LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Honoka wasn't putting great power into her shots, but such was not by accident. She knew that even with her notable strength, the chances of her actually causing striking damage to a figure such as Elisa's was next to none. Instead she focused on making her shots quick, in an effort to ruffle the bigger woman's feathers.

"AHA..GOTCHA..WOA..!" Far too keen on the uptake, Honoka initially found herself falling to her side as Elisa rolled with unstoppable momentum, bringing herself onto her back, with Honoka nearly falling to her side! Frustrated that she let herself get so knocked, so easily, Honoka quickly buried her figure back atop Elisa's own; legs straddling as she took a seat on that soft, bouncy tummy; knees grazing against Elisa's enormous rack, as her hands came forward to clench her foes shoulders.

"AS I WAS SAYING...Gotcha..."

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Elisa was equal parts impressed and worried as Honoka managed to keep herself somewhat stable as the bigger woman turned on her back, Honoka stumbling to the side but being quick to drop her body on top of the gentle giant's soft tummy.

" Yeah, you got me " The gentle giant would giggle, before bringing her arms up to Honoka's thigh and breast respectively. One hand slowly carressing and massaging her opponent's thigh while the other hand groped one of Honoka's sizable orbs and fondle the other woman.

" What will you do now though? Did you think this far ahead " Elisa would ask, as she tried to catch her breath as she stayed under her opponent. Biding her time to get back as much energy as possible before the strong spirited lightweight launched her own attack.
Last edited by RJD on Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Honoka as ever despised the wandering hands upon her, even more so given the figure that owned them had already ground her so tightly against her for much of the match. But even the lightweight could force herself through humiliating situations such as now, albeit with a monstrous blush, when the moment called for such.

"Did I think this fa-TCH..YOU'RE UNDERESTIMATING ME!" Her booming voice disguising the fact that Honoka had indeed not planned this far, the pinkette quickly forced motion upon herself to try and seize such a rare advantage as having a heavyweight beneath her. Hands briefly coming to the mitts that fondled her, Honoka would attempt a brief slap to both as she moved her torso forward; knowing for a fact that if she didn't move quick enough, or opted to try and push Elisa's arms first, the giant would simply catch her.

Forcing her torso forward and down, Honoka's blush would weirdly decrease, as she gave the bigger Scot a taste of that which she had fondled so. Laying fully on the heavyweight, Honoka attempted to hook her arms tightly around Elisa's head, to yank it up into her thick, giant bosom!

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Elisa was enjoying exploring her opponent's body, quite entranced in her otherworldly expedition. Although her trance would be broken by her opponent's sudden outburst. The gentle giant surely would have leaped from the unexpected noise, had she been on her feet and had her large but thick body agreed to such a dangerous feat. After the words took time to sink in though the gentle giant had to forcibly stop herself from breaking into a giggle, not wanting to fuel the poor woman's clear complex any further.

The gentle giant would then receive two slaps on the wrist though, disarming her of her enticing weapon's of choice before Honoka brought her body down straight atop the Scot's own, Elisa's large orbs meeting the other wrestler's flat muscly stomach as Honoka's own heavyweight sized jugs squished into the gentle giant's pretty face, her features being jostled and teased by Honoka's welcoming cleavage and pillow like breasts.

" Hmmth..." Elisa slowly mouthed out, her words been muffled and then completely stifled when the lightweight hooked her arms securely around the gentle giant's face and thrust her into the alluring ravine between her orbs, squishing Elisa's puffy cheeks against her large orbs. The gentle giant was certainly surprised by her opponent's strong smother, being in awe at what her opponent could achieve through enthusiasm and complete confidence. Elisa having no other choice but to use her hands to try and push against Honoka's sides to remove the woman atop her, hopefully prying her face from Honoka's chest in the process.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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The smother was a move rarely used by Honoka, but even in its rarity, it still found great success. She was hardly flat chested, after all. With arms locked as tightly as they could muster around the long locks of the Scot, Honoka pulled tightly whilst pressing her front in harder, attempting to ensure the move was as effective, and restricting as possible.

Rolling her eyes and grunting as the unsurprising moan came from the bigger figures lips, another unsurprisingly moment soon hit the lightweight as Elisa's desires to stay in the match itself ensured a escape attempt was quickly made. Knowing for a fact she couldn't compete directly with the strength of her much larger foe, and that escape for Elisa was now a case of when, not if, Honoka simply resolved herself to stay latched as tightly as she could for as long as possible; clenching her eyes, as in vain, she tried to resist Elisa's push.

"Ghh..if you stay like can be a nice soft...match end for you!" Hooking her right leg only slightly around the hip of the bigger woman, Honoka ensured her leg didn't go all the way around and under Elisa's figure as to avoid her weight pressing down on it, whilst at the same time, gaining slightly more leverage to pull her figure down.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Elisa would contine to struggle and try to slide her head away from Honoka's chest to little success, her hair getting ruffled as she struggled to escape and Honoka's arms tightly wrapped around her head and locks." Hmnnn...hmm!"

