Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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The winner of this match will be decided when a competitor smothers their opponent out twice.

Treena had officially been part of the LAW roster for quite a few months now, but she had important business to attend to oversee in the Americas, advertising her new very own new sets of lingerie. Luckily the large sexy fashion icon had came to Japan finally, competing in her first match on a big stage. Of course for such a large scale debut onto international wrestling television something big was planned, it was a match which fully allowed the icon to use her assets and get some worthwhile posses for her 2018 calendar line. Where the wrestler who completely squished the other one under their womanly body would be crowned the winner. Of course LAW and Treena's managers had originally planned to set this up in such a way that Treena would never possibly be able to lose, but the giant redhead refused to do things that way, and hand picked her own opponent. Selecting a fellow American called Chris Kelly with a pretty large following of her own.
By the time the model's theme " When I grow up " by The Pussycat dolls played through-out the arena the big woman would be more than just ready, her hair done up and hung high as she appeared before the crowd with only a custom made dark chrome coloured swimsuit and some classy wrestling boots with a silver tint to their black colour. Treena would simply slowly walk to the ring without wasting much time, occasionally slowing down or turning to face cameras until she finally reached the ring, slowly pulling herself up onto the apron and entering the ring through the top ropes. Of course the whole time two camera men, her an agent and her own personal interviewer that she hired entering the ring with her, although there was seemingly some confusion as there was already an official LAW interviewer in the ring waiting for her.

However as Treena walked into the ring and stood next to the LAW interviewer and the two camera men stood at opposite sides of her and the LAW official Treena's own hired agent would just stand out of the way in the corner even after her music died down, giving the uncertain LAW worker the prompt she needed to finally speak.

" Well uhm Good morning Law, today we have a big debut for you. The international star, model, wrestler and businesswoman...Treena Skylar!" With that Treena would do a slow twirl before winking at the closest camera and waving to the crowd.

" So, we have some questions prepared for you in regards to your match here today and wrestling in general. " The woman would continue, looking to Treena who would simply bow and then nod to show that she was ready for her to proceed.

" So first of all as I'm sure many people who check the roster's page on our website actively were wondering why have you waited till now to make your debut? " The official would ask, after which Treena would gesture to her own professional interviewer who would walk over and hand her a mic and then walk back to the corner leaving Treena to answer.
" Thank you for asking, that is a good question. I was eager to wrestle in LAW but wanted to make sure I was completely confident that I could focus on wrestling when I did, so I waited until all my current deals were over before appearing. " Treena would say with a smile, getting a fair buzz from the crowd for her half truth.

" today you are facing Chris Kelly, a well renowned wrestler for her skill. Are you anxious about the possibility of losing at all? " With this question Treena would shrug towards the official, her own interviewer walking over and taking the mic off her before nudging the woman out of the ring to take over. Although to many in attendances surprise Treena would answer regardless.
" I didn't want a meaningless match to be my first, I wanted to debut with a bang for better or for worse. I do not believe I will lose though, I have trained hard for this debut and while I haven't wrestled quite as long I've always strengthened my muscles with regular exercise since I was a child."

Then Treena Skylar's interviewer would simply thank the crowd for listening and the other interviewer for asking relevant questions, before her and both the camera men would leave the ring while Treena bowed, before the big woman then walked to her corner after everybody had left the ring and the ref entered, and the lights would dull again as the giant redhead waited for her opponent to make her much awaited appearance.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Chris was watching Treena's little press conference from the locker rooms, and while it was entertaining, it also got the blond fired up. The woman she'd be facing was sooooooo hot, and the phoenix was eager to smother the giantess out! better yet, she was eager to be smothered out by that red head's sexy ass! So with her America themed attire fitting nicely on her body, the goddess would head out of the locker room to give the actress a true challenge. After all, Treena said she didn't want this to be meaningless.
"The goddess's theme" would begin to play out from the speakers and fill the arena. Followed by the icon herself Chris Kelly enter in all her glory. Hands already in the air to wave to the fans, the blond would spin around a few times as she made her way down the ramp. Then as she reached the ring, Chris would roll right under the ropes before standing upright in front of the red headed giantess herself.

