Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

Unread post by RJD »

The winner of this match will be decided through a single pinfall or submission

Rosemary in her matches up till this point had experienced both fun competitive matches and humiliating crushing defeats, by this point though she had learned not to let her anxiety get to her much before the match although she was still slightly worried about who her opponent was. Still needing to pick up her first win the rose haired wrestler shouldn't be too excited to fight in a match that statistically she was more likely to lose than win, but she knew that with every match she was learning more and more, she was just happy to be getting all these chances that trainees elsewhere might not get.

Rosemary would wait patiently backstage for the announcer to call her out, the thorny maiden doing some quick stretches backstage just to pass time. The rose haired wrestler would be wearing her usual attire of black and white boots, thigh high green pink tights and sportsbra, both peppered in green star patterns. Rosemary's outfit being completed with black shorts.
In ring attire
Before long " playing with fire " by black pink would blare through-out the arena as Rosemary cut through the curtains to appear on top of the ramp, before then skipping quickly towards the ring and high fiving a few fans on her way down. The lightweight was somewhat used to all the attention by now, but she still didn't like to keep the spotlight on only herself for too long, fuelling the rose haired wrestler to advance quickly to the ring and roll under the bottom rope to enter the ring.

Rosemary pushing herself up into a standing position quickly as she headed to the nearest corner, standing in it as her theme music dulled out. The rose haired wrestler a bit more excited than worried now that her opponent was about to be unveiled, the rose haired wrestler hoping it wasn't an overly sadistic or sensual individual.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

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Amy was preparing herself backstage, getting ready for her upcoming match. She was checking herself in the mirror, checking her outfit, and giving herself a prep talk. "You can win this match, Amy" She said to her reflection in the mirror. She was constantly telling herself this, or some sort of variation of it. She didn't know who, or what she was up against, all she knew was that she had an opponent. That didn't bother her though. She wasn't afraid of having a match with anyone. She just always wanted to come out on top, no matter who she was facing.

Soon she stopped talking to herself in the mirror, and just looked into it, staring at herself. She didn't seem all that confident, especially not compared to the first match. She wanted to make it, but there was always a thought that she'd have at the back of her head, thinking what she'd do if she couldn't make it. How she would even feel if those 4 years of wrestling school would simply just go to waste, with her wrestling career amounting to nothing, but her getting countless losses all of the time. She was visibly becoming more and more distraught as she thought about this. She spent 4 years in wrestling school to get to where she was today. There was no way that she was going to-

"Amy, you're up next" Someone called out to her. "Okay, I'll be out in a moment" She replied back. She closed her eyes and sighed, then looked back into the mirror. She stared at herself for a moment. She was definitely overthinking her future. She wouldn't know how it was going to turn out without going through it first, which is what scared her the most. She was actually starting to regret going against her trainer's suggestions for her, but she soon put all of these thoughts behind her, and headed out to the stage.
Amy emerged from the back, with her theme song playing as she did so. She stood on the stage, taking in the view of the fans. She smiled at them, and waved at a couple of them. Amy seemed happier than before; she wasn't doubting herself as much. She took the moment in for a while, thinking back to her days in school when she dreamed of becoming a wrestler, and now she was in a real arena, booked for a real match. Even though this wasn't her debut, she still needed to remind herself about this. She still had her moments where she'd overthink things, making something seem worse than it may be.

She then walked down the ramp, approaching the ring. She looked towards her opponent as she approached the ring. She looked short, and rather light, which was to be expected, considering her weight class. She slid under the bottom, and proceeded to get a closer look at her opponent. Amy approached the centre of the ring, then extended a hand towards her opponent. "Lets put on a good match" She said. Amy was still planning on winning, but she wanted to show a little sportsmanship to her opponent before the match had started.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

Unread post by RJD »

Rosemary would wait patiently and almost too politefully as she held her hands at her waist and simply gazed at the arena. The rose haired wrestler watching as her opponent appeared, not being able to figure out much of her foe's personality or appearance from her journey from the ramp towards the ring.

Before long Amy would join Rosemary in the ring though, and her cuteness was immediately noted. The rose haired wrestler being would see her opponent walk towards the middle of the ring with her arm outstretched and so she did the sane, Rosemary shaking her soon to be foe's hand.

