Victory Conditions: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
”Is this outfit making my ass look big?” SA-KI twisted around in the dressing room mirror, looking over herself from head to toe, trying to get every possible angle. ”I think it makes my ass look big.”
Freia sighed and looked up from her phone for what had to be the - tenth time? Eleventh? She was honestly losing track at this point. Not for lack of ability but lack of caring. It had been twenty minutes since the two of them ‘borrowed’ this dressing room in LAW’s backstage area, wanting a private space to get ready for SA-KI’s big match. When they’d gone in, Freia had expected her former Queen’s Combination partner only to need a few minutes to slide into her suit, just like they did all the time back with Wrestle Angels. Instead, she’d turned it into an extended preening session, checking her makeup repeatedly, tugging her costume in this way and that, trying to get her mask put on just right. No detail was too small to be focused on, no wrinkle was left unnoticed.
It was pre-match jitters. Her first time in a big ring in years. That didn’t make it any less annoying for Freia to sit through.
Freia crossed her legs and gave SA-KI a blank stare at first, not wanting to indulge the silliness even further, but when her partner leaned forward with a hardened glare, it became apparent she wasn’t letting this go anytime soon. The sooner she went with, the sooner they could move on with their lives. ”Yes. Yes, you look fat in that. Hideous, horrible, terrifying, an absolute beast.” She flopped back in the chair and let her arms dangle. ”Can we go, now? Honestly, I don’t even know why you care so much. They don’t care how you look out there, they’re going to boo you, regardless.”
SA-KI’s lip curled in disgust, but she let it go and reached behind her back to zip up her suit all the way. ”Just because they don’t care and you don’t care doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care. Some of us don’t want to go around dressed like sluts all day.”
Freia had a huffing laugh at that one, shaking her head. Not the first time she’d heard a crack like that, but she’d hoped SA-KI was more original. ”Because looking like a sentai ranger is so much better.” Freia kicked up her legs, popped to her feet, and promptly stuck the phone into her bra, getting it nice and snug so she could free up her hands. She made her way behind SA-KI, and brought her hands to the woman’s shoulders, starting up a good rub. Working on those tender muscles. ”Just. Relax. You’re getting into your own head.”
Freia leaned forward just enough to whisper sweet words into her ear as best she could, with the silly mask blocking it. ”We’re going to dominate this division. We’re going to dominate this league. Now, go out there and show them why.”
Zero Kotobuki

Freia Kagami

Freia pulled up a chair at ringside and settled down as her compatriots scaled the apron and moved into position, both of them looking ready to go. Now, all they needed were the guests of honor…