"Hey there all ya hentai fans! I'm here to deliver an ass for some giant's face..." Chris would announce with the mic in her hand before landing a smack to her own rear as she explained her intentions. "OH! Well hello Treena! I don't know how I missed you! So...I hear you're not gonna lose huh? Well...I've got an ass with your name on it that says your wrong babe!" Chris would shout as she once again slapped her behind before pointing at the giantess. "Not to mention these titties right here!!!" the goddess would shout before groping her own chest to the delight of the crowd.

"But since you are so set on making this meaningful about we make this interesting..." Chris would say with a nefarious smile. "I bet my own red, white, and blue panties that I'll win this match!" the goddess would shout as the crowd went wild!

"What do ya say giganta? You ready to put your panties on the line against a goddess?" she would say before extending her hand to make the bet official!
Last edited by Caboose2.0 on Tue Sep 19, 2017 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Treena would wait with a smile as Chris ran to the ring, giving her fans a show as she smacked her ass a few times and groped herself, all while announcing her intentions with the model. It was a little humorous to watch actually, perhaps if delivered in a different way the redhead wouldn't have appreciated such smack talk, but the fact she was watching a hottie slap her rear and fondle her own breast made it a pretty unique experience that she found hard to take serious as some kind of intimidation factor.

Treena had already had a fair amount of time focused on her so she would let Chris get all her words out and let her rile up the crowd, until it became evident that something she said absolutely required her input, the model's lips wrinkling with intrigue and releasing a slight hum in response to her blonde soon to be opponent teasing an interesting stipulation to the match. Then soon enough the woman's cheeky smile would explain her plan.

" I guess panties would be a fitting tribute for such a lovely goddess. I'm afraid I'm really going to need to dominate you now though, I can't lose with this much to gain. " The imposter Amazon would respond as a half joke, of course loud enough that she was sure the fans would hear her accepting the wager. The crowd's roar getting even loader as she linked hands with her opponent in a handshake before moving the other wrestler's hand towards one of her large breasts and giving her a free forced feel, before then releasing her hand and walking to the corner with a well trained subtle sway to her walk as she did so.

Then with that the stakes would be raised and the set up was ready, it was time for the gamble to begin and without any hesitation the action would leap into action. The bell ringing and Treena walking towards the middle of the ring fairly quickly for a woman of her size, before holding her hands up high for a test of strength, looking over at her opponent and stretching out one of her hands, before her other. The bigger woman then hoping that Chris would accept her test of strength. If she did then Treena wouldn't even bother pushing forward with all her strength, instead ducking and pulling the other wrestler towards her, before moving back into a standing position and trying to lift the blonde up over one shoulder as she did so. The giant redhead trying to tightly wrap the arm attached to that shoulder around her opponent's back while her other came down upon her opponent's rear for some mighty spanks. If everything going to plan then Treena showing perhaps the most extreme misuse of supernatural strength that anyone had ever observed.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Chris simply smiled as the larger woman accepted her stakes to this challenge. It really was a fitting tribute just as she had said, so the goddess would need to give this fight everything she had. After all, the blond would lose face should Treena conquer her and take away her sexy panties. Not to mention she really wanted the red head's panties as a sexy trophy of their match together!

"Good! Then let's get it on sister! Cause I ain't easy to dominate!" Chris would shout as the bell rang and she raised her hands. Then approaching Treena at the same speed, the blond would eagerly accept the test of strength. Surprisingly though, Chris would find herself faked out and lifted onto the giantess's shoulder. Caught off guard by the move, she'd have little time to counter before Treena started to wreak havoc on her backside.

