A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Kiss My Foot Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.
The loser have the kiss the winner's foot.

Louise was in her locker room, putting on her outfit to prepare for the match she had in a few minutes. But before entering the ring, she had to take care of a few things. Not about her but about her opponent who had specially challenged her in a rather... Amazing kind of match. A Kiss My Foot match, the type where the loser humiliates herself by kissing the winner's feet. What was the idea of ​​asking for this kind of match against her? Was it because Louise often lost her matches by disqualification? It was strange but she would have the answer in a few seconds.

Once again, the Frenchwoman discreetly left her locker room to ambush her opponent before the match began. She walked discreetly down the hallway, opening the door to the locker room where her opponent was supposed to be to enter before closing the door. She showed a big evil smile, the same one she showed to her opponents in this situation.. But her smile quickly disintegrated when she saw who the woman in front was. Her gaze fell, turning into just anger and annoyance as she discovered that she already knew this person.

"Hey.~ Don't you have a match against Louise Bé-... You?!... I understand the type of match better.. Fucking fetishist!"
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream finished lacing up her wrestling boots, making sure they were tight before she glanced at the mirror in front of her. She flashed herself a smirk in her mirror, more than ready to take some rightful revenge against Louise. Honestly she was still surprised that the person who attacked her was actually Louise and not just someone who looked like her.

Though honestly that made it all the more better! After she found out that she got Louise Bélair in a kiss my foot match of all matches, she was thrilled. She couldn’t wait to have the muscular woman on the floor, kissing her foot and looking at her with a pleading look for mercy.

Before she could keep on fantasizing about her future win, she paused at hearing someone walking into the locker room. Her eyes widened at seeing it was her future opponent in a few minutes entered the room. But she flashed the taller woman a smirk at seeing anger and annoyance in her eyes.

Why yes. I do have a match with you.” Cream said standing up and walking to her opponent. Cream wasn’t intimidating against the more muscular woman, standing right in front of Louise and locked eyes with her. Hearing Louise's next words, she quickly frowned and glared at her opponent. “How dare you! I’m not a fetishist! I want some revenge against a certain someone shoving her smelly, sweaty foot on my face!” Growled Cream angry, clearly remembered the humiliating feeling of having Louise’s foot on her face.
Last edited by monkey299 on Fri May 10, 2024 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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The woman in front of her, the wrestler who had challenged her in this Kiss my foot match was other than Cream, a blonde against whom Louise had beaten backstage... One of the many people she had fought against. Lou could have known if she remembered the names of the people she was fighting against but she wasn't going to waste her time on such a futile activity, remembering the names of future losers was not in her plans!

"Is that so?..."

She was still surprised to see a face she already knew, this had never happened before. But after a few seconds, the Frenchwoman showed her grin and threw herself at the blonde to give her a Big Boot on the chest to push her back and maybe even pin her to the ground. If she succeeds, she will follow up by stomping on Cream's chest with her foot and putting a good part of her weight on that foot.

"In that case, this match is going to be super easy~"
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream huffed and narrowed her eyes angrily at Louise, annoyed that she even thought that Cream had a fetish, a foot fetish for that matter if Cream wasn’t reading into too much of what Louise just said.

Yes.” Cream said, crossing her arms, making her breasts look even bigger. She smirked at seeing Louise still looking surprise at her but got a little worried at seeing Louise Flashing her a grin.

Before Cream could do anything, Louise moved back a bit and slammed her foot onto her face, doing a big boot! “Ugh!” Moaned Cream in pain as she fell to the floor and held her face in pain.

Grrr yo-ugh.” Grunted Cream as she felt new weight slamming onto her chest, interrupted her words. “G-get off!” Cream said squirming underneath Louise. She reached up and tried to pry the foot off her chest.
Last edited by monkey299 on Tue May 07, 2024 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Lousie takes Cream down with a simple Big Boot, showing news that their difference in strength wasn't simply due to the blonde's post-match fatigue. She took the opportunity to trample her opponent's chest, smiling devilishly at her while bending down slightly so as not to lose her balance when Cream tried to push her away.

"Didn't I already warn you that you shouldn't puff out your chest in front of me ? My chest is clearly bigger~"

Louise then withdrew her foot and took a step back, waiting for the blonde to at least get up on her knees before running towards her again and jumping, putting her knees forward, trying to hit the blonde's head with it!

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream growled in anger at Louise once again standing above her. She desperately tried to move the muscular woman off her chest but couldn’t beat Louise’s leg strength. Cream mentally winced as she failed to move the woman off of her but kept on an angry look.

“S-SHUT UP YOU LIAR!” Cream said blushing at hearing Louise's words, even though Louise's chest was indeed bigger than Cream’s. The smaller, blonde haired woman refused to listen to this. Once Louise removed her foot, Cream would instantly roll over and try to get back up.

Seeing the slightly taller woman running at her, Cream quickly ducked down, luckily managing the knee strike. After the quick dodge, Cream would run at her opponent and grab her if she was on the floor. She then pushed her future opponent up to a kneeling position.

And your chest is only bigger because of your robust figure.” Mocked Cream with a mocking smirk, practically calling the muscular, miniature amazoness fat. Cream would lock in her leg behind Louise’s neck and grabbing a arm, Cream slammed Louise onto the cold flooring, hoping to do a Leg DDT!

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Louise threw herself at her opponent, rather confident in her punches, forgetting that Cream was faster than her. The blonde easily dodged the brunette's knee strike and was already preparing to counterattack, taking advantage of Louise falling on her knees while missing her shot.


The Frenchwoman was starting to get angry at her opponent's comment but she slammed herself to the ground with a Leg DDT before she could respond or react to her opponent's words.


The wildcat slowly got up, grunting, stroking her head which was hurting quite a bit after hitting the ground.
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream grinned at hearing an angry shout from her opponent as her plan worked. She watched with glee at seeing Louise face slamming right onto the floor. Luckily for Louise, the floor wasn’t as hard as the flooring outside or else it could have done much worse damage to her.

Cream was about to attack her opponent again but paused as she glanced to a spot near Louise. Grinning at the idea aid using the environment around them, Cream ran to a bench near Louise and half a second later would jump high off of it and into the air.

Cream extended her arm out and flew towards her stunned opponent, hoping to land a jumping lariat on the kneeling or slowly standing brunette.
Last edited by monkey299 on Tue May 07, 2024 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Louise grunted in pain and lay on her back for a little while. She finally begins to get up, at least trying because she is quickly crushed by her opponent's knees on her stomach, making her sigh in pain for a long time and curl up on herself while holding her stomach with both hands.


She raised her head and growled slightly in rage, pushing herself up onto her knees, growling louder and louder until she found herself standing. She didn't even try to understand or to rest, she threw herself at Cream and grabbed her by the neck and face until she slammed her head violently against the lockers.
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream grunted as she came crashing down on her opponent. Even though it kind of hurt, hearing her opponent moan in pain made it all worth it. Cream rolled off of Louise and got to her knees before standing up all the way.

But hearing a growl of pure anger, Cream locked onto the raising figure of Louise. Cream immediately begin kicking and stomping Louise back, hoping that could stop. But it seemed to be not working as the muscular woman got to her feet.

Even with Cream kicking on Louise back, sides and legs, it wasn’t sending Louise back down. After another strong kick, Cream gave a gasp at Louise hands grabbing her neck. “G-guah! L-le-UGH!” Moaned Cream in pain as she was slammed into the lockers.

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