Amy was preparing herself backstage, getting ready for her upcoming match. She was checking herself in the mirror, checking her outfit, and giving herself a prep talk. "You can win this match, Amy" She said to her reflection in the mirror. She was constantly telling herself this, or some sort of variation of it. She didn't know who, or what she was up against, all she knew was that she had an opponent. That didn't bother her though. She wasn't afraid of having a match with anyone. She just always wanted to come out on top, no matter who she was facing.
Soon she stopped talking to herself in the mirror, and just looked into it, staring at herself. She didn't seem all that confident, especially not compared to the first match. She wanted to make it, but there was always a thought that she'd have at the back of her head, thinking what she'd do if she couldn't make it. How she would even feel if those 4 years of wrestling school would simply just go to waste, with her wrestling career amounting to nothing, but her getting countless losses all of the time. She was visibly becoming more and more distraught as she thought about this. She spent 4 years in wrestling school to get to where she was today. There was no way that she was going to-
"Amy, you're up next" Someone called out to her.
"Okay, I'll be out in a moment" She replied back. She closed her eyes and sighed, then looked back into the mirror. She stared at herself for a moment. She was definitely overthinking her future. She wouldn't know how it was going to turn out without going through it first, which is what scared her the most. She was actually starting to regret going against her trainer's suggestions for her, but she soon put all of these thoughts behind her, and headed out to the stage.
Amy emerged from the back,
with her theme song playing as she did so. She stood on the stage, taking in the view of the fans. She smiled at them, and waved at a couple of them. Amy seemed happier than before; she wasn't doubting herself as much. She took the moment in for a while, thinking back to her days in school when she dreamed of becoming a wrestler, and now she was in a real arena, booked for a real match. Even though this wasn't her debut, she still needed to remind herself about this. She still had her moments where she'd overthink things, making something seem worse than it may be.
She then walked down the ramp, approaching the ring. She looked towards her opponent as she approached the ring. She looked short, and rather light, which was to be expected, considering her weight class. She slid under the bottom, and proceeded to get a closer look at her opponent. Amy approached the centre of the ring, then extended a hand towards her opponent.
"Lets put on a good match" She said. Amy was still planning on winning, but she wanted to show a little sportsmanship to her opponent before the match had started.