A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Match type:

Winning condition:
Pin, Submission, KO, Count out or DQ
Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist "
The spirit girls would stand together backstage, In a circle. “Okay… here is the battle plan” would Eri start. “your opponent might be much more experienced than you…”
“yeah and she is pure monster in strength! Much stronger than you… I mean fucking strong… her power level is over… “, would Sina start off, but the other girls would look at her, making her stop halfway.
“she is also very tough!” would jane add.
“She knows a lot more hold´s and throws than you. Most of them could flatten you with one hit.”
“She got a clear weight advantage over you!”
“She is quit mean!”
“guys! I get it! She is like a fucking end boss in any video game. She can do anything better than me. Do you have any good news, like she has a red glowing point in her chest of stomach I need to hit to make her go ko instantly?”, asked Charlie to cut off her friends.

Eri would smile and shake her head. “sadly no! but you got something that she doesn´t have! A few things actually. I watched a few old matches of that girl. And she is slow, so keep on the move and don’t get cocky so you get caught. Another thing is that it seems like this woman never did any cardio training. She gets tired quit fast, that is something you can maybe use for you advantage as well, if you manage to make her run quit a lot she might get worn out fast enough. And finally and most importantly…” Eri would bow forwards and all the other girls would lean forwards as well. “She don’t got our spirit!”

“LET`S GO!”, would all 4 scream together turning around hearing the music hit. World´s apart
The four girls would jump out into the open and threw their hands up into the sky.

Sina, Charlie and Jane were doing one line while Eri was standing in front of them. All of them had some pon poms in their hand, waiting for the signal of their leader. Eri would then throw her hands from side to side and the other girls would start to move in perfect harmony. The girl would then start jumping and spinning forwards down the ring a bit. Halfway down the ramp they would stop. Eri would nod to everyone and they would throw away their pon poms and line up behind each other. Sina would go first. The woman with the green hair would build up from momentum before doing a simple wheel over the ramp and stop with her back facing to the ring. Next would be Jane. The smallest one would speed up as much as she could, before doing the same as the girl before her but while she was doing this Sina would knee down a bit getting ready. In her last move Jane would try to jump right onto the shoulders of her partner and Sina would stand up holding the brunet on her shoulders.

Now Eri and Charli would be next. The two would nod to the other and started to run forwards at the same time. At full speed they would stimulatory start to do a wheel turning it into a back flip, coming to a stop to the left and right of Sina and Jane. The Four girls would smile at each other before turning around and going over to the ring.

The three girls that wouldn´t take part in the match would go first they would stand shoulder to shoulder next to each other, their backs turned to the ring. Charlie would speed up and run right towards them jumping up in the last moment getting thrown inside the ring, after she jumped onto the hands of her partners who launched her sky high. The cheerleader would land by rolling over the mat and jumping back onto her feet, turning around awaiting her opponent.

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Zoey usually wore all sorts of exotic outfits, however this time around she had looked up her opponent beforehand and was sure the match was going to be a breeze, hell she might actually just be able to torment her opponent while relaxing somewhat herself. With this in mind the Scot decided to go for something simple, and she would be wearing a simple dark blue swimsuit which almost threatened to hide between her round yet toned buttocks, as usual ensuring for maximum ass cheek to face contact when she decides to pull a loser's face directly into her ass. Then of course the bluenette would wear simple blue gym shoes, as while it didn't quite go with a swimsuit she preferred a slightly odd outfit to the alternative of running around the ring barefoot.
Unfortunately the bluenette wasn't allowed to enter gorilla position while her opponent and posse were there, which meant her name calling would need to wait, which for a moment had annoyed her. However as soon as she took her place near the curtains and watched the cheerleader posse's enterence she couldn't help but laugh obnoxiously at it, pointing at the TV screen and then turning her attention towards one of the backstage workers. " Can you believe this? Cheerleaders. It's Hilarious. Who actually bothers with it after high school? They must be idiots. " Zoey would cruelly joke, earning a shrug from the backstage staff, coincidentally the same man who was meant to signal her for when she was to walk out.

Before long the backstage helper would give Zoey the signal to get ready, and swiftly picking up her large Scottish flag on a pole she would place it just in front of her face, covering her head and chest as she stood at attention in front of the curtains. Then as soon as " Danger Zone " Blared through-out the arena the Scot would walk through the ramp and take a few steps forward still shielding her upper body from view with her Scotland flag, before suddenly bursting forward and moving her arm to the side so she ran through the flag, similar to a bull with a red cape. Zoey revealing her middle finger which she had been holding close to her chest, before she then twisted it into a giant L and yelled what could only be assumed to be " Losers " at the crowd as she quickly started to make her way towards the ring.

Zoey arguing with one fan near the top of the ramp, quickly exchanging unpleasant words before she started to head towards the ring, stopping just in front of it and looking up at Charlie through the ropes, and then her face would twist as a mocking expression of laughter sparked across her face in reaction to looking at the woman close up.

Then Zoey completely ignored the woman, instead walking to the side of the ring and starting an argument with a fan. " You want little miss ' I became a cheerleader to fuck a quarterback ' To win? As if that would happen. " Zoey would proclaim loudly to a random fan, saying it purposefully loud enough for the woman inside the ring to hear, The bluenette chuckling equally loudly after her comment.

Then the Scot would turn her attention back towards the ring, looking up at Charlie before shaking her head in disappointment and then rolling under the bottom ropes, handing her Scotland flag to the ref who quite frankly seemed confused with what she was meant to do with it, the official eventually deciding to give it to a ringside helper who hilariously enough would proceed to hold it, something which Zoey would certainly find funny whenever she watched the match.

Zoey would then walk towards the middle of the ring, and proceed quickly scan all the corners, before then looking towards Charlie's and leisurely walking over to the cheerleader, seemingly finally giving the other wrestler the attention she should have received the moment Zoey was upon the ramp. Unfortunately though the Scot was not so civil, and as usual this was simply another ploy.

" Uhmm Hey, you. I want that corner, get out of it. " Zoey would say, wearing a large smirk as she was excited to see Charlie's response, the Scot loving nothing more to irritate her opponent's, and within no more than two minutes Zoey was certain she had just annoyed Charlie more than she had likely any other competitor through-out the history of her wrestling career.
Last edited by RJD on Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:18 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Charlie would watch the entrance area very closely. She would stretch her arm for a while, or at least as long as nothing was happening. Then finally something started to go down. She would knee down a bit, but keep her eyes locked onto the entrance area, she wanted to watch her opponent as closely as possible while entering the ring.

When zoey was finally in the ring with her she would have her head running circles. Wow that woman was… CUTE! Could she really be that monster that her friends warned her about? So got a cute pair of twin tails falling over her shoulders… and her body wasn´t build like the strong and destroying animal Sina described her as, maybe Scottish people had inhuman strength…
The cheerleader would lean backwards, looking over to her opponent in the center of the ring. Suddenly miss green hair was walking right towards her and saying that she wanted this corner. Charlie would only shuck and step out of it… “yeah you can have this corner. Don´t worry I will still take the victory!”
Charlie would push herself out of the corner and walk away. While passing Zoey she would slap her but with one fast move before walking over to the other corner leaning backwards against it with a smile on her face. She would look over the ring to her opponent while leaning in the corner, as soon as the bell would ring she would jump out of her corner jumping happily through the ring smiling at zoey… let´s see how slow this woman really was!

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Zoey had a momentary smirk form on her face as Charlie gave up her corner, the Scot had found out that Charlie could be pushed around and wouldn't defend herself, which was one of her favourite kinds of people to mess with in the ring, since they usually made for a fun dominant win for Zoey.

" If you consider being squashed under my fine ass a victory then y-Ahh! " The Scot would speak confidently, up until she felt her opponent's hand slap her bottom so quickly that it interrupted her thought and actually left a slight red mark on her heiny, causing the bluenette to turn around with a frown, growling at Charlie's back as the black haired competitor went to her corner.

" Bad fucking move blondie! " Was all Zoey would bark for now, before her opponent walked towards the opposite corner. Unfortunately Charlie seemed like one of those nimble little shits that usually caused the bluenette some problems, but she was confident that as soon as she caught Charlie she would be able to pay her back in full for that little stunt.