Perhaps it was obvious to most that it was only a matter of time before Elisa freed herself, but the gentle giant certainly wasn't aware of such a fact, focusing too much on fighting air deprivation and the soft flesh pressing against her nose and lips. In her desperation the heavyweighy would do all she could to try and ensure an early escape, squirming and swaying from one side to the other as she purposefully pushed Honoka's body in the opposite direction for each respective sway.

Elisa starting to find it harder to struggle as one of her opponent's legs sneaked under her hip, making it harder for the gentle giant to shake her off. The gentle giant trying to push her opponent back into a sitting position instead, sending that she wouldn't be able to fully throw Honoka off her due to the hooked leg.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Somehow holding on yet still, with perhaps Elisa's enjoyment of that thick bosom upon her face foiling her efforts to shove her off, Honoka couldn't help but grin. She was still more than aware of the fact that she'd be pushed off Elisa sooner or later, but right now, she could hardly frown at her progress. Every second she held the move, was another second Elisa couldn't breathe after all.

But even with her firm arms locked, and that single leg pulling, Honoka's giant chest soon began to lift up from the bigger Scot. A grunt of annoyance would squeak its way out of Honoka's lips, her head shaking as she tried to pull her frame back flat. She of course failed, with the bigger, sterner arms of Elisa ensuring she couldn't get close enough again for the move to even be partially effective.

Following the bigger figures suggestion somewhat, Honoka would opt to pull back under her own control as opposed to allow Elisa to shove her further. Now sat upon a giant pair of thick, spongy hips, Honoka hooked both legs to the side of her foe as she caught her breath, not to scissor, but merely straddle, as she thought about how next to try and deal with the prone heavyweight.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Elisa's mighty struggle would eventually manage to forcibly separate herself from Honoka's generous bust, of course the gentle giant would love to inspect them closer some other time, but the embarrassment of being overpowered and smothered by the smaller woman was enough to make her put boobs into the back of her mind for at least a moment.

The gentle giant would almost immediately gasp for air as her opponent's chest was lifting slightly from her face, that gasp transitioning into just a somewhat controlled panting by the time Honoka slotted herself atop the gentle woman's giant hips. " You...really wanted me in there huh? " Elisa would joke, wasting some precious air to make a quip as she lifted her hands above her chest as she caught her breath. The Scot waiting for Honoka to act before counterattacking rather than going through the gruelling struggle of sitting up and trying to catch the slippery wrestler.

Elisa would try to move her legs though, just to get a sense for how restricted they were, and pretty quickly figuring out that she wasn't very restricted from the hold and assuming that it was just for Honoka to secure her position atop. Information which would likely be convenient for the gentle giant later, Elisa perhaps being one of the few wrestlers her size who'd shamelessly play to a much smaller opponent's tune in order to have the time and knowledge needed to come up with a plan.

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

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Giving but a wink at Elisa's query, Honoka was happy herself to try and form a plan; the tummy of Elisa soft and spongy, more than adequate for Honoka's cute plump rear to sit upon as she both allowed energy and breath to return to her frame. She knew Elisa would be tough, purely from her size alone let alone anything else, she just hadn't considered how tough.

Never mind throwing her lifting manoeuvres out the window; nigh every move Honoka could think of was hitting something of a soft, busty brick wall! "Gahh..!" Muttering to herself as she stomped her foot to the side of Elisa in frustration, with both figures seemingly happy with just catching breath and forming plans, the latter would quickly hit Honoka following her second long tantrum.

Eyes turning appropriately sly, Honoka would offer no rebuff to this next move. Suddenly shimmying forward, using her own hands which gripped Elisa's sides to push herself so, Honoka's plump rear would briefly bounce upon the giant chest of her foe, before seemingly trying to drop said rear right on her face! Going from a breast smother, straight into a facesit, with but a few seconds of rest!

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Re: LAW First!: Honoka Kobayashi Vs. Elisa Hamilton - David & Goliath

Unread post by RJD »

" Ouch, that was excessive Elisa would complain as Honoka's foot stomped into her side, the gentle giant looking at her opponent's irritated face and noticing a sudden change in expression. The purple haired wrestler would then feel Honoka's welcoming thighs and surprisingly plump rear inch up her body until she landed upon the bigger woman's chest, squishing toosh first into her heavy chest leaving a sensation that was painful but did give Elisa the slightest of pleasure.

The gentle giant was starting to question her decision to stay on the mat now as her breathing rate finally started to return to normal after that breast smother, Elisa not being able to move her chest enough to shame the other woman off and would settle for the best next thing by pushing against her opponent's hips with her soft hands.

Elisa would momentarily lose her defence though when Honoka bounced on her chest, earning a slight cry before the smaller wrestler quickly lifted her hips over Elisa's arms and plopped her wholesome posterior right on the giant's undefended face.

" Hnmn " Elisa would cry, her words being muffled as the whole weight of Honoka fell into her face, the woman's tasty thick thighs carressing the gentle giant's cheeks while her crotch reading pushed against Elisa's lips, Honoka's crevice being slotted nicely on the bigger woman's chin as her crotch and thick thighs consumed and covered the Scot's face.

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