Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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Rena's rear was so thick that Karen's own leg shook from the collision - a sensation that made her laugh, as she loosened her hold on Rena in favor of a simple waistlock!

Unsure just how long she had left in this match, Karen was content with taking her time so long as said time was spent with her in charge. It wouldn't matter if they now transitioned from rest hold to rest hold - it still meant that she had the one, singular point that had been found in this match, whilst Rena naturally was left with zero!

Though damn if an idea didn't come to mind as she held Rena's thick love handles, at first holding on if only to ensure Rena didn't slip from her knee. Only to suddenly rear up!

Tilting her body as she did, Karen's smile was plain for all to see as she looked to bring Rena up and back - in a German suplex!

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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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Rena was hoping that she would be released, even if it meant dropping on the canvas in a vulnerable position, she would have time to roll away and get some distance between them. Karen was resilient though, she wasn't about to release Rena and kept latching on her like a koala, not allowing Rena to separate even an inch between them.

Rena cursed, but she was hiked up and forced into position for something, something that Rena was unsure off until it was time for her boots to once again leave the ground and her body being lifted off. It was similar to what she had just experience, but this time instead of being dropped back down onto Karen's waiting knee, she would be given a full crescent swing upwards, with her head and shoulders slamming right down upon the canvas instead!


Rena would release a grunt, the impact was solid, and her body colliding with the canvas was enough to make the entire damn ring shake as the heavy weight was re-introduced to the ground after that German Suplex. Things were not going well for the blonde anymore. What started as a conquest, is now turning into a losing battle!
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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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Karen barely resisted the urge to spring to her feet and jiggle on the spot - to and fro with her fists punching the air - as if to show how effortless this encounter was becoming. Rena was a tough woman, and even when caught off guard she was still a heavy figure to heave and throw, but Karen for the most part had stopped Rena getting the initiative.

And with growing confidence on the part of the kneeling blue haired amazon, came outright cockiness.

Humming a tune as she pushed herself onto all fours, Karen would soon see about closing the distance with Rena in the most casual of manners. Dumping Rena onto her shoulder blades and upper back, Karen would already have Rena right where she wanted on her back and all. And if she was so rude as to move, then Karen would simply see about slapping her back into the position she wanted!

For being flat to her back, Rena would find Karen looking to rather carelessly clamber atop of her, tummy to tummy and breast to breast. Though not for long, as her hands looked to grab tight hold of Rena's biceps and practically squeeze them within her hands. Enough to keep them out of the way, as the heavy bust of Karen looked to slide across that collarbone and neck of the blonde. Before she'd make a home for them on Rena's face!

With Karen pressing fully, strength and weight, in an effort to smother Rena and set her face alight with pure heat!

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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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After two heavy blows, it was obvious Rena would seek some solace in just laying on her back and recovering. When it was against Karen though, she figured that would not happen as the woman decided to make sure Rena remained on her back. Not just that, Rena would find the weight increase when Karen climbed on top of her, making sure Rena could not get away from what was about to happen next.

There was a subtle body to body to press, though with their kinds of curves, anything would be far from subtle, considering even the slightest push or press would end up bringing those globes they call breasts into a bulging mess.

Karen's plan became evident when she pushed fully upwards. The body to body was not brief, but it wasn't the final destination and soon enough Rena's face would be met with warm, sweaty darkness. Her entire face disappeared underneath Karen's massive chest, and with it her ability to breathe and speak properly. Rena would quickly begin to buck her body upwards, though it was weak at first thanks to the German Suplex still having riled her up, it would get increasingly wilder!
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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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The smile across Karen's face as she locked in the breast smother was quite an odd one. It was mostly confidence, delving far into the realms of cockiness, courtesy of the fact that she had the singular point in this match and she felt as though she was closing in on a second. But there was a twinge in her eye - a little shake of her eyebrow every now and then as Rena pressed back against her. Even in such a dominant position, she couldn't help but feel Rena's own larger pair struggling against her midriff. A sensation heightened all the more as Rena's massive chest rose and fell rapidly, courtesy of the fact the older woman couldn't breathe. Was this jealousy? That for a rare change, she absolutely wasn't the largest woman in the ring?

She'd shake her thoughts out quite literally, splattering sweat just about everywhere around her as her short locks shook back and forth. With her brow tensing up, as she doubled down both with her grip, and her glare atop of those blonde locks.

Rena's cheeks were boiling hot, but Karen's bust turned the heat up even further courtesy of that tight skin contact. Rena was probably struggling to describe internally just what was happening to her, given that she was about to border on drowning, given the amount of sweat upon her face...

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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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It was total prison for Rena, having no vision, barely hearing anything and the temperature was dramatically increasing by the second. Even the crow's cheering was muffled thanks to Karen's massive chest oozing over her face and completely covering her entire head. Even when Rena wanted to find air through an open mouth, it was simply plugged him by tit flesh! Rena tried not to panic, even though she was basically being squashed by her opponent, a humiliating pin that had no other function than to smother Rena from further air.