Then as soon as the bell rang Zoey would walk towards the middle of the ring and offer a test of strength, though if Charlie got too close with the intention of accepting the challenge then the Scot had something heinous in store for her.

Zoey would grab her opponent's hair with one hand if she got close enough for a test of strength, and then hopefully before the other woman could adjust her stance to combat the hair pulling the Scot would swing her other arm forward wildly, her body turning slightly as she threw all her weight into the clothesline which if successful would pummel Charlie's modest bust.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:08 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Charlie would giggle happily about the reaction of her opponent, after she slapped her onto the butt. Maybe this match was going to be fun after all. She would whip up and down on her feet in her corner. Then finally the bell would ring and the match was opened so both fighters could go for it. Charlie would hold herself back for a bit trying to think of a good way to start this match of.

Then she saw how her opponent was offering her a lock up for a test of strength. She would smirk seems like Zoey got some sportsmanship inside her after all, what better way to start a match of than with a fair and square test of strength. Charlie would hop happily over the mat making her way over to her opponent and then reaching up with both of her hands before throwing them forwards as good as possible trying to lock up with her opponent. But before she was even able to touch her opponent her hair was yanked upwards. “AARRGGHHH!” Would she scream out in pain while being pulled into a tall standing position. She would struggle and keep screaming in pain while trying to pull the hand away from her hair. She would try her very best to get it off. But before she could reach any progress one arm was smashed into her chest.
That moment the arm would hit her so much pain was send ringing through her body that it was like time stopped for a moment and then would move on in slow motion. Charlies eyes were ripped wide open before her feet lost contact to the floor and then she was send spinning around one time before she would fall flat onto her stomach moaning in pain on the floor.  

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Charlie had embarrassed Zoey, and Zoey had hammered her so hard in the chest that she put on an acrobatic display impressive enough to win Olympic gold, so in the Scot's mind the cheerleaders dept had been payed, in part. The raven haired little slut was still going to need a little more punishment as payback for that stunt.

Zoey would bend over to grab Charlie's hair and yank upwards, hoping to drag the woman up onto her knees. Then the Scot would proceed to pull the woman face first into her ass, letting Charlie's features dig into her fine rear. If successful in her first plan of action the bluenette would then proceed to lean her hips forward as much as she could, before whipping them back with as much power as she could muster.

Zoey releasing Charlie's hair as she attempted to smack the black haired wrestler's stupid face with her large bottom, the Scot's cheeks jiggling upon contact if she was successful. The Scot first trying to force Charlie's features to hug her ass, before then embarrassing her foe by taking her back to the mat with a quick hip attack.

" Was that ass grab worth it? You stood out of line rookie, and I'm really going to embarrass you for it. " Zoey would say with a huge grin on her face as she looked over at Charlie, though if she wasn't such a big dumb bully she'd probably realise she was wasting time.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Charlie would lay on the floor for a while moaning out quit loudly. She would try to push herself back upwards on her very own. But before she was able to cover any high and get up, she would feel her opponent grabbing her hair and dragging her back upwards to her feet. The small girl would start to scream out loudly in pain while she was pulled upwards. Her opponent wasn´t holding back anything and was dragging the poor thing back upwards in such a rough manner that Charlie could swear that she would lose a few hairs thanks to that treatment. Luckily for the small girl she wasn´t put back into a standing position instead they would stop halfway through and put her onto her knees.
Charlie was ending up on the perfect high for a glorious view. The amazing round and giant butt of her opponent was right in front of her, or at first she thought it was a good view. Because only one moment later it would all go dark. The small girl would try to scream out but was silenced when her face was pushed into the butt of her opponent and she couldn´t break out anymore. She would try to struggle but the grab of her opponent onto her hair was incredible strong.

Charlie would try her best to break out and breathe again but the checks weren´t letting her go. On her own she wasn´t getting out again, only when her opponent wanted her to get out her body was swing back and she would end up on her knees again breathing heavily and coughing. She knew that her opponent wouldn´t stop now but before she was able to get up or away the butt would come back smashed into her face taking her down for good… she would lay on the floor moaning out and breathing heavily at the same time…

was the only respond Charlotte could make….

