A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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Vidya hung upside down on the bench she had in her locker room, kicking her legs aimlessly as she pored over the little information pamphlet her brother had made of her opponent for her match. She’d twirl her fingers and toss it away, not actually reading any of it. The jerk had written it in Japanese, knowing that she wasn’t that good with it! He insisted it was “practice” but Vidya was unamused. She did get a good look at her opponent though, who was kinda small and her colour scheme reminded her of a candy she had in her youth. Yummy.

The magician girl shook her head and brushed off her mental cobwebs, rolling off and crashing down at the sound of her theme playing


She’d hiss, before suddenly breaking into a run, draping her cloak around her hastily, jamming her top hat to her head and running towards the ring. She’d break out of from guerilla position, waving her arms as the crowd erupted in cheers. She’d scramble into the ring and give the crowd a bow, tossing the cloak and hat to the side..

And producing a wand straight outta nowhere! She’d twirl it around and wave at the people.

“Hi folks! Today I’m gonna present you a veeery special show, with my opponent as my assistant! Watch in awe as I make any chances of the little fisheys victory.. disappear!”

She’d say with a grin, flourishing the wand and suddenly it exploded in her hand, releasing a spark of mini fireworks as if she had just cast a spell! The light made her beautiful dark skin shimmer in it, showing off her muscular body as Vidya crossed her arms and grinned, staring towards her opponents corner.. ready to rumble!
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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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Once Vidya was finished giving her live magic show and got settled in the corner, Mizuko would come out with her entrance…but spoiler alert, it was less magical than Vidya’s! As the lights dimmed and all eyes turned to the entrance ramp, Mizuko’s music would then play!
A few seconds into her theme song is when the lights came back alive and fans could see Mizuko standing on the top entrance ramp with her back towards the ring. Slowly looking over her shoulder, Mizuko would do her signature pose of using her middle finger to pull down her eyelid while simultaneously sticking her tongue out at the crowd. LAW fans who saw her last match against April Castle were disgusted with Mizuko in what she did to the young star and utterly booed Mizuko on her entrance. Regardless of this, Mizuko grinned ear to ear while making her way down to the ring without a care in the world.

Once in the ring, Mizuko got the opportunity to really size up on her opponent, and let’s just say she wasn’t too impressed. “What do we have here? A wannabe Selene Comez with abs? If that’s seriously your gimmick- go back to Hogfartz or something and cast yourself a better look.” Mizuko would say very openly to Vidya while she stretches in her corner.

“Better yet, I hope you are a real wizard- Because you’ll be needing to cast a new spine for yourself once I’m done with you baka boo~” Mizuko ominously warned.
Last edited by Leviathan-Inc on Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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Vidya saw her opponent enter the arena and the first thing that would come to mind when she laid eyes on Mizuko would be.. that she was a brat. An huge brat, who admittedly sported nice abs, but still a brat. The crowd booed at her, and even the usually clueless Vidya could tell she was a realll piece of work. Further accentuated by when she came over and began insulting her gimmick! She’d place a hand over her chest, offended at the notion..

.. before raising her eyebrows and sizing her up, giving her a little glare.

“What do you mean? It’s a way cooler gimmick than a koi fish! You’re just an oversized goldfish, or well.. undersized in your case.. with hair that looks like it got dyed with cheetos!”

Vidya snickered, making her way towards Mizuko and using her middle and index finger to flick her on the nose, leaning over her with a grin.

“What you gonna do, bubble at me, little guppy?”
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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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Mizuko is known to be a ruthless disser with her opponents, but if you managed to out diss her… you wouldn’t like Mizuko when she’s in a bad mood. Vidya accomplished this but touching on some of Mizuko’s triggering topics. First by dissing koi fishes, making fun of her, and… Vidya brought up Mizuko’s height. At this point faking a smile while one of her eye twitches, the Koi Fish was flicked on the nose by her foe which at this point the broke the camel’s back.

“Blow a bubble at you? No… I’ll just do this~” Mizuko said before immediately stomping the heel of her foot directly onto one of the set of Vidya’s toes. If the magician girl dropped to a knee out of pain, Mizuko would then flip off her foe right back. Before using the same hand she was using to deck her opponent right in the face! At this point if all these moves connected and seeing the competitors already fighting, the referee would call for the bell and the match to begin!