"Oh! Ow! Mmmhh! OoooH!!!~ Now isn't this a tr-EAT! Not two minutes-OH! ...Into the ma-ATCH! ...And I'm alr-EADY! ...Get-TING! ...OHHH-DAMN!!!~...SPANKED!!!" Chris would yelp and moan out as her ass was slapped repeatedly by the fiery redhead. The goddess was no stranger to attacks like this, and she outright encouraged that they be used against her. But that didn't mean the blond wouldn't fight back. No...cause Chris would hang over the woman's shoulder and reach down...before delivering a few slaps to the giantess's ass. Even going as far as grabbing the curvy asset with both hands so she could dig her fingers into it.

"Damn girl! This is one fine backside you got here! I can't wait for it to be all over my face!~" Chris would tease before grabbing under the woman's one piece where each cheek was covered. And after yanking with both hands, the goddess would pull the woman's attire up hard to give her an uncomfortable wedgie! One that would expose a lot more of the giantess's ass, though.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Treena would be pretty satisfied with her opponent's response to her spanking, being unable to hold in her giggle as she heard Chris do her best to talk regardless. " You don't sound very upset about that" The big redhead would joke as she continues to unload slaps on Chris' world renound booty. The model having almost as much fun as her opponent.

Soon enough the imposter Amazon would feel the blonde's hands smack into her rear, causing her large cheeks to bounce with every hit, leaving a teasing burning sensation against her rear. Treena would brave through that pain though as she slowly walked towards the corner, although she would only make it a few feet before she felt her opponent's fingers start to wriggle between her butt cheeks and enter her butt cheeks.

This would be enough to make the giantess yelp and stop progressing towards the corner, instead wiggling her hips from one side to another and trying to pull her hips forward to try and free herself from her opponent's fingers. " H-hey knock that off!" Treena would command, although her stern voice would be broken will uncontrolable giggling and humming as the sensation of her opponent's fingers reading her crevice was quickly driving her crazy.

Chris' teasing would be heard by Treena but it was truthfully a bit hard for her to respond now, although she would certainly remember that one of the most proficient wrestler's wanted to bury her face between her cheeks and would be sure to use that information to her advantage later.

Chris would then grasp Treena's one piece and tank it towards herself with imense strength, earning in response what seemed to be a mix of a pained cry and a lewd moan. The model tumbling down inti her knees with her opponent still drapped over her shoulder, although this positioning would hardly be to her advantage as Chris' legs could easily reach the canvas now and Treena was too busy squirming and struggling desperately in the wedgie to release this fact.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Chris couldn't help but laugh loudly at Treena's reaction to the ass groping, which was then followed by a super wedgie. One which would force a pained, yet very lewd cry from the red headed giantess's mouth. Treena would fall to her knees soon after, which put the blond in an excellent position for her next attack. The goddess wouldn't let go as her feet touched the ground, though. Instead, Chris would trap the giantess's head between her thighs, and continue to yank on the woman's attire with even more force!

"Ohhhh! I really love dem' moans of your's Treena~ I wonder how good they'll feel when I'm sitting on your pretty lil' face~" she would purr before liking her bare hand and using it to land a hard, slap to the woman's right butt cheek! Chris was glad she hadn't worn her usual blue gloves tonight...because if she had...she wouldn't have been getting the full experience of not only slapping, but also groping this massive ass!

"Whatcha gonna do now sexy!? I'm gonna end up rippin' this here one piece at this rate...oh! Maybe you want me two!~ What a naughtily giant you are~" Chris would tease before before she switched hands on the attire...gave her left hand a sexy, slow lick...and slapped the red head's left butt cheek! "Hehe! Damn girl! I love the way that ass jiggles!~"

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Treena's embarrassing cry would likely be music to Chris and the crowd's ears as she slowly fell to her knees, Chris ending up with her feet touching the canvas again due to this fact. Then the blonde would shove the giant's head between her toned thighs, acting somewhat as pillows for the redhead's cheeks as the other woman continued to wedgie her.

"I'm not going to let you do that, although might be able to here them more as I ride your face." Treena smugly responded still with a playful tone, before her opponent's powerful spank upon her massive backside resulted in another of those previous girlish crys escaping the model's lips.