" Of course! Nice to meet you...uhmn... I'm Rosemary " The Danish woman would respond, smiling at her opponent even as she had a short moment of awkwardness where she wasn't sure what to say. With that Rosemary would head back to her corner and wait in it for the bell to ring, and once it did she would lift her arms in front if her chest as she slowly paced towards the middle if the ring.

Rosemary very clearly offering her opponent a fair lock up to start the match, the rose haired wrestler being too cautious to start a match in any other manner unless given an undeniable line of logic to do so.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

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Rosemary accepted Amy's handshake offer. They both shook each other's hands in the centre of the ring. Amy smiled faintly at her opponent. She enjoyed showing respect to her opponent, and she liked getting it back. Despite how hot-headed Amy may be at times, she'd always make sure to treat her opponent with respect. They shook hands rather briefly. Rosemary also spoke to her as they were doing it.

There was nothing too out of the ordinary with it at first, Rosemary simply gave a standard response to what Amy said. "Nice to meet you too." Amy said back. But, everything after that seemed kinda forced. The handshake itself seemed to last too long. There was an awkward pause between her responses. And her response? Well, it was just plain weird. Her last one at least. She seemed to have dragged out the handshake just so she could tell Amy her name. "Wasn't we told who we'd be facing before the match started?" She thought to herself. It was a thought that would be dismissed rather quickly, as the handshake ended soon after that, and Rosemary returned to her corner. Amy was left in the middle of the ring, looking kind of puzzled. She soon walked back to her side of the ring.

Soon after she reached her corner again, she dismissed the thought from earlier. She didn't really care about whether or not Rosemary was acting strange. It didn't matter to her. All that she did care about was the match that they were about to have. She got back to her corner, and decided to warm herself up a little. She started jumping up and down, hopping from her left foot to her right foot. She was getting ready to rush at her opponent.

After a while, the bell rang. She was about to explode out of the corner, similarly to what she did during her debut, but Rosemary took a stance, one signaling that she wanted a lock-up. Normally, Amy would still have sprinted towards her, but the last time that happened, it was reversed. She didn't want to risk having that happen, so she did the only thing that she could do.

Amy stopped hopping between her feet, and took a deep breath. "It's only a lock up Amy, you'll be fine" She said to herself internally. She would then get into a similar pose to Rosemary. She was nervous about doing this, and approached her opponent hesitantly. Amy was rather weak, but still decided to go ahead with the tie-up. She felt as if she'd be able to win the tie-up through the use of what she learnt in wrestling school. She just needed to ensure that she's able to get her opponent into some sort of hold, as she'd most certainly lose if it became a contest of strength.

Soon, they'd meet at the centre of the ring, with Amy accepting Rosemary's lock-up offer. Amy just wasn't confident in herself, which could lead to her losing the lock-up

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

Unread post by RJD »

Rosemary held a bright smile upon her cheeks as she enjoyed shaking Amy's hand, happy that yet again she was facing someone who didn't seem overly malicious. Although while Amy was mostly appreciating the respect given in the handshake, the rose haired wrestler's happiness was moreso aimed simply towards that fact that her opponent didn't seem mean, and so she wasn't going to leave humiliated and badly beaten.

The Danish woman had a unique deal with LAW where she was trained in the company, learning from coaches one day while wrestling live the next, and one issue of that system was that she rarely if ever knew what she was doing, although luckily she at least received emails on the day early enough to plan accordingly, although she had to push back her awakening hours a slight bit earlier every day just in case something came up so she wouldn't be too limited in preparation time.

After braking off their handshake the two competitors would meet once again in the middle of the ring after the bell had rang, Rosemary was slightly confused by Amy's hesitation, but being someone who could get a bit panicked or paranoid herself she understood where she was coming from. Before long both wrestlers locked up with each other in the middle of the ring, like Amy Rosemary didn't have an astounding amount of strength, but she was fairly well balanced in terms of physical attributes, her balance, speed and strength all being around average, just bellow, or just under, with her too specialising in holds, although she was far better in transitioning between holds than achieving the maximum efficiently from each individual hold.

