Rules: both woman are forced into a scissoring position until one of them submits or passes out due to pleasure, strikes are not allowed
Attire: none
Stipulation requested by Daniella: if she wins, Noire will no longer be Yuna’s slave, and Yuna will be hers for a week instead, of Yuna we’re to win, Daniella and Noire, will be her slaves for two weeks
Daniella was stretching in the locker room, she was rather curious about the cutie who bested her daughter, and of course Daniella was also worried about Noire, she knew Noire could take care of herself, but she was still her mom, and she was gonna worry about her darling angel, even if she didn’t need to, of course after a few moments, right on cue, Daniella’s music started playing and she was rather eager to get this match underway
our first contender for this trib submission match, weighing in at 134 pounds, Daniella, the nobility goddess!”
Daniella would blow a few kisses out to the audience as she flaunted her body before jumping into the ring, yawning in an attempt to taunt her opponent
Daniella’s appearance: