Winning condition:
Pin, Submission, KO, Count out or DQ

Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist "

“yeah and she is pure monster in strength! Much stronger than you… I mean fucking strong… her power level is over… “, would Sina start off, but the other girls would look at her, making her stop halfway.
“she is also very tough!” would jane add.
“She knows a lot more hold´s and throws than you. Most of them could flatten you with one hit.”
“She got a clear weight advantage over you!”
“She is quit mean!”
“guys! I get it! She is like a fucking end boss in any video game. She can do anything better than me. Do you have any good news, like she has a red glowing point in her chest of stomach I need to hit to make her go ko instantly?”, asked Charlie to cut off her friends.
Eri would smile and shake her head. “sadly no! but you got something that she doesn´t have! A few things actually. I watched a few old matches of that girl. And she is slow, so keep on the move and don’t get cocky so you get caught. Another thing is that it seems like this woman never did any cardio training. She gets tired quit fast, that is something you can maybe use for you advantage as well, if you manage to make her run quit a lot she might get worn out fast enough. And finally and most importantly…” Eri would bow forwards and all the other girls would lean forwards as well. “She don’t got our spirit!”
“LET`S GO!”, would all 4 scream together turning around hearing the music hit. World´s apart
The four girls would jump out into the open and threw their hands up into the sky.
Sina, Charlie and Jane were doing one line while Eri was standing in front of them. All of them had some pon poms in their hand, waiting for the signal of their leader. Eri would then throw her hands from side to side and the other girls would start to move in perfect harmony. The girl would then start jumping and spinning forwards down the ring a bit. Halfway down the ramp they would stop. Eri would nod to everyone and they would throw away their pon poms and line up behind each other. Sina would go first. The woman with the green hair would build up from momentum before doing a simple wheel over the ramp and stop with her back facing to the ring. Next would be Jane. The smallest one would speed up as much as she could, before doing the same as the girl before her but while she was doing this Sina would knee down a bit getting ready. In her last move Jane would try to jump right onto the shoulders of her partner and Sina would stand up holding the brunet on her shoulders.
Now Eri and Charli would be next. The two would nod to the other and started to run forwards at the same time. At full speed they would stimulatory start to do a wheel turning it into a back flip, coming to a stop to the left and right of Sina and Jane. The Four girls would smile at each other before turning around and going over to the ring.
The three girls that wouldn´t take part in the match would go first they would stand shoulder to shoulder next to each other, their backs turned to the ring. Charlie would speed up and run right towards them jumping up in the last moment getting thrown inside the ring, after she jumped onto the hands of her partners who launched her sky high. The cheerleader would land by rolling over the mat and jumping back onto her feet, turning around awaiting her opponent.