As soon as the two locked up Rosemary would try to push her opponent back slightly, although rather than try to force her opponent to step backwards the Danish woman aimed to simply force her to lean her upper body backwards slightly. Hoping that such a situation wouldn't immediately be deemed as justification for her opponent to take a step or two back Rosemary would suddenly try to manuever to the side of her opponent into a crouching position, before grabbing her opponent's leg from behind and trying to transition fully behind her opponent and get onto all fours to lean her shoulder into the back of her foe's leg with her weight to try and cause her opponent to fall forward onto her knees or onto all fours like herself. If successful in her efforts Rosemary would try to quickly move into a crouching position before lunging forward into her opponent's back, as she attempted to hook her arm around her opponent's neck in a typical sleeper hold.

While Rosemary's nimble wrestling skills were likely impressive, the pressure of her submission would likely be somewhat lacking, to the point where it functioned more to cause her opponent some pain and somewhat restrain her rather than fully choke the woman out or holding her tight enough to ensure she couldn't move without forcing Rosemary to release her.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

Unread post by BobbyBlue »

Amy and Rosemary locked up in the centre of the ring. Amy didn't feel right about this. She hated lock-ups, and was overall rather bad at them. She was taught how to do them whilst she was training, but she never really practiced it. She only really ever cared about jumping off of turnbuckles, and flying through the air. She loved the spectacle of seeing someone fly through the air, and the rush she gets whenever she does it. Lock-ups were rather slow, and so she hated them. They were the polar opposite to her style of wrestling, so they just didn't give her the same sort of excitement, or satisfaction.

They were locked up, and Amy was thinking of ways at which she could fight back against Rosemary, and so she cycled through a couple of holds that she could use. "Maybe I should get her in a headlock... wait, no, uhh her wrist?" She thought to herself. The truth is, she didn't know what to do. She didn't know what sort of holds she could be getting into, or how she could go about doing them. She just knew the names of them, well, some of the names at least. She was hopeless when it came to tie-ups, and her opponent quickly took advantage of that.

Amy felt as Rosemary began to force her down. Amy was being pushed back, and was being forced to lean backwards by Rosemary. She tried pushing down, but unfortunately, her efforts were in vain. She spent too long thinking up a strategy, and so her opponent took advantage of that. Despite her being pushed down, she tried to summon as much strength as she could to try to push Rosemary back, until all of a sudden, she wasn't pushing at anything anymore. Amy watched as her opponent zipped around her, grabbing her leg. Rosemary pulled it backwards, causing Amy to fall down onto the mat.

Amy and Rosemary were now down on the mat, but with Rosemary over her opponent. "Damn it" Amy said to herself. The tie up didn't go as well as she wanted it to go. Amy was on the floor after being brought down by Rosemary, and then she felt something pull against her neck. Rosemary was attempting to get her in a sleeper hold. Amy got pulled backwards, getting locked in Rosemary's sleeper, and all she could do was pull against her hands, trying to break free, and stop her opponent from applying a hold strong enough to get her to pass out. She pulled against her opponent's hands, stopping them from applying as much pressure as they could have with the hold, hoping that her opponent would inevitably give up with the hold.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

Unread post by RJD »

Rosemary being a trainee herself was equally as nervous in the lock up, but luckily she was at the very least gifted in grappling and holds, even if her inexperience sometimes caused her to have a poor choice in what to use and when to use it. The rose haired wrestler had no qualms like that now though as she pushed Amy back slightly before putting her plan into action, The Danish wrestler suddenly dropping to the canvas in a sidestep esque movement, though she grabbed her opponents' leg on her way down and managed to pull it out from under Amy and cause her to tumble to the canvas.

Then not keen to give her opponent the chance to recover Rosemary quickly snapped her arms around Amy's neck and pulled her up for a sleeper hold, hoping to ware down her still fresh foe. Amy would be met with relative success as she pulled at Rosemary's arm, after all the trainee severely lacked strength, and while her stubbornness made it hard to outright power out of the move, Amy could at least manage to give herself more space to breath and alleviate the restriction placed on her neck by Rosemary without much struggle.

Perhaps quicker than Amy would have expected Rosemary abandoned her hold, the Danish woman didn't want to waste her energy in a hold that wouldn't cause much damage. After giving up her hold the rose haired lightweight would try to grasp her opponent's hair in one hand and side in the other, before lifting her up to her feet while Rosemary too rose.

" Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I'm new too. So you don't need to be so nervous. " Rosemary would say against all logic, she knew that things would fare better for her if Amy struggled internally, but since she had suffered through that exact same problem the Danish woman couldn't bring herself to exploit such a relatable weakness.

After she had gotten to her feet and finished talking Rosemary would push her opponent in the back, hoping to make her stumble forward to create some distance between them. Then if things proceeded as planned Rosemary would run after Amy and leap into the air to try and land a dropkick on either her opponent's back or chest, depending if she turned around to face Rosemary or not.
Last edited by RJD on Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

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Amy was trapped in Rosemary's sleeper, and she was constantly pulling at Rosemary's arms, stopping her from locking it in tightly. Soon, to her relief, the hold wouldn't last long. Her opponent quickly realised that the hold wouldn't be as effective as she had hoped, and so she released it. But despite releasing the hold, Rosemary didn't let up on her offense, and quickly went back on her opponent.

Rosemary grabbed Amy's hair and side, and lifted her up off of the mat. Amy clutched her hair with both hands, trying to comfort her hair as it was getting pulled. Amy Rose up with Rosemary, still clutching her hair. They soon got up onto both of their feet, and Rosemary spoke up to her, trying to calm Amy's nerves.

Amy listened, whilst Rosemary still had her hair clutched. She was right, she did need to stop being so nervous, but at the same time, she disliked the fact that she was getting advice from her opponent. She'd prefer if her opponent wasn't so nice to her, so that they could both just duke it out. She wasn't too fond of receiving advice from her opponent, but she still accepted it. "Thanks." She said. They were in a real match together, but her opponent giving her some advice during the match made it feel more like a sparring session.

Soon, Rosemary pushed Amy, which broke her out of her thoughts, and at the same time angered her. Amy turned around to look at Rosemary, and realised straight after that her opponent was already in the air. "Oh..." Rosemary was already on top of her before she could even think of anything. Amy got knocked back down onto the mat by her opponent's dropkick, which took her off-guard.

This wasn't going too well for Amy. Her opponent so far was faster than her when it came to coming up with some sort of attack, and Amy had just been on the receiving end of it all, unable to defend herself. She needed to come up with something, anything really so that she could regroup, and fight back against her opponent.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

Unread post by RJD »

Rosemary had managed to seize control in the early match up, though she unfortunately wasn't getting the chance to truly capitalise on her set ups. Of course that was to be expected so soon after the bell, though admittedly Rosemary was slightly worried about tiring herself out, since even with all her focused training since joining LAW she hadn't yet alleviated her fairly weak stamina.

In the interest of maintaining a more workable pace Rosemary would simply try to scramble over to Amy after both wrestlers hit the mat after her dropkick, in hopes of straddling her opponent's waist. The rose haired wrestler then attempting to scale her opponent's body until she was sitting on her opponent's chest, before then lifting the woman's head and wrapping her legs around it to lock in a headscissors if her foe didn't prevent her from doing so.

Then Rosemary would just roll onto her back while maintaining her headscissors, and then squeezing her opponent's head between her legs, and likely causing some embarrassment due to her crotch practically nuzzling Amy's face. The rose haired wrestler was unable to resist a little bit of teasing as she giggled at the appearance of her opponent's face squeezed between her thighs and squished into her crotch.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Rosemary Hina

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Amy was laying down on the mat, a little restless. She rolled onto her side, holding her chest with her open palm. Rosemary had hit Amy with a dropkick that sent Amy crashing down to the mat. She didn't defend herself against it. She couldn't. Her opponent had caught her off-guard with it. Her opponent's feet caught Amy cleanly on her chest, knocking her backwards, and down onto the mat.

Amy's defence has always been weak, and now she was paying for it. It's a part of her arsenal which is rather easy to fix, but she simply never tries to. Her opponent got back on the attack quicker than Amy had hoped. Amy felt her opponent get on top of her, causing her to roll over onto her back again. Amy scanned Rosemary's body, starting from her waist all the way up to her face. Amy didn't like this. She was being straddled, just like what happened in her debut, but this time her opponent didn't seem to be as sinister. Amy didn't know what was going to happen, but she didn't want to take any chances.

Before Rosemary could try anything else, Amy would extend both of her arms sending them towards Rosemary's chest, trying to push her off. If Amy is successful in getting Rosemary off of her, she'd then retreat backwards to the ropes, and grab onto it.

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