Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

Unread post by Vc0m »

Hardcore I Quit match
Winning Condition: Forcing your opponent to say I Quit

Yoko’s been slowly coming back to wrestling after taking a sabbatical, vacationing before deciding to come back to the company. The blonde wanted to rebuild her reputation, to make people remember why she was so feared in the first place. Hence, once she got a request from the company for a Hardcore I Quit match, she took it in a heartbeat. Some lady was going to be very unlucky tonight to face her…
Yoko arrived to her theme tune, in a more upbeat manner than her recent return, and walked down proudly towards the ring, avoiding weapons strewn around the ring, before quickly rolling inside of the ring, finishing her entrance by showcasing her mighty physique.

Yoko would walk towards her corner, and await her foe’s arrival.
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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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Handa was in her locker room, hitting a box with a bat, like she always is. She was told that she was gonna be in a hardcore match, something down her alley. As she was swinging the bat down on the box, a LAW Staff Member carefully came up to her and told her that they’re ready for her to come out.

Handa tossed the bat to the side before staring down an already scared LAW Staff Member and walking down the hallway. As she made her way to the show curtain, her theme would start playing.
Handa came out with pyros and she acted sporadically. She then pointed at her opponent before running down the ramp and leaping onto the apron. She then furiously shook the rope. It would seem like Yoko would be out of her head as Handa acted wild before Handa went to the corner and crouched
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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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Yoko smirked as Hando made her way down the ramp, a baseball bat already in hand, wildly swinging it as she approached the ring. Yoko would think to herself: "I cannot wait to break her..."

With both women standing ready in their corners, it would take just a moment for the ref to call for the bell:


Yoko would explode out of her corner, arm outstretch to ram it into Hando's head for a hard hitting Lariat!

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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Handa would stand up once the bell rung and would also charge at Yoko. Both competitors had the same idea as they exploded onto each other with lariats.

Handa went down but laughed at the contact of the lariats. She was the first to stand as she sized Yoko up. She then did some trash talking in her native tongue.

Handa: 「あなたのストロングスタイルなレスリングには感銘を受けます。しかし、私はあなたが単なるガラスの大砲であることを知っています、そして私はあなたを粉砕する準備ができています。」(“You impress me with your strong style wrestling. But I know you’re just a glass cannon and I’m ready to shatter you.”)
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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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With Yoko being trained with the same style that Hando was, it was easy to see why the match started with both women going for the same tactic - trying to Lariat each other off their feet!

In the end, both women took the attack, and both remained standing, the blonde letting out a laugh and a smirk as Handa spoke to her:

"<Lady...>" she would say in Japanese, swiftly winding up her hand as she drove it into the veteran's chest for a Knife Edge Chop: "<You should shut the fuck up about Glass Cannons...>"
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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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Handa would get chopped in the chest as she grunted from the impact. However, her opponent would not be expecting much from Handa as she retaliated back with a slap chop of her own. Handa also taunted her some more.

Handa: 「この試合の終わりには明らかに真実になるのに、なぜ私のスピーチを除外する必要があるのでしょう。」(“Why filter out my speech when it’s obviously gonna be true at the end of this match.”)
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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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"GAAAGH!!!", Yoko cried out in pain... before smirking: "<Keep talking... you will eat these words!>", the blonde would mouth of in her native Japanese, swinging her fist for Hando's jaw!

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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Handa got hit in the jaw by Yoko and would take a tumble. However, instead of groaning in pain on the floor, holding her jaw. Handa began laughing as she quickly got up like nothing happened. She then taunted Yoko in Japanese.

Handa: 「そこでパンチを受けたね。でも、私はあなたよりも力がありました。」(“You got yourself a punch there. However, I got more strength than you.”)

Handa then went for a spinning clothesline. If it were to connect, Handa would then mount Yoko and go for a ground and pound on Yoko.
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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

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Surprisingly, Hando stood her ground after the punch, taunting the impressed blonde as her red haired rival spun in place. Yoko didn't dodge, wanting to feel her foe's power...

...and the spinning clothesline would take the veteran completely off her feet!

"GUUH!!! <Is that so?>"

Hando swiftly mounted Yoko, driving her fists into the blonde's face as she tried to block...but between strikes, she tried to launch a hard punch to her solar plexus, trying to get her rival off of her!

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Hando Kiyoko

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa continued to ground and pound on Yoko as she was trying to soften her up. She would also get hit in the solar plexus and those punches didn’t phase her quite so much. However, she did stand up as she grew tired of punching her in the face.

Handa then grabbed the legs of Yoko and bent her knees while hooking the feet of Yoko under her armpit. She then fell backwards, causing damage to the knees of Yoko with that move. Handa also moved them around, causing more pain to her opponent.
Renee’s Undercarders

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