When Húxiān finally turned around however, she was greeted with the sight of Rise trying to put her bikini on. A bikini that had been literally torn off of her. As in, the fabric had been torn apart. Upon seeing that Rise was attempting to put on her ripped bikini, Húxiān burst out laughing.
"Are you fucking stupid? How is a ripped bikini going to cover you up?" sneered Húxiān as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. "I guess idols do tend to be bimbos though."
Side note
Dragon Sleeper (NSFW)
"So I have revealed to you that this 'idol' is nothing more than a bimbo and a slut!" yelled Húxiān to the crowd. "You ready to see more of this bitch's secrets revealed?!" Upon hearing Húxiān's proclamation, the crowd would begin cheering wildly as if it were eager to see more sexual indignities be brought to bear on the helpless Rise.
"See, Risette? There's no shame in being an idiot slut---these degererate fuckers are totally eating that shit up," said Húxiān to Rise in a condescending tone, a malicious sneer adorning her face.