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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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“Yeah, or gape at me like a koi f-ISHOW!!”

She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her toes, causing her to yelp in pain. She’d jump a little, hopping on one leg. She could not BELIEVE this dumb little fish just stamped on her foot, and then.. she got flipped off in the face. Glaring at her, Vidya snapped out with her sharp teeth, but she just missed the finger by a small margin.. unfortunately putting her face forwards for the punch to deck her and drop her on her ass! She’d shake her head, hearing the bell ring.. this was fucking chaotic!

“Ow! Asshole! I guess what they say is true..”

She’d hiss, glaring at Mizuko. Vidya showed off her acrobatic skills a little, her hands gripping the canvas. She’d move her hips upwards, striking at Mizuko’s stomach with a powerful kick right into her abs! If it worked, she’d come in swinging with her other foot to kick her in the side of her stomach!

“Shorties tend to have short tempers too!”
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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

Unread post by Leviathan-Inc »

Stomping on her opponent’s foot and punching her foe in the face was utterly satisfying for Mizuko. It’ll make Vidya think twice about calling her short, Mizuko at first thought. Seeing opponent drop to the mat, the Koi Fish expected her punch would have more of an effect- but she was dead wrong! In utter shock, Mizuko was caught off guard as Vidya was able to acrobatically swing herself to take two shots to Mizuko’s gut which both land. Knocking Mizuko back to the ropes, Vidya made the ‘short’ comment again… Enraging Mizuko once more, she would play possum on the ropes and wanted her green-haired opponent to come at her because the Koi Fish had something in stored for her magical opponent!
Last edited by Leviathan-Inc on Mon Mar 27, 2023 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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Vidya, unlike Mizuko was a striker. Oh sure she knew some submissions, but she wasn’t a fond user of that method of wrestling. But sharp and rough strikes? That she could do very, very well. The green haired girl stood up, grinning at her dizzy opponent..

“Heh heh hehhh.. you sure talk a big game, lil guppy.. what are those weird little fangs supposed to be anyways? Rodent teeth?”

She’d say with a small giggle, striding over to Mizuko! She’d grip her by her shoulders, as Vidya pulled her head back, planning to bash her head into the Koi Fish’s own! If it worked and she was stunned enough.. she’d push her down, gripping her pale flesh with her surprisingly firmly gripping fingers.. attempting to bend her forwards and shove her head between her thighs to set up her next move!
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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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Just as Vidya got close to seemingly still stunned Mizuko and proceeded to grab the smaller foe by her shoulders, Mizuko would spring her trap. Propelling herself with the bottom rope to give herself a better chance to pull off this move, Mizuko would jump up and grabbed two fists full of Vidya’s green hair. Placing her head directly below her foe’s mouth and letting gravity do the work, Mizuko would attempt a Sit-out Jawbreaker on her magician opponent! If successful, the little Koifish would not waste any time taunting Vidya and once more flipping her the bird!

Last edited by Leviathan-Inc on Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

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She exclaimed, feeling the sharp pain coming from her hair being pulled. Unlike Mizuko, she wasn’t as familiar with the more complex types of wrestling so she didn’t know exactly what she was going for.. until she did, and banged her chin into her head due to the impact. Her head jolted back, as she’d stagger a little, cupping her chin.

“You little shit!”

She ground her teeth, only to be greeted with the woman flipping her the bird. Oh that was IT. Vidya revved up, and reared her leg back.. before aiming to send a kick to Mizuko’s chest! She’d follow it up, aiming to hit a swinging kick right against the waistline of the Koi Fish, a kick one would usually use to punt a football into the goal! This time Mizu was the ball and the ropes were the goal!
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Re: A Koi Fish in Golden Waters- Mizuko Kajiwara vs Vidya Copperfield

Unread post by Leviathan-Inc »

With Mizuko being successful in connecting with that Sit-out Jawbreaker, Mizuko would try to get back to her feet, but her previous maneuver only pissed off her magician opponent. Kicked in the gut as if it was a soccer ball, Vidya would be successful in kicking Mizuko over and through the ropes for a Home Run! The little Koi Fish would tumble and land roughly to the outside of the ring. Coughing and gasping for air as she grabbed her gut. Not risking being beaten up even more while in her vulnerable state, Mizuko decided to pull a magic trick of her own by disappearing and rolling underneath the ring and giving herself time to recover.


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