Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

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The fruits of Hatsume's labor had paid-off in a big way, turning this match quickly back into her favor, and heavily so...! Gil laid in a rather humiliating, and pathetic position, Hatsume must have seen an opportunity to do just about anything there, and nothing was quite as good as having options on what to do to your opponent in the ring...!

Just when Gil thought her poor butt was free from wedgies and spankings, she would be proven wrong, as she was hoisted high off the might by the powerful Hatsume, once against shooting her panties between her butt cheeks and giving smack after smack to her backside, turning it a harsher and harsher tone of red with ever blow...!

"...Please, please, please, mommy...!" She cried, Having herself flipped upside down, her head was pinched tight by Hatsume's massive legs! She knew she was truly happy Hatsume couldn't/wouldn't take the photo here, but the tiny squeak of self-perseverance that Gil never showed wished that she would! "...Please, have some mercy, Mo- Hatsume..." She whined, having her body pulled into a painful position...!

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Hatsume smirked, hearing Gil crying like a child and even calling her mommy, well this was just perfect. She smirked, runing Gil's bottoms with the wedgie, snickering. "Oh well too bad sweetie, you wanna humilaite mommy you're gonna get punished~." She teased, grabbbing Gil's body, squeezing around her head and bending her in the hold, smirking a devlish smile as she humiliated Gil

With Gil's bottoms in a thong and hatsume bending her, Hatsume would smirked as she took the time to bully Gil more, wanting to get some payback before she took her final picutre

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

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This was by far the worst situation Gil had had the misfortune of finding herself in tonight, but when push came to shove, Gil wasn't going to give in, even if her whines and cries sounded like she was at the end of her rope...! She was holding on by a thread, but a thread was all she needed to reel herself right on back-into this thing...!

She pawed around helplessly, clamping her hands onto Hatsume's butt-cheeks, when then, and only then, a light-bulb went-off in her head, she knew exactly what to do now...! She closed her hands ion and threaded her fingers under the leg-holes on Hatsume's bottoms, gripping them tight before yanking them up as far as she possibly could! She didn't care if she ripped them, she didn't care if the tension on her head got worse for a moment, if she could find her way out of this, it would be worth-it...!

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

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Hatsume would smirk, seemignly on her way to a victory. With Gil hanging between her thighs, she would smirk, taunting the gal before moritoing for the phone to come over. "Well Gil it was fun, but I think with where you currently hang we should probably put you to reAAAA!" However she was too eager, as the smaller girl suddenly yanked up her panties!

The sudden move was something Hatsume didn't even see it coming, as her massive ass was yanked up, before the tights ripped slightly. Hatsume would squirm, losing her grip and falling onto her back, trying to get Gil's hands off of her hips.

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

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Sometimes all it took was one good, big, wedgie to get someone off of you, and poor Hatsume learned that the hard way, but at-least for Gil, she was finally free, and hopefully, for the last time, of Hatsume's humiliation, but she still had to be cautious, any slip-ups might lead to her getting back in on that receiving end...!

Gil slipped away while Hatsume tended to the... Problem, she was having with her backside, Gil gathered-up her phone quickly, making sure it was close to her for when she needed it...!

"...Alright, Hatsume, you're so totally going to get it now...!" Gil made a shot right for Hatsume, head down leading in like a javelin, spearing head first with her horns into Hatsume's gut, attempting to back her into the corner, and then, she'd use the horns again, and again, as many times as necessary to knock Hatsume onto her rear! She rose her head and looked down at Hatsume, a sly grin plastered across her face! She was slightly dazed, but otherwise in alright condition, certainly better than her opponent! Gil turned around, and figure if she was going to end this, she was going to end it in the most humiliating way she knew how...! She rolled down her bottoms, just below her butt, then backed her bare-ass into Hatsume's face...!

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

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Hatsume would groan, dazed and unaware of where she was, before then getting a massive tackle right to her stomach, knocking her into the ropes, only for Gil to do it a second time, over and over, before she then fell to her knees, clutching her gut and groaning. "What the-" before she could even respond, Gil spun around, dropping her bottoms, making the milf go wide eyed. "Don't you-mmmph!" Hatsume was muffled as her face sank deep between Gil bare ass cheeks, as she slammed straight into her face with a bare-assed kneeling stinkface! "MPPPPHHH NGHHHH!" As if she wasn't loud before, now Hatsume was releasing muffled screams into Gil's ass!

