.
She then left the locker room first and headed towards the arena while she was accompanied by her theme. Her walk was sober and accompanied by boos from the public who really didn't appreciate the self-called Goddess... But Louise ignored them once again. She didn't need a crowd to be strong, she didn't need anyone's support. She was able to show on numerous occasions that despite her small size, she was strong enough to fight any type of wrestler on her own. Bigger, heavier, stronger, more technical, more technical, more numerous, defeating the Wildcat was something rather rare.

She then climbed into the ring and wasted no time posing for the cameras or the few fans she had. She stood in the corner of the ring, patiently waiting for her opponent to arrive to start this match as quickly as possible while her music began to stop little by little.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Fri May 24, 2024 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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In contrast to the Louise's rather...less receptive entrance, Amandine's was accompanied a very loud round of cheering and catcalling. The sour mood just now was instantly evaporated upon Amandine's arrival. Words of contempt became screams of adoration, and Amandine basked in the attention.

With a confident and sensuous gait, she strolled down the ramp, her plump chest jiggling with each stride as though it were trying to burst out of her white bikini bra.

Smooth as ivory muscles that would shibe even when drenched in sweat. Thick, muscular thighs with a hint of suppleness that would make any woman green with jealousy. And the deliberate slowness with which she walks, revealing the swinging of her hips beneath a skimpy white bikini pant, the strings of which seem as though they would break at any time.

Amandine then climbed onto the ring, pushing down the ropes with her toned legs with a confident smile. The French Fireball then walked to the middle of the ring, bending down her body to show those massive jugs jiggle within that skimpy white top, and blowing a kiss to Louise.

"Hello there, cutie~ I suppose you will be my opponent for tonight?"

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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Louise ignored her opponent's entire intro, preferring to look at herself and admire herself. But when she raised her eyes to see her opponent, she only saw her body and her legs... She was obliged to raise her head if she wanted to see the face of her opponent, which was immense!


Although the difference in height and weight was large, Louise was not at all impressed by it. She sighed and rolled her eyes, walking towards her opponent whose name she didn't know to press her chest against that of the silver-haired wrestler to start this match with a staredown... Except because of their difference in size, Louise's breasts, even if they were as big as those of her opponent, found themselves under Amandine's... And that irritated her.

“Hey bitch, get on your knees before I beat you up.”

These were not threats in the wind. Louise used to start her matches this way and if Amandine did not respond positively to her request, little Goddess would not hesitate to give the first blow to start the match even if the bell had not yet rung. As the rules prevented any blows to the private parts, Louise would settle for a punch to her opponent's stomach!
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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Like Louise, Amandine wasn't really informed about her opponent tonight. The only thing she was told was that she has a very...colourful way with words. And true to that, the first words her opponent said to her was calling her a bitch?!

Her smile briefly faltered upon hearing those words, though she immediately ignored that and focus on the one who said it and....

"Wow, she's short."

But she had to admit, she had a figure that could equal that of a giant, she had strong muscles that were just slightly covered in curves to make her body appear somewhat less rough. But Amandine knew she would certainly look more dangerous if she ever starts flexing.

"Oh dear. Am I too high for you, dear? Do you need a ladder to climb up?" Amandine teased, though white-haired woman is certain that the girl would follow up with her words if given the chance. And so, rather than 'getting on her knees' as told, Amandine would reach down, placing her hands firmly under Louise's armpits. With a little bit of strength,she lifted her up off the ground, where they can finally see eye-to-eye.

"My, my. You are quite adorable aren't you? Almost makes me want to cuddle you~." Before Louise could protest, Amandine pulls her into a hug. Not a bearhug, but tight enough that both women can feel each other's bodies. Slowly, Amandine would lean forward as her own mounds slowly squished out like mushroom tops, molding around Louise's tits. And hard abs scrub against their counterparts, rough like sandpaper

"Oh, I almost forgot! My name is Amandine. Nice to meet you~", she introduced herself, nuzzling her cheek against Louise
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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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“Too high?!”

Louise was starting to get very annoyed by her opponent and her comments. Was she trying to make fun of her size? She didn't know it but she had put the subject on the table and it didn't please the little French girl at all who was preparing her fist to hit the giantess's stomach... But the Wildcat was suddenly interrupted by the action of her opponent who was, to say the least, unprecedented.


Louise was being carried... Like a cat. Her gaze darkened following the new comment from her opponent who continued to play on words related to size... Especially since she had just carried Louise so that she was an equivalent size. Louise didn't even have time to respond, or rather to insult and threaten, her opponent when Amandine took the opportunity to hug her. The two French women then found themselves stuck together, breasts to breasts, stomach to stomach, but this greatly displeased the self-named Goddess who simply wanted to beat her opponent.

"Let me go! Nobody care about your fucking name !"

Louise then tried to push her opponent by placing her hand on Amandine's face, scratching her lightly while trying to push her back. Even if it didn't work, the referee would step in to break the hug and get both women to distance themselves before the match began.
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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Amandine couldn't help but chuckle at Louise's fiery reaction. The scratches on her face were barely more than an annoyance, akin to the playful swipes of an annoyed kitten. She found the smaller woman's fury adorable rather than intimidating. Even Louise's crass words were more like a cat hissing at her.

"Feisty little thing, aren't you?" Amandine mused aloud, her grip tightening momentarily to prevent Louise from escaping. The wildcat's struggles only amused her more. But unfortunately before she have more fun, the referee began separating them. She nonchalantly dropped Louise on the floor, wondering if the shorter girl would land on her feet like an actual cat would. Would be funny to see her land on her bum though~

She took a step back, wiping away the faint red marks on her cheek with an air of nonchalance.

"Well, I suppose it's time to begin, cutie. Try to be gentle with me~", Amandine said flirtily, before shifting into a ready stance, her muscles flexing slightly as she prepared for the start of the match. "Let's see what you've got, little kitten~."

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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Louise clearly deserved her nickname Wildcat, she clearly acted like a wild cat who did everything to appear dangerous and untamable. Even if the referee intervened so that the two wrestlers avoided starting a fight before the match started, the little brunette was still so angry because of the comments of her opponent who, clearly, made fun of her small size.

“You’ll see what I’m capable of.”

The two French women backed away slightly and stared at each other for a long time while waiting for the match to begin. The referee was a little hesitant knowing that Louise was capable of the worst tricks to defeat her opponents but above all that she became rather violent when she was angry. But the public was starting to get impatient and there was no time to calm down the self-called Goddess.


The bell rang and Louise jumped on her opponent at the same time, throwing herself at full speed on the giantess with her arms wide open to throw herself on Amandine's stomach and pin her to the ground with a Spear. It was only a simple spear but if Louise managed to tackle her opponent with this simple move, she would be able to prove how strong she was and that she should not be underestimated.
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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Amandine's playful smile widened as she watched Louise fume. The wildcat's anger only fueled her amusement, making her all the more eager for the match to begin. She relished the challenge, her body tensed in anticipation.

As the referee finally signaled the start of the match with the ringing of the bell, Amandine barely had time to register Louise's sudden burst of speed. The smaller woman launched herself forward with surprising force, arms wide, aiming straight for Amandine's stomach.

Instinctively, Amandine braced herself, her muscles immediately tightening. Amandine let out a cough as she felt something like a cannonball crashing into her belly. The impact caused Amandine to be pushed back a few steps, barely inches away from the ropes.

But unfortunately for Louise, her opponent won't go down easily with something so straightforward. Her eyes gleamed as her legs were able to properly regain their momentum and hold back Louiss from pushing any further

"Not bad, kitten." Amandine said with an astonished tone, impressed how the younger woman is packing so much strength despite her size. But at the end, there's a reason why wrestlers are separated by weight classes.

She then immediately grabbed Louise and lifiting her once more, this time much higher than the previous one. Amandine briefly spun her around before slamming her Louise's body hard onto ground the with a german suplex!

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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Louise felt herself growing wings when she was angry, as if her body had no limits. Thanks to her small size and weight, she was definitely faster than her opponent while remaining as strong as before! But still because of her weight and her size, her strength was not enough to tackle the giantess with a spear... But at least, the Wildcat managed to push Amandine back several steps, this already proved to what extent how strong she was!

But it wasn't enough, the silver-haired giantess took the opportunity to lift the little French girl high into the air, higher than she had ever been. Louise's eyes still showed so much anger towards her opponent and she was ready to continue hitting her opponent in the face, this time not with her claws but with her fists!

The self-called Goddess barely had time to raise her fists when Amandine showed her true intentions by violently throwing Louise's body to the ground with a powerful German Suplex. Despite the Frenchwoman's weight, the ring shook and the ropes moved for several seconds, as long as Louise took to moan in pain.


The Wildcat's eyes widened as her back slammed into the ground. It was painful... No, it was the most powerful Suplex she had received in her life! She learned the hard way that she should not underestimate Amandine who was strong, really strong. It was hard to accept but the Frenchwoman's ego was far from easy to break, and then her victory would be even more impressive when she crushed her opponent.

She was finally starting to stand up after about ten seconds on the ground grunting and panting in pain, it was only the beginning of this match and a simple suplex, powerful or not, was not going to stop her!
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Re: Different Size, Same Chest - Amandine Mayeux vs Louise Bélair

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Amandine felt a rush of satisfaction as she executed the German Suplex, the impact reverberating through the ring and eliciting a pained cry from Louise. But what really surprised Amandine was how fast the Wildcat had gotten up after the suplex.

"You're tougher than you look, kitten," Amandine called out, her voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. She took a moment to roll her shoulders, loosening up after the powerful maneuver. Her eyes never left Louise, watching intently as the wildcat began to stir.

Seeing Louise push herself up, determination etched on her face despite the pain, Amandine couldn't help but be impressed. Many would have stayed down longer after such a blow, but Louise's resilience was palpable.

But, not wanting to wait for Louise to get even at her, Amandine decided it was time to press her advantage. She immediately dashed across the ring, her muscles coiled and ready. As Louise finally got to her feet, Amandine closed the distance quickly, aiming to catch her opponent off guard with a powerful clothesline, hoping to knock the Wildcat once more onto the ground.

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