" You better not rip that, it's worth more than you'll make this whole month. " Treena would comment, no smugness this time, just a genuine sincere warning. The giant redhead not wanting her custom ordered one piece being ripped. The Model getting her response in the form of another loud smack as her opponent's hand whipped into her left butt cheek, earning a magnitude 4 butt jiggle from Treena's massive behind.

Treena didn't want to leave it up to her opponent if her expensive outfit would be completely ruined, trying to stop this fate by linking her hands and then throwing her arm into Chris' legs, in an attempt to use her power and thick arms to completely sweep her opponent's legs out from under her as she was occupied with her one of a kind posterior.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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Chris was having fun with the woman's jiggling ass, but shaken she'd need to get serious soon...after all, her opponent was a giantess. The goddess would then laugh at that thought since she didn't give a damn about seriousness. This was a smother match, not a title one, and the blond was doing things her way tonight!

"Oh? Is that so? Don't try and trick me Treena!~ I know you just wanna do the same thing with my moans if I'm under this booty!" Chris would shout back before unleashing a third, minor slap to the red head's ass. "And I won't rip em', phoenix promise! So don't get your panties in a bunch...cause they'll be mine later~"

Chris was about to unleash a fourth slap to dat curvy backside when she felt Treena go for her legs. The goddess would lose her balance and topple down on her side before looking back at her opponent. "Hmmph! Well somebody doesn't like to have fun!" Chris would whine as she pouted. Not long after though, the blond would roll away from her giantess opponent and kip herself back up on two feet with her normal attitude.

"WOO! Come at me babe! I'll give that face of your's an up close and thorough sitting!" she would exclaim with a health slap on the ass before gyrating her hips for the crowd. But an excited goddess was a dangerous goddess...especially to a face as pretty as Treena's.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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That last spank wouldn't be enough to earn another cry from Treena, but it did make her blush though, and would likely create a third gif of her booty giggling that fans would likely spam on the fan message boards.

For a goddess of the ring Chris sure talked a lot, and enjoyed observing the giantess' buttocks to much considering she was a high end and highly decorated wrestler. The other wrestler promised not to ruin her attire, which was a start. Regardless of that understanding though Treena wasn't too keen on being the goddess' plaything for too long, successfully sweeping her legs out from under the smaller wrestler.

Before the model could grab her opponent though she would suddenly roll away, managing to escape her grasp, Treena then instead just trying to get to her feet. Too Treena's surprise though the other wrestler would get up to her feet around the same time due to a kick up. The big redhead grasping her own attire and fixing it as she addressed her opponent yet again.

" I'm afraid we don't have the time for that lovely, we're going to need to work towards the point. You being crushed under my thighs " The big redhead would say before trying to close In on her opponent again, truthfully hoping that Chris would attack her too counter, and moving especially slow with this in mind. If the blonde didn't go on the attack though the redhead would try to grasp her opponent's shoulders before then trying to pull the other wrestler into a headlock.

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Re: Chris Kelly vs Treena Skylar - 2/3 Smothers match

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"HAHAHA! Only in my dreams sexy!~" the goddess would shout back in resonates to Treena's comment, revealing she would without a doubt love to be in between those thighs...just not now. Chris wouldn't back down from this challenge, though, so when the fiery giantess in front of her started to charge, the blond would eagerly do so as well. Of course she was much faster than the average opponent, so Treena would have a tough time grabbing onto her. Especially when the American Goddess suddenly went down for a baseball slide between the red head's long legs.

"Too slow Treena!~ HAAAAA!!" Chris would shout as she went down feet first. Then as she came to a stop, the goddess would send her left leg up, before pulling it back down so that she could shoot the other straight up with more power and smack the sexy actress with her boot right on that large, yet still super cute, butt! A strike like that had only one reason to be used, to taunt opponent's...something the infamously sexy woman named Chris Kelly was all too known for doing.

Yet for all her experience, knowledge, and skill...the goddess hadn't really thought about one key factor. That being she'd be on her back, practically underneath the red head, and pretty much completely open to a face sitting smother should the giantess wish it. It was times like these that Chris would curse herself to hell for her arrogance...before doing something just as stupid five minutes later.

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