It was conflicting as she was hating this, but also loving it, but ALSO REALLY HATING IT. Unfortunately, regardless of her feelings, the plump girl was stunned and left without many options aside from pushing against Gil's hips, trying to create some degree of space as Gil's plum rump continued to grind and smush across her face, her lungs burning heavily from the lack of breathing room.

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

Unread post by Arista »

All the back-and-fourths in this match had created some relatively high tension, and surely one hell of an entertaining match, maybe Eiji Matsumoto's worst nightmare, but fun for a lot of other people...!

Gil dropped her bottoms down and forced Hatsume's face between her bare-cheeks, a harsh blush, but also a wide, almost sadistic smile gracing Gil's face as she rubbed her hips back and fourth, only serving to further drive and wedge poor Hatsume's face deeper and deeper in her ass...!

Hatsume put fourth the only effort she could, but it really wasn't enough, and Gil couldn't help but rub it in in more ways than one...! "...Daww, sorry! But there isn't a chance that's going to work, you aren't strong enough to escape this one, plus, you're right where you want to be anyhow, aren't you...?" She chuckled, not hurrying for her phone, she knew after all the heated moments and humiliations that were dished out, she needed to make sure Hatsume didn't only know she was going to lose this, but would really feel that humiliation...! "...If you want, you could always start kissing, maybe I'd consider not knocking you out then...!"

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Hatsume kept pushing against the smaller gal, unable to escape the bare bottom smother! "Mmmmmmph!" Hatsume let out a pathetic muffled cry as Gil pressed her phat ass into the milfs face, letting her thick, soft asscheeks jiggle against her face, along with pulling her deeper in, until Hatsune’s entire face was serving as a butt rag, leaving her buried in butt! Gil would clearly enjoy mocking the girl, rubbing her naked ass on Hatsume's face, wedging her in plump buttcheeks for a quite prolonged and humiliating stinkface!

It went on for what felt like forever, Hatsume had been buried some deep in Gil's ass she was beginning to think she would have her face tattooed on gil's buttcheek. But at her current moment, she could do nothing but kick and squirm uselessly, losing air in the deep smother, getting weaker and weaker, until finally, the big phat milf bully would slowly go limp, her eyes rolled into her head and arms dropped, passing out with her face wedged in Gil's ass, no match for the rams bare bottom smother!

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

Unread post by Arista »

Gil got a huge boost of energy, the excitement of dishing out a final-blow, mixed with the humiliation of it all, it was enough to make her heart nearly beat out of her chest...! Gil swayed her hips side to side, Hatsume had no choice but to let her head follow, her face was buried so deep between Gil's cheeks at this pint, there was little to nothing she could do, except maybe hope that Gil would have mercy, but that wasn't happening...!

Gil's smile only grew in size as Hatsume went limp, but she wasn't done just yet...! She pulled her phone out, and took her time getting the most perfect angle, and then... CLICK. She snapped the picture, and then, the bell rang, the match was over...!

Gil pulled a play right out of Hatsume's own playbook, as she lifted forward, attempting to keep Hatsume along for the ride, forcing Hatsume to lean forward as her face was stuck between Gil's cheeks for only a second before she fell back into the corner...! "...Sorry, she's just really obsessed with my ass...!" Gil giggled, looking back at her foe, sprawled out in her pathetic-state...! "...But really, how do you do that...?" She pulled her bottom back over her backside, and danced around, blowing kissed to the crowd who now roared, as the Goat had triumphed over the bully...!

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Re: Smother Tour; Selfies and Smothers! - Hatsume Ryo Vs. Gil "Armagilo"

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Hatsume squirmed as Gil debuted what was basically her hentai finisher, suffocating the MILF as she was wedged deep in her bare buttcrack, as she began to grind her thick, naked ass on the heavyweights face! Hatsume weakly wriggled underneath her, but it seemed that no matter what she did, Gil would smush her ass against her face more, leaving her trapped and quickly fading!

"Mmmmmph! Mmmmm... Mmmph..." She groaned, her struggles fading away as she became weaker and weaker, before she would eventually pass out with her face buried in the goat gal's bare ass! The heavyweights motherly mocking had served to bite her in the ass, and she now found herself passed out underneath her smaller foe, smothered out once and for all! This was confirmed as the referee raised Gil's hand, signaling to everyone that Gil had pulled out the win!

Hatsume would flop forward, groaning and laying on the mat, utterly defeated and squashed, her face having served as Gil's grind toy, leaving her with a rather humiliating loss!

Winner Via Smother : GIL

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