Rena's legs kicked against the canvas, her feet shifting to plant themselves upon it and would buck her body up a few timers, trying to find proper leverage to use to catapult Karen off her. Rena held most sounds, though there was a groan that would escape her here and there thanks to Karen pressed down upon her entire body. Rena's own massive breasts were bulging and flattening underneath Karen's warm, powerful body. For now, the blonde kept struggling, she still had air left in her lungs and she was planning to use it in trying to escape Karen's fleshy prison!
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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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The longer the hold went on the more exhausted Rena would become, but Karen knew from experience that in a position like this being entrapped for so long only infuriated the victim all the more. Even more so given that Karen had slowly been dismantling the bustier Rena from move to move for a good while now, with the crowd fully - if silently - behind the swing of the darker haired woman.

Turning her head as Rena began to slap and struggle at her sides, Karen opted to turn things up a notch despite Rena's lack of strong resistance to the colossal smother thus far. For she knew said resistance was coming - it was a case of when, not if!

With her cocky grin filling her face, albeit with a brief shudder of her lips courtesy of the sweat rolling down her cheeks, Karen would get a feeling for where the two of them were in the ring before suddenly falling back. Willingly!

Chuckling ominously as she did so, Karen had not given Rena the top spot out of confidence, for the moment her back touched the canvas Rena would find the tree trunk thighs of Karen trying to ensnare her waistline! Ankles crossing above the spine of Rena, the blonde would perhaps be grateful that Karen was putting less focus into crushing her waistline with that scissors as she was focused on simply staying latched. For in engrossing the blonde like this, Karen would make it that much harder to escape her massive breasts - breasts which seemed to swallow the head of Rena all the more, given their position now! With Karen pulling the face of Rena deeper into her bosom as she lay to her back, with a wiggle of her torso given as she did. Almost as if she was trying to slide Rena's chin beneath the fabric of her infamous boob window - just to make it that much harder to pull away!

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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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It starting to become clear to Rena that Karen wasn't going to let her go, and every little more where Rena thought she could break free, was met with more resistance from Karen. With Rena not being able to see what was happening, she was taken down to the canvas, on top of her opponent but not given a moment to catch her breathe or even go for a straddle.

After all, for the time being it was the Karen show, and she was the dictator of the segment, with Rena forced to lay on top of Karen, with Karen's shapely, powerful legs wrapping around her body, ankles crossed and Rena's body properly captured while Rena's head was pretty much disappearing within Karen's bust thanks to the leverage she had now. It was a steady pull on both her body and her head, and Rena wasn't getting free any time soon.

The air she had was going to be used to break free, Rena's hands clenched into tight fists and decided to go for more rough kind of punishment to break free. After all, this position was good for something but she needed her head free first. So, Rena would begin to punch Karen's sides repeatedly. She mainly did this to make Karen let go of her head, to allow Rena to pop her head free from those tits so she could escape her fleshy prison and go for her own counter attack. Karen's legs would have to wait, even though they were hurting her more and more.
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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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Karen was holding on with intent to crush Rena's skull, with the imagined image in her mind forming of Rena outright blacking out from her raw power - never mind the fact she couldn't breathe! To have Rena black out, which in turn would allow Karen a lengthy moment of rest and refreshment before continuing the Ironman match, would of put victory well and truly in her gasp. It didn't matter how thick and strong Rena's frame was - if Karen was to be allowed said moment of recovery, she'd be on the back burner and then some!

Rena naturally, had no interest in being pressed against the heaving chest of Karen for a second longer. Pushing against Karen's wide sides, her fists would find their mark and then some, with Karen roaring and groaning in expected fashion. Whilst she would try and tense her body to its absolute limits, flexing and squeezing Rena's head all the whilst to ensure this girl would cease and give in, Karen's body would hit its limits long before Rena's tenacity burnt out.

With more strikes finding their mark by the second, and each and every one of those strikes building on the latter, Karen was all at once forced to release her right arm in favor of trying to restrain Rena's arm!

Her smother would still be in place as the darker haired amazon tried to reign Rena in, but it was quite literally less than half as effective as it was just a moment ago!

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Re: Karen S. Vs Rena R. - Strongest Base

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This was the moment Rena was waiting for, the moment she needed in order to put effort into escaping again. Rena wasn't immortal, she needed air in order to have her body keep operating to her commands and right now she was on very short supply of it. Once one arm left her head, it was time to stop punching and go back to push.

While Karen sought to capture her arm, Rena was going for the same. Sure, she couldn't see where Karen's arm was going, but she didn't need to. After two more punches, the next collision would be with Rena's open palms hitting Karen's side, then quickly slid upwards along Karen's body, going to Karen's armpits, then upwards to get to solid grips on those arms, fighting Karen to stop her from actually knocking Rena out this way. Rena's hands would clamp upon Karen's arms, the same way Karen went to grab Rena's arm to look for a restraint.

However, Rena would begin to twist to the side, trashing with all her might while pushing against Karen's arms, looking to try and break the smother completely!
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