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Zoey was more than a little satisfied as she managed to pummel the foe with her ass, even if she did claim it was serious punishment, the bluenette herself couldn't help but smile slightly as she playfully prepared to pick apart her cute little opponent.

The Scot immediately would walk over to her opponent as she moaned on the canvas, not giving the woman even a moment's break as she peered at her with pure sadism visible on her face. Zoey would attempt to close in on her foe and bend down over her laid out form in order to grasp her upper body in a grab which almost resembled a forceful hug. Then without further ado the bluenette would attempt to lift her opponent slowly up to her feet, woman handling her the whole time and attempting to transition behind her as she forced the woman up, before finally wrapping her arms around the foe's front and squeezing tightly as she set up a bear hug.

" Wow you're actually so easy to lift and squeeze, It almost feels like I'm squeezing your bones. " Zoey would spout off as she hugged Charlie from behind harshly, while she also humped the woman's body ever so subtly from behind, just enough to get the point across that she was going to make the raven haired wrestler her little bitch. ultimately the Scot would be lying if she were to claim that just being up against Charlie's body wasn't pleasing, somehow she was just so oddly soft and hug-able, though of course Zoey was too cruel to be charmed by such a thing, at least without a struggle.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Charlie´s head would keep spinning even after she got a short break after these butt bumps. She would lay there moaning and rubbing her head, trying to get her things together. She was just about to try and sit up again when she felt two arms grabbing her and pulling upwards just slightly, but enough so they could wrap around her completely. In the next moment Charlotte was lifted up from the mat completely and put into mid air. Charlie would groan in surprise about the incredible strength of her opponent to dead lift her so easily up from the mat.

Now the cheerleader found herself in a hug that was getting tighter and tighter with any moment. At the start the was forced to moan out loudly but as time would pass and the hug would get outright rubcurshing, the blond would be forced to scream out in pain. She would throw her head backwards trying to keep a clear mind what wasn´t working out so great. She would throw her head backwards into her neck screaming out in pain. She would struggle wildly trying to break out of this somehow… but these arms weren´t leaving any room for her to move…

So Charlie would get a bit desperate and would reach up trying to grab the hair of her opponent and pull at it as hard as she could, trying to hurt Zoey in any way as well.

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Re: A cheerful match: Zoey Hamilton " The Antagonist " vs Charlotte

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Zoey was quite enjoying the match up thus far, although that would likely only be because her cute opponent was light enough for the bluenette to whip her around like a chew toy before carelessly launching her around the ring. Plus hugging a pretty woman from behind was of course an activity which the bluenette found solace in, even if said pretty woman was usually an opponent and so by extension wanted nothing more than to crush the ever so irritating bluenette.

The Scot chuckled slightly as she heard the cheerleaders moaning, and would of course tighten her squeeze, causing the raven haired lightweight to scream, which while it was painful to the ears it was certainly a good sign that Zoey was causing as much damage as she would hope to. The cute little wrestler struggled and struggled, but all the Scot needed to do to keep her within her grip was to shift her weight leaning into Charlie from behind and keep her hold stern and strong.

Zoey's enjoyment distracted her perhaps too much though, and what was the obvious counter had completely slipped the bluenette's mind, until she fell victim to said counter. The Scot's pained cry joining Charlie's chorus of agonised noises as the smaller woman yanked the Scot's hair and pulled it as hard as her humble strength could handle, and luckily for her this was a hair stretch and now a power move, which meant that even her strength would suffice more than enough to cause some damage.

" Aghhh! God damnit. " Zoey would roar out, slightly frustrated with herself for falling victim to such an obvious move as she on instinct released her hug and tried to grasp her opponent's hands and remove them from her hair, but unfortunately it seemed the raven haired wrestler's fury was enough to empower her grip, leaving the bluenette to wriggle and struggle in vain as every movement burned her roots further. Zoey having no choice other than to wait for either Charlie to release her or the ref to get involved if the hair pulling continued for too long.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

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