Fuse was sitting with her younger sister in the locker room. She was talking to Handa about her keeping her head into their upcoming match as Handa was a bit wired up about her rising rivalry with her rival. Fuse was telling Handa that her rival’s time will come later and to focus on their opponent in front of them first.
Handa: 「私はただ、彼女の愚かな顔からそのマスクを剥ぎ取りたいだけなのです。ああ、彼女を殺してしまうよ。」(“I just wanna rip that mask of hers off of her stupid face. Ooh I’m gonna kill her.”)
Fuse: 「そうしたいのはわかっています。でも、まずは自分たちの試合に集中してください。私たちは新人とのハンディキャップマッチに出場することになった。まずは彼女に本当の恐怖を見せてから、ライバルのことを心配してください。」(“I know you want to. But focus on our match first. We’re placed in a handicap match against some newcomer. Let’s show her true fear first and then you can worry about your rival.”)
Fuse managed to calm down Handa as their locker room door would be knocked on. Fuse opened the door and it was the LAW Staff Member telling the team that they were ready for them to make their entrance. Fuse walked with Handa towards the show curtain and waited for